Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

When will you release the Audit Report?????

Reader's selected comment (extract): posted on October 4, 2009 10:53 AM
On He is our Bishop posted on October 3, 2009 6:50 PM

Anonymous said...

Dr Medhat Gurgis, Thank you for finally completing and signing off on the financial status for the dioceses and HGBD, it has taken you months to finalise and was a ploy to delay his return!!!

Dr Medhat Gurgis, when are you as "SECRETARY" of the diocese going to reveal that the financial status was found to be 100% correct?

Dr Medhat Gurgis, are you going to state that the allegations of Uncle "A" 's, Nazmy Antonios, Haney Gayed and their anonymous friends using "DUMMY" email accounts were all wrong, fabricated and designed to mislead the community?
Dr Medhat Gurgis, when are you and your wife going to apologise for the allegations you made relating to Volume Plus and HGBD, and all the other matters YOU raised?
Dr Medhat Gurgis,

When are the audit reports with the findings into the THREE colleges going to be disclosed?
(They were completed half a year ago)

Uncle "A", when are you and your loud mouth disciple Haney Gayed going to apologise for the accusations levelled against HGBD and Father Yousef as revealed in the telephone conversation that was previously posted? On that note, UNCLE”A”, we hope you followed it up with the police as you threatened to do with respect of the alleged illegal telephone recording that you were so concerned about. As you are fully aware you can make a complaint to CRIME STOPPERS.
UNCLE”A” are you going to keep your word and stay away from the diocese when HGBD returns?
UNCLE”A”, are you going to stand down from the role of Sunday school superintendent? UNCLE”A”, we consider the vast majority of the community reject you having any association with the diocese in light of your recent exposure? Do you agree???

Haney Gayed, "the umbrella bearer", & "Loud Mouth" are you going to continue to use the school for political exposure and gains? I do not think you will get any support from the Coptic Community.
Haney Gayed are you going to apologise for the outrages allegations you put in writing and sent to Egypt about HGBD behind the scenes?

Fayeze Hanania do you still think it is appropriate you have any involvement in the diocese when HGBD returns, considering your association with the AOE?

Father Antonios, are you going to continue in the college?
Father Antonios we remind you that Father Yousef was a Gentleman, and stepped aside when the AOE set him up, this is despite the fact he had done nothing wrong at all.

"Uncle A", are you going to apologise for scare mongering Father Augustine away, after he was decreed by HGBD to be the director of the college, so as to pave the way for Father Antonios, with the aid of Bishop Bishoy.


To, Mr Khairy Grace, of the PVA, have you and your MEMBERS Especially JOE finally accepted the findings of Bishop Bishoy relating to Father Pavlos? Are you going to continue to vindicate this persecuted man? Looks like all your meetings, threats and words are meaningless and you have bitterly failed, YOU FAILED!!! Are you now supporting BISHOP BISHOY, after you openly stated he was corrupt and persecuted Father Pavlos? Why the change of HEART? There is clearly a lot of Hypocrisy, wheeling and dealing, and back office negotiating taking place? It is no surprise all those opposed to HGBD have banded together to destroy this simple and persecuted man.

Finally, we as a community hope that you all consider your future association with the diocese; this includes all the side kick named as members of the Axis of Evil.



  1. The Great supporter, the only supporter of the AOE has spoken on their behalf:
    Hey Ib,

    You and Mary really believe that this Bishop is a god, don't you? He works for God, HE IS NOT A god!!

    Mary is about to leave her church because without the Bishop we apparently have no church??????? Grow up Mary, the Bishop is a man who has made way too many mistakes! AND got caught. This is why he has not been allowed to come back to Australia and HE NEVER WILL come back.

    I don't know what sunday school she attended but the only way we do not have a church is if we do not have Christ.

    And Ib, you really have learnt how to pontificate, you babble so much that you are starting to think that you are the Bishop!

    I like your new friends, the freedom fighters, WOW they make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    So lets summarise;
    1) Bishop left Sydney December last year (to be incarserated by the Pope)
    2) Promises to come back at Christmas (not here)
    3) Promises to come back at Lent (not here)
    4) Promises to come back at Easter (Not Here)
    5) Promises to come back at Pentecost (NOT HERE)
    6) Promises to come back for ordination of Bishop Daniel of the Monastery (NOT HERE)
    7) Promises to come back for El Nayrouz ( NOT HERE)
    8) He is not here and is not coming back!

    We all know why he has been withheld in Egypt! Let me remind you
    1) He broke the Schools
    2) All he does is purchase property
    3) No Spirutality
    4) Drives a wedge between people
    5) Outright lies to people
    6) Blames everything on everyone else except himself
    7) Goes overseas on many costly trips with no purpose
    8) Hires criminals to attack clergy and laity
    9) The monastery (fr pavlos) lie
    10) wants more power (wants to be a metropolitan of this region)
    11) Addicted to technology
    12) Addicted to paperwork
    13) addicted to money
    14) destroys priests and people that disagree with him (holds a grudge)

    You need to wake up to yourselves Ib and Mary and friends. The man is broken and will NOT be coming back.

    How shameful would it be if he did come back after all the issues he has caused.

    Keep up your campagin against people who are trying to keep the church from collapsing, such as Dr Medhatt, Uncle Fayez and Unlce Amir to name a few.

    You need to get a new hobby. A year of this rubbish is getting a bit old.


    This Tig, must be on the pay roll, it would be nice if a real live individual came out in support of the AOE, we can only pray for the desperate mob. Looks like the pressure is getting to the foolish AOE and there dwindling mob. they hate exposure.

    Rafik Salim

  2. Dear Rafik

    Thank you for your comment.

    The beginning of your comment is shocking. But no wonder if you are defending your uncles. We understand.

    Mate, we don’t blame you. You are one of many who are blinded by the deceiving behavior of the AOE especially the trio "your uncles". Quite a few members of our team were actually like you and the Lord has opened their eyes and saw the fruits of your uncles' grudge! They discovered that it is all about power and ego. We also found that every single one of them have PERSONAL ISSUES with HG, which have nothing to do with their allegations.

    Please read Mat 7:15-20 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor [can] a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them."

    You said "the Bishop is a man who has made way too many mistakes! AND got caught." We will ask you the obvious question; who doesn't do mistakes? Don't we? Don't you? Don't they (your uncles)?!

    Don’t forget that they were his advisers. We believe they were forced on him, he did not choose them. If you are a CEO in any company, wouldn't you like to choose your advisers, ask your uncle Amir “the management guru”!

    Rafik, you seem to be an intelligent guy to know that the only one who doesn't do mistakes is the one who does not do anything.

    Then you said “AND got caught”. You know what; they got caught too! They could not prove any of their allegations. Please ask uncle Medhat who just signed up on a document clearing the Diocese' financial situation which was at the core of their uprising.

    Your argument that HG is held in Egypt is a sign of guilt is not substantiated. He is there because he is obedient to his church leader and master HH Pope Shenouda III and waiting for his order to go back to his seat. You see, the main things in Christianity which "your uncles" know and choose to ignore are obedience and humbleness.

    Are you implying that HG Bishop Sorial (Diocese of Melbourne) was punished when he was away from his seat for two years?! Ask the Victorians, they learnt the lesson!!

    Dear Rafik, your 14 points are their propaganda. Mate, be yourself and don't believe everything you hear.

    Here is our promise; we said it before and we will say it again, we are happy to publish “front page” any proven allegation (must be with documents). The offer is extended to you and to anyone of the AOE or the Trio. We know for a fact that they monitor this blog. So, if they don't take up this offer, what do you make of it?! “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" Mat 13:9

    To date we have not received anything. So please do your homework and come back to us. We pray to the Lord to open your eyes to who is the real evil.

    SMC Rescue Team

  3. sorry people
    you understood wrong
    I did not write the email
    this email was sent out by tig news news
    tig is amir hanna's mouth piece
    it could be amir hanna?? who knows

    Rafik Salim

  4. Dear Rafik

    Pleas accept our sincere apology for the misunderstanding.

    Our response can then be directed to Tig.

    SMC Rescue Team

  5. to anyone that visits this anyone who sends these shameful anyone who apparently has issues with God's anyone who continues to dig this amazing wedge in our community...

    you should all be ashamed of dare you divide this community the way it is now. what example are you setting by these contiued slanderings to the youth...who obviously have no say in this entire situation. i am a youth in this diocese and am ashamed to be part it. this is what you all have to show for yourselves...its disgusting.

    i pray that one day you will all wake up and realise that what you are doing is wrong. Ib, amir hanna, magdy, and all of the people who started this thing you are all ridiculus...trying to impose your opinions on this community which YOU HAVE DIVIDED is revolting. i am sick of getting your emails...i am sick of hearing about this and i hope to God that you stop this and let this community heal itself together again...if you have political ambitions, i am sure canberra would love to have you...but do not bring the church into it...leave the church alone...if you have issues with the administration of this church...PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...LET GOD SOLVE IT!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU PITIFUL MEN GOING TO DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! NOTHING!!!! AND YOU HAVE JUST RUINED EVERYTHING FOR THE PEOPLE WHO ARE TO BE FUTURE OF THIS CHURCH AND WHO CONTINUE TO WATCH AS YOU CONTINUE TO DIVIDE THE CHURCH!!!!!....DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ACHIEVING SOME GREAT PURPOSE????...YOU'RE NOT I ASSURE...NO ONE IS MORE DISGUSTED AND DISTURBED BY ALL THIS THAN THE YOUTH...AND IT IS YOU WE ARE DISGUSTED AT...NOT HGBD...WELL DONE...YOU HAVE BEEN TRUE AND GREAT EXAMPLES FOR THE FUTURE OF THIS COMMUNITY...EXAMPLES OF WHAT NOT TO DO...

    when will this end?
    when will you ALL grow up and just accept that it is God's will that we have HGBD?
    when are you going to be the right examples to your children?
    when will this church go back to the days that we were ONE church?
    when will you stop?...(i pray that it isnt when this community has completely disintegrated...)

    PLEASE STOP! i want to be proud of my church again...i want to be proud to say i am coptic again...i want to be able to bring up a family in a UNITED church...a church that doesnt backstab and plot against each make the crusades look like fun...

    i pray God gives you the wisdom to stop soon...

    signed...a concerned youth...

    "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to DESOLATION, and every city or house divided against itself WILL NOT STAND" Matt 12:25

    "TRUST IN THE LORD with all your heart, and lean not on YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and HE WILL DIRECT your path" Prov 3:5

  6. geezs dude, take a chill pill will ya!!

    the people who administer this site are just bitter old men. No one listens to them anyway!

    The church has always, and will always be, in Gods safe hands.

  7. im not saying God will stop caring for our saying that these men need to stop thinking they are doing God's work...when all they are doing is dividing this church...

    people hear about something for so long that they tend to start to be believe it...that's what they are doing to our church...

    btw if these men can send around long hateful emails about what HGBD is doing wrong and all this other stuff...why cant i point out what they are doing wrong...????? how about u tell them to take a chill pill...

    is it that hard to believe that a youth actually cares about what is going and speak up?
    sorry if i offended u "dude"...

    a concerned youth...
