On October 27, 2009 1:06 PM, an anonymous has left a comment on our post “A coup on a Diocese”:
SMC Rescue Team PLEASE I BEG YOU, DO NOT PRINT ANY BOOKS about ANY of what is happening.
I understand your need to have this blog going and like so many who have found it, I am grateful for your efforts in keeping a place where we can share our thoughts and concerns.
I would hate to have ANYTHING floating around for YEARS to come of what a few mere men have done that brought our church to one of it's darkest hours. This is a disturbing issue that I would like nothing more than to see it resolved and deleted from our minds.
PLEASE do not make their mistakes be OURS.
Let us all hope that we can be as forgiving as our Lord, but advertising the darkness in our church right now is not something any one of us should be encouraging. They might not have known what they have done to our church by going to the public about it, but if you print this book, you will KNOWINGLY do wrong.
I want to be proud of my Church again, not be ashamed and hide it from my children. But if you PRINT A BOOK for anyone in the world to read, they will do what lots of naive people do... and that is assume that ALL COPTIC ORTHODOX are capable of such wrong doings!!
Keep the Blog until this is resolved. But PLEASE, I would hate to have to explain to one of my children one day why their church went out of its way to PRINT the mistakes of others. That is not right!!
I don't know who is taking care of this blog, or made this decision, and honestly I don't care! But if any of you are parents, I want you to look at your children and see if PRINTING THIS BOOK will be doing the right thing by them?! by publishing it where one day it could be used against their faith in Our Lord?!
--------------------------------------------- end of comment.
Dear our Anonymous Friend,
Thank you for your comment.
Following serious and careful consideration to your concern, SMC Rescue Team decided unanimously to proceed with publishing the book for the following reasons:
We are sorry to disappoint you but we assure you of the good cause.
SMC Rescue Team PLEASE I BEG YOU, DO NOT PRINT ANY BOOKS about ANY of what is happening.
I understand your need to have this blog going and like so many who have found it, I am grateful for your efforts in keeping a place where we can share our thoughts and concerns.

Luke 23:34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”
PLEASE do not make their mistakes be OURS.

I want to be proud of my Church again, not be ashamed and hide it from my children. But if you PRINT A BOOK for anyone in the world to read, they will do what lots of naive people do... and that is assume that ALL COPTIC ORTHODOX are capable of such wrong doings!!
Keep the Blog until this is resolved. But PLEASE, I would hate to have to explain to one of my children one day why their church went out of its way to PRINT the mistakes of others. That is not right!!
Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."

--------------------------------------------- end of comment.
Dear our Anonymous Friend,
Thank you for your comment.
Following serious and careful consideration to your concern, SMC Rescue Team decided unanimously to proceed with publishing the book for the following reasons:
- Documenting history is not a selective practice.
- Individuals involved are fully grown adults. Some of them are holding high positions in their careers as well as in the Diocese. As such, they have KNOWINGLY acted the way they did. .
- Plans were underway for their evil work for quite some time. We refer you to Fr Antonios Kaldas’ blog, specifically the post “Looking Forward to the Past” on 7th April 2008 and the post “Episcopi Vagantes” on 12 December 2008, links respectively;
Were these posts coincidental or premeditating to prepare the congregation among other things for what is to come? Or is it the Conspiracy Theory yet again? . - Their evil work is still continuing as we are writing now. .
- Fr Antonios Kaldas disagree with your reference to the destructive effect by any one on the church. If I may use an extract from the same post “Looking Forward to the Past”, he wrote “The Church is too big to be spoiled by any one individual, no matter how elevated his position may be.” .
- Fr Antonios also believes turning back to history is beneficiary. If I may use extracts from the same post “Looking forward to the Past”, he wrote “I believe that we can learn just as much from the mistakes of the past as we can from the successes. I think the Bible backs up this point of view. Take any hero of the Bible. Take Moses or David or St Peter. In the Bible you will find a balanced portrayal that reveals strengths and weaknesses, victories and failures, sins and virtues. The Bible gives us a real picture of these giants of God and of the true historical events of the people of God. Why do we fear to do the same in our own times? Would it not benefit us?”
We don’t want this to be taken in any way an attack on Fr Antonios Kaldas because it is simply not. In fact, we believe that Fr Antonios, with all our respect, was used in this dilemma by those individuals for the purpose of their hidden agenda. Unfortunately, he overlooked his own principals; “It is not enough to have noble goals. The way we go about achieving our goals is often just as important as the goals themselves. “The end does not justify the means”.
The only way to reverse this decision is via a Holy Synod Committee or a Clerical Council to bring all involved to account according to everyone's role in the coup. Part of the reconciliation is to cease involving any member of AOE and their associates from any activity or service in the Diocese.
The book shall stand as a history lesson for our kids and yours (the future generations) to learn from the past and how to deal with any future AOEs. Need not to mention that the book will contain one chapter or more on last year's conspiracy at SMC.
We are sorry to disappoint you but we assure you of the good cause.
SMC Rescue Team
on 24 October 2009 Father Antonios Kaldas wrote
ReplyDeletein part on http://www.stbishoy.org.au/modules/wordpress/
"Which Truth Is True?
October 24th, 2009 by Fr. Antonios Kaldas
There are many interesting contrasts to be found in history. By putting two personalities side by side and comparing their lives, one often gains valuable insights and lessons. Consider two famous reformers whose lives overlapped; Mohandas Ghandi (1869-1948) and American Senator Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957).
For those who may not be aware of their stories, Mohandas Ghandi was an Indian lawyer who fought for civil rights for Indians in South Africa and then later was one of the leaders of the movement to achieve the independence of India from British rule.
Senator Joseph McCarthy was also a lawyer who became a Republican senator in the USA from 1947-1957, the post-war period when communist Russia was growing in power and spreading its influence around the world. Many in the USA felt as threatened by communism as they do today by Muslim extremists and terrorists. This led to the “Cold War”, in which no actual fighting took place between Russia and America, but a tense state of rivalry existed continuously. McCarthy was at the forefront of the movement to keep communism out of America."
Father likens himself to the latter people!!
Is our church going through a revolution?
It is a very nice history lesson though.
To answer his question
Which Truth Is True?
Heavely Father the ruler of all,
ReplyDeleteI make this simple request for our Church,
Gracious God that you will not fail to provide Priests who are rich in wisdom and holiness
and ready to defend the light of the Gospel to the very ends of the earth.
Most gracious Heavenly Father,
We thank you for our faithful priests and Bishops,
whose spiritual fatherhood and example of fidelity, self-sacrifice, and devotion is so vital to the faith of us your children.
May our spiritual fathers be guided by the examples of Saints Peter and Paul,
all the Apostles and their saintly successors. Give them valiant faith in the face of confusion and conflict,
hope in time of trouble and sorrow,
and steadfast love for you,
for their families,
and for all your Children throughout the world. May the light of your Truth shine through their lives and their good works.
Assist ALL spiritual fathers,
that through your Grace they may steadily grow in holiness and in knowledge and understanding of your Truth.
May they generously impart this knowledge to those who rely on them.
I ask this
Through the Holy and blessed name
Of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Stay true to your cause;
ReplyDeleteBeloved SMC Team;
I suggest that this blog's pursuit to respond to all that's communicated and published by certain Copts in the community is futile. It further divides, distracts and deviates from the purpose of the SMC mission.
I refer you to your earliest posts when your focus was to ensure that the college is efficiently managed and that all resources are channelled to the benefit of the school and the community.
Personal attacks and counter attacks will bring in more damage than good. The only side I am taking in this argument is the edifying and benefit of our church and community. As with any conflict, both sides of this issue have committed serious offences, caused enough damage and failed to observe decency in some of their dealings.
It appears that your decision to disappoint “the anonymous” request to halt the book’s progress was taken in less than a day if not within few hours. I am astonished at the speed of “serious and careful consideration ………., SMC Rescue Team decided unanimously” I wish that all matters be given more time to ensure that a wise outcome is reached.
My Beloved SMC Rescue Team, I do not have any personal association of any of you or whom you refer to as AOE. I know many of the parties involved through the school, community or church function and I have formed my own views on what to believe, support and advocate. One thing I want to assure you of is that I continue to see you all as servants and co-workers in the and hence I wish to express my deepest love to all involved. It’s our Lord who will examine all of our work as with fire.
Beloved SMC; stop, evaluate and assess the outcomes of the last 5 months’ posts. Did we achieve any benefit from them away from deepening the gulf between the different factions? What real values did we achieve for the school?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteStay true to your cause;
Beloved SMC Team;
COPTICHISTORY.ORG ??????????????????
October 29, 2009 1:52 PM
ReplyDelete"My Beloved SMC Rescue Team, I do not have any personal association of any of you or whom you refer to as AOE"????????????????????????????
sounds worried!!!
Dear our Anonymous Friend (comment on 29/10/2009 @1.52pm),
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment.
We would like to assure you that there was lots of deliberation prior to our unanimous decision not to halt publishing the book. There was 31 hours between the anonymous comment and our response.
If you have been following our blog; sometimes we give instant response to some comments, which is quite common in blogging. However, in this particular instant our response to our anonymous friend (within 3 hours) was out of the norm, for the first time since the start of the blog, by saying;
“We value your concern and your contribution to the blog. Therefore, we need to prepare the appropriate response for you and the rest of our valued readers. We will post our reply ASAP.”
If you see we have responded in a record time, well that is flattering complement rather than a criticism due to the dedication of our team and because the decision to publish the book was not taken lightly in the first place.
We will choose to pass your criticism despite its unfairness and proceed to the objective part.
We can see the smoke screen in your comment as you failed to “Stay true to your cause” of your comment.
You failed to state your true objection to the book. Are you worried that it will expose a few that you know and very close to you? Or are you, or anyone you know, unhappy that the truth will come to light?!
As to the drift from the earlier posts, we have realized that the school issue is not isolated from the Diocese affairs. In fact people who hijacked the Diocese are the very same people who contributed great deal to the downfall of the school jeopardizing our kids’ future. You see, we are dealing with the very same individuals who have taken us for a ride to advance their own evil coup on the Diocese and HGBD.
Therefore, for the school to heal and flourish, we came to a conclusion that is the cancerous parts had to be cut off first.
Your opinion that both sides have committed offences is not fair because we are in self defense.
Can you tell us what interest does any member of the AOE has in the school?
Schools are usually very tempting soft targets for any politics, which is wrong. We all observe just about all politicians holding babies and shaking hands with school children before elections. AOE and their associates done the same. They have used our struggle to have a functional school to sensationalize their own agenda and to give their coup some credibility and legitimacy.
Therefore, we have decided that no one would defend our kids' interest and welfare better than us.
As for the achievements of the past five months; to remove a big tree that has been rooting for years and years, you need lots of pushing and shoving to weaken its grip to the ground. Only then you can remove it with ease.
We believe that all evil must be defeated. Getting there is sooner than you think.
Why don’t you join our request for a Holy Synod Committee or a Clerical Council to investigate thoroughly and bring all involved to account?
We owe it to our kids that is until this happens, we will continue tirelessly until the truth prevails and we have the school of their dream and for the future Coptic generations.
SMC Rescue Team
I agree with the comment of SMC,
ReplyDeleteFather Antonios can resign from the college,
Focus on his selected Vocation,
His Vow, "priesthood" and leave our college and children alone. He is an unwanted director imposed on us by the cunning of Uncle"A" Amir.
He started this when he wanted to seperate the college from the diocese without even consulting the parents, why?????????
I was never asked, and I don't know ant parents that were.
where was the consultation???
It was with the CEO of AOE Uncle "A",
Uncle "A" has no children at our schools,
stay away and leave us alone.
We have had enough and are sick of it.
Father Antonios why do you want to remove the college from the diocese, tell us all.
It is an obsession of yours Father Antonios because you hate HGBD and we all know.
Father Antonios,
ReplyDeleteDo you agree we the parents have a right to have a say as to who is the director of our college where our children go to school?
Dear SMC,
ReplyDeletewhere there is fire,
there is SMOKE,
I smell smoke.
Mr "Stay true to your cause",
ReplyDeleteWhy you did not say a thing about the propaganda that Amir Hanna is feeding coptichistory.org with and shoving down our throat by emails?! Or is it convenient for you?!
Why don't you talk to him or to Fr Antonios?
Frankly, we do not trust any of you.
At least, so far we have found no fibs in this blog.
Dear SMC
ReplyDelete"MR Stay true to your cause;
Beloved SMC Team;"
I have read the comment three times,
It sounds very much like the writings of Father Antonios.
This is very confusing as to why they wouldpost such a comment after the writings of Amir Hanna.
It is very disappointing.
Father Antonios,
ReplyDeleteYou seem to write a lot of random things on your blog.
Father Can I ask you,
Do you recall the vow you took when you became a priet?
You do know what a vow is.
It is a solemn promise befor God Almighty.
Surely you would not break a promise to god.
If you do not reply I will post the Vow you took just to remind you in case you have forgotten.
I would question the integrity of any person that swears a promise to God In the church befor the altar, and then breaks it because of a personality conflict.
If you do not want to uphold your VOW, leave the priesthood.
I ask Amir Hanna the same question when HGBD laid his blessed hands on Him.
Amir can you reject the Man that ordained you?
You can not have it both ways mate.
If you reject him, stand down as a Arch Deacon.
I await your response.
The Passions and desire for recognition and positions MUST be displaced by a decision to be LAST, and to serve all people.
ReplyDeleteDo not aim for human Greatness,
Aim to be more like JESUS CHRIST.
"Which Truth Is True?
ReplyDeleteOctober 24th, 2009 by Fr. Antonios Kaldas
"There are many interesting contrasts to be found in history. By putting two personalities side by side and comparing their lives, one often gains valuable insights and lessons. Consider two famous reformers whose lives overlapped; Mohandas Ghandi (1869-1948) and American Senator Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957)".
Father, is it not best to learn our hisory from the holy bible, and the great of greatest
Were either of these men christians?
I taken my children out of this school. When Fr. Antonious leaves i will bring them back.
ReplyDeletewhy boy on school camp, and get kicked by other boy get a broken arm, the teachers do nothing for two days. WHY is this right, you dont care for the children.
leave us alone
Stay true to your cause – part II;
ReplyDelete“He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him.” (Psalm 126:6)
Beloved SMC Rescue Team;
I may have not made it very clear in my earlier post how much I loved, prayed and supported the school from the very early beginning (Lidcombe days) well before Abouna Antonious, the Diocese, His Grace Bishop Daniel, SMC Rescue and AOE. My kids went to Saint Mark Coptic School at Lidcombe and now, through God’s grace they are about to graduate from Uni.
I continue to love all those dignified individuals and parties, as I believe that you are all genuine in doing your best to minister in the school, church and community. My post is not about boasting but rather a plea to stop the bleeding and arrest the hatred.
I understand your claim of self-defence and I hear your attempt to discredit my comment as a smoke screen. I am not just objecting to the book but more so to the blog’s “pursuit to respond to all that's communicated and published by certain Copts in the community”.
I acknowledge your hurt at being manipulated but what would benefit the SMC Rescue of being absorbed in changing alliance, joining side battles and discredit your own course and purpose.
You are well justified in asking why telling us that so please hear my plea; “Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you.” Proverbs 9:8
You owe it to our kids and community to stay on course, ensure the best management for the school and raise the community’s awareness to issues relating to the school’s excellence.
Please pray for me.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteStay true to your cause – part II;
Very Polite response we commend you,
We respectfully request you acknowledge and address the issues relating to the conduct of Father Antonious and Amir Hanna.
e.g Do the parents have a right to make comment on the director?
Why did Amir Hanna get involved in our college?
Why was Father Youseff forced out of the college to apease a few people?
Should our college be used for political advantage?
Who persuaded Bishop Bishoy to issue a decree appointing Father Antonious?
Please consider our questions all related to the college and nothing else, and kindly response.
As you are been so peacful, is there ant reason why you are reluctant to state your name?
We look forward to your response.
response to
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
Stay true to your cause – part II;
As Mr Hanna has been allowed to involve himself in the college by Father Ant, it is appropriate that his conduct come under scrutiny if he is to play any role in an educational institution that caters for coptic and other children. I find it hard to swallow the feather tale comment that subtly tries to protect certain copts in the community including priests. It would be refreshing to read a frank and honest comment that honestly addresses the concerns of both sides.
The reality of the matter is Mr Hanna is up to his neck in all the events that have led to this situation at the college and the uproar in the diocese. He makes does not hide his intolerance of HGBD, and his continued attempts to prevent his return, some of which are highly dubious and enethical. Father Ant was appointed to the college as a compliment for his public email attacking HGBD. I respond to the writer by saying the issues are all interconnected and are one in the same. Your comment is rather unfair and a misrepresentation of the truth, trying ti hide the bond and alliance between the two of them. I note you made no comment when the Political party was held at the college you supposidly desire to protect. Please gather your thoughts again and post a sincere comment that is to the point and not dressed to discredit the SMC team. They have worked tirelessly, honestly and respectfully. To end the matter, father Ant can leave the college and the problem of SMC is solved. May I suggest a referendum for all the parents and establish what and whom they want to be responsible for their children. Would you agree that is democratic and fair as compared to the decree circulated by Amir at 5am?
friend that posted the comment stay to the truth.
ReplyDeleteYou accuse SMC of not been true to their cause for last 5 months. Please help us and show us what blogs and comments that go back five months that are not part of their cause.
I think your comment is not staying to the truth
and falsely mis leads the readers, please answer us.
Thank you
God Bless you
Dear Father Antonios
ReplyDeleteOur Coptic College is supposed to be a bastion of independent thinking, based on Coptic doctrine and not an exploited institute for political movement, ambition and self promotion. As you are aware this behavior has resulted in a steady exodus of students due to the concerns of many parents. Hard working teachers shouldn’t be forced to tolerate an ambush on their work environment that includes matters outside accepted agendas in schools. Our Coptic College is here to educate Our children academically and by example, not rebellion. As parents we are entitled to have serious concerns about any group that wants to infiltrate our college or promote any candidate for a political party, especially as they our children are not old enough to vote. Father Antonios the college is not there for you to make a political statement by separating it from the diocese to show your dis-contempt with HGBD. When is this going to end and how many parents have to remove their children before you decide to leave the college alone? Fight your battle with HGBD on another front, NOT our college.
Concerned Parents
SMC Rescue Team PLEASE I BEG YOU, DO NOT PRINT ANY BOOKS about ANY of what is happening.
ReplyDeleteWhy not?
We assume you have not told Mr Hanna to remove or with draw all the posings on coptichistory.org!!. Nor have you asked Father Antonious to with draw the email he sent, or the hidden messages in his blog part of the church website. But SMC must take you seriously and leave no documented record to correct or clarify their opposition to the latter.
Do you honestly believe that is faie or that SMC are naive?
I remember that political party. I agree the school should not be a political play ground.
The Calm before the Storm
ReplyDeletefull moon
something big is gonna happen
Mr Stay true to your cause – part II;
ReplyDeletewhere is part three?
You seem to be reluctant to respond to our previous questions?
Your name is not Sam Bas........ is it?????????
I think it is
I think you are protecting you brother inlaw
I think you are protecting the man you worship father Mikhail
I think you are protecting Amir Hanna
Just as you did when you attended the meeting after Father Ant wrote his email and Amir Hanna was present.
You know the whole truth already....
and you know HGBD was set up
and you know it was all done to stop the investigation into the discrepancies at the bexley college, or should I say corruption and fraud.
I think you know that we know what you know
and that the whole congregation knows what you know we know.
I think you ARE thinking how do they know so much.
I think you know that it is all going to be exposed very soon.
I think you would have been much better off letting HGBD do the investigation, he was going to have mercy on you and keep it all discret
I think you know that the investigation is going to blow all the fraudsters out of the water
and it will not be discret.
I think you should read the rantings of Father Ant on his blogs.
And exactly what are all those blogs by father Ant teaching our youth,
they are all waffled and a reflection of the turmoil he is going through
I think thry deviate from all coptic doctrine
Do you think there will be enough students at our college next year to keep it open
I dont think so, do think so
I hope certain teachers and employees are not targeted to limit expenditure and so as to run our college on a skelton staff and purse string budget
I think Father Ant WILL NOT BE OUR DIRECTOR for much longer the writing is on the wall, can you read it
did you hear the sermon by HH Pope shenouda last wednesday
I think all of you should the end is at hand
Do you think what happened to the year eight student on the school camp that sustained a broken arm was correct
what do you think is going to happen as a result
what would you do if your son suffered the same abuse, not because he got a broken arm,
but because one pathetic teacher said to him
and did not gey him any medical treatment no ambulance, no medical centre nothing
Is that the care the college in the handsof father Ant provides
I dont think you are going to respond
you think i think a lot
it is similar yo tje Father Ant Blog
you talk to much
We the parents are finished talking and waiting
no parents
no students
no bovernment grants
no college
no father Ant
We feel sorry for the HONEST teachers and staff
but Jesus will cater for them
Are you Happy Father Ant?
you failed as our director,
In nine months you destroyed our college
back to full time priesthood for you.
Whats next
Part Your church from the DIOCESE
I dont think so
I think you already know that.
Dr A
Dear SMC Rescue Team,
ReplyDeleteI wrote the post requesting that non of this be published, but so far, apart from your response (which I thank you for), I have only read very few opinions on this matter!!
This hate is spreading so fast in our community its scary.
How can we think clearly when so many of us can rush into thinking that everyone responding to a criticism must be siding with the 'enemy'??!
In response to the anonymous writer of "Why not?
We assume you have not told Mr Hanna to remove or with draw all the posings on coptichistory.org!!. Nor have you asked Father Antonious to with draw the email he sent, or the hidden messages in his blog part of the church website..." - I admit I have not. The damage had been done already in these cases. I appealed to SMC to avoid causing a similar damage to our church. Forgive me for not doing more.
SMC, I appreciate your response and consideration in what I requested. And PLEASE don't get me wrong, but even though I hold a VERY high respect for what you have accomplished with this blog, I also need to note that SMC consists of men/women who are only human and are capable of making a mistake in this decision.
PLEASE HEAR ME OUT. I know you guys are intelligent and Just, so only take my comment as a loving Sister in Christ.
I don't know how many people keep up with this post or know what's going on with our church. My own mother, who like most of our mothers -keeps her ears open about the happenings in the community :)- did not know of how deep this issue goes and was shocked when I told her!!
The people in our community should have a say in this. Not only the ones who can use the internet or pass on messages through the grapevine.
A proper poll. Thats all I ask. And I hope SMC that you agree, as since it is your belief that publishing this book is for the best interest of our community; let them be involved in this decision.
This book will not only be attacking the people involved, but OUR WHOLE CHURCH. I hope you can see that.
SMC, you are pointing out HUMAN mistakes for your decision behind printing this book, THAT IS NOT RIGHT. That CANNOT be justified for what damage this book MIGHT do.
SMC, using point#6 to justify this book being published is NOT right. Fr Antonios was refering to the HOLY BIBLE. A BOOK written by GOD's wishes and His alone. But if he means a book written by man is just as good for history keeping of our church, then he is wrong in making such a comment. ONLY God should have the RIGHT to record the right and wrong in our history.
"The book shall stand as a history lesson for our kids and yours (the future generations) to learn from the past and how to deal with any future AOEs." - I believe this book will do the OPPOSITE of teaching what you expect. It will teach future generations to QUESTION the church and its priests. It will TEACH THEM DOUBT AND MISTRUST. No child after reading this book will EVER look at their confession father the same way or look at their community with respect. And that will be a sad thing to have to witness.
Can I simply ask that before anything is publish - even taking in consideration your reasons SMC - that you take a poll from as many people in our community as you can honestly get? And NOT ONLY via the internet OR this blog?
If I can assist in anyway to make this happen, or be guided by SMC in accomplishing this myself, please let me know and I will be happy to assist.
Your Sister in Christ
(For future comm) "I"
Stay true to your cause – part III;
ReplyDelete“Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:8-10
Beloved SMC Rescue Team;
Thank God for our Friend Sister “I”
This is my last post on this issue and I intend to maintain my purpose to persuade all to stay true to their cause.
Many responses asked me to reveal my identity believing that I am VR Abouna Antonious Kaldas, a certain “Sam Bas”, one of those you refer to as AOE or a close associate. I have already told you that I do not have any personal association with any of these dignified personalities or associations. It’s so unfortunate that hiding my name caused many to speculate and reveal their ill feelings towards others, may God forgive me and them.
Many comments asked me and other readers to condemn specific actions of certain members of the community. Please forgive me as I cannot submit to these requests because I do not have the awareness, the competency or the responsibility to pass these condemnations.
Many argue that, as parents, they should have a say in who runs the school. Again I am not an expert in the subject but I can tell them that there are different vehicles by which parents and community members could provide reviews on the school and its management and campaign to effect change either on the diocese or the Department of Education.
I will continue to support the school and the SMC Rescue Team in anyway I find beneficial. I will continue to review your blog but will generally refrain from commenting till such time the fruits of peace are seen in its posts.
May God help us all to see good in each other and may He heal all our wounds.
Please pray for me