Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ostaz Amir Hanna... another scandal...

Ostaz Amir Hanna is going around and emailing the entire globe, as usual, accusing HGBD and others of releasing documents from the Diocese archive. As everybody know by now, that is typical of Ostaz Amir Hanna.

However, have we heard any objection whatsoever from Ostaz Amir Hanna, the AOE, the Steering Committee, the GAB or anyboday else about the forged and fabricated letter that was sent to and published by the Egyptian Newspaper associated with the "Muselm Brotherhood"? Absolutely nothing!.

SMC Rescue Team has received a copy of the forged letter and we decided to publish it her for every Copt in Sydney and around the world to judge for themselves the authenticity of this letter. To help the readers, we published one of HGBD's decrees to display the authentic typical style of HG in his letters.

Here is the article that was published in El-Masryoon (online daily newspaper known for its association with Muselm Brotherhood) on 17/08/2009 based on the mentioned letter. You can access the article online through this link
The story of the forged letter was republished by another Egyptian newspaper "El-Fagr", which is also known for its association with Muselm Brotherhood and its contiuous attack on the church.

Please click on any of the pages to enlarge
In this regard and in search of the truth of who would forge such a document, may be Ostaz Amir Hanna can help us in answering the following questions:
  1. Who has access to the diocese's letterheads?
  2. Who has anything to gain by fabricating such a document?
  3. Who is so desperate to discredit HGBD at any cost?
  4. Who is desperate to keep his HGBD away from the Diocese at any cost?
  5. Who said "It is me or HGBD"?
  6. What did HE Metropolitan Bishoy do about the document?
  7. Why was it sent to the Islamic newspapers in Egypt?
  8. Who is feeding Ostaz Ezzat Indawaes ""?
  9. Did EGYPT NEWS have anything to do with the document getting to Egyptian press?
  10. Why was it published on the front pages of the Islamic papers in Egypt?
  11. What sort of low, dirty ill bred would resort to such filth?
  12. What has GAB done about this document? Dr Medhat Girgis, where are you? Are you still with us or resigned? Or you haven't heard of the document?!
  13. Do you think inciting the hatred of Islam against Copts is clever?
  14. Do you agree, the person responsible should be excommunicated?
  15. What do you think will happen when we confirm the author of the document?
  16. Why did nobody attack the author of the forged document?
  17. Do you think the author was clever for his evil filled mind?
  18. The fabricated letter was referenced in 2002, if true, why has surfaced now?
Ostaz Amir Hanna;
  1. When are you going to act as a Christian?
  2. Do you think you are worthy of being a deacon?
To our English readers, the letter makes hideous and filthy allegation about Father Zakaria Botros, the defender of the Coptic faith and exposure of Islamic persecution of Copts in Egypt. The document has a forged signature of HGBD and is typed on OUR DIOCESE's letterhead.
Ostaz Amir, this is one of the lowest immoral despicable acts any so called Christian could ever resort to.
The author will NOT get away with this.
We are moving very fast to the unknown.
Is there anything or anyone capable of stopping this evil from damaging our church further?!


  1. Dear SMC team and readers,

    Before Uncle "A" attempts another exit strategy,
    we are closing the door shut in his face.

    were made aware of this letter a few weeks ago,
    and we.
    emailed it to the community regretably not one person spoke out or complained about this document.

    It was emailed to us by the AMERICAN COPTS ASSOCIATION, asking us if HGBD would ever write such a document, they were appauled as it further endangers Father Zakaria.
    Father Zakaria has a bounty on his head and is under the watchful eye of the CIA.

    The islamic community in egypt and in America are having a field day with the document and it has been published in SAUDIA ARABIA.

    It has been used to totally discredit the honour and glory of our Beloved 2000 year old CHURCH.

    This really does make us CRY..........

    This is a new precedent in the war fare over the diocese.

    The author in desperation has resorted to the ISLAMIC ARM of egypt to further delay the return of HGBD.

    Is Islam the enemy of COPTIC COMMUNITY,
    or is the enemy the evil copts within our own community, I ask you all.

    The Author will be revealed and we will demand his excommunication.

    Jesus have mercy on your church.


  2. SMC,
    The letter has the diocese seal on it.
    Who has access to the seal????? What is with the map of australia on the letter.

    Surely no copt would ever do this to our church,
    This is sick and warped, the writer is a very bitter and twisted man/woman.
    I am disgusted, what are we teaching our children.
    Mary H

  3. Hi everyone,

    Can some one translate this document into english for us to read and understand.

    Is this true it was sent to islamic newspaper in egypt.


  4. Dear our beloved readers,

    We have located the mentioned article that was based on the forged and fabricated letter. You can now find it attached to the post above and its online link. We appreciate if anyone can translate it and email it to us ASAP to publish it for our non Arabic readers.

    Ostaz Amir Hanna; was that letter and its release also the work of HGBD?!

    Will we ever hear of an investigation into this matter?!

    Do not hold your breath..

    SMC Rescue Team

  5. This document, if authentic, is not dated. But from the reference it seems allegedly issued in Dec 2002! This is after the enthronement of HGBD in Sydney. The letter seems referring to incidents in Brighton UK. Why would HGBD request excommunicating a priest not from his diocese?
    Just a thought.

  6. Brothers in Australia,

    This awful letter has created many problems in egypt america and around the world. We emailed it to copts australia few weeks ago. They assured us it is false and a fake.

    The letter is on at least 72 islamic web sites,
    and was printed in many newspapers in egypt and other islamic countries including SAUDI ARABIA.

    Here are a few sites


    2) the original letter is on this site


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    We are ashamed of the person behind this evil scandal. Why did a coptic brother do this to a bishop and a priest?
    We expect our coptic brothers in Australia will do everything to discover the person(S) responsible for this act of madness, a manic act.

    Though We are pleased to hear it is a forgery, it has caused much damage to the coptic church. We are doing everything we can to show the world it is a forgery. It is a hard job and the islamic communtiy are using it against us here in america and saying we are lying to cover up for Father Zakaria.
    Ruben yentem men el-wati el-kabtab el waskha de.

    The peace of Jesus be with you all and your diocese. Do not let the person(s) behind this escape punishment

    Kamal Youseff
    American Copts

  7. This is absolutely mad..
    After this hideous forgery, which priest would ever receive any member of the AOE particularly their CEO uncle "A" in his church???!!!
    There must be an immediate investigation and somebody has to be excommunicated.
    This is not a joke..

  8. It is time for the Vicar and the church Fathers to release an official statement denouncing this heresy, and protect the Name and reputation of the COPTIC Orthodox Diocese of Sydney.

    Copts around the world MUST be made aware this is a forgery and HGBD DID NOT AUTHOR the document.

    Are any of the church fathers aware of this HERESY, and if so are they going to sat anything.

    Father Youseff, we request an official statement in the spring of Love and EL Manara stating categorically this document is not the voice of our diocese.


  9. Tiggernews, what do you have to say?

  10. Dear Aiman,

    worse still Father Antonios has turned to him for support and wants him to run our colleges.
    This is lunacy gone mad.

    What the hell is happening to our church.
    We need to organise a youth rally against these draconian old timers that thibk they own the church and speak on behaldf of everyone.



  11. does any one know, if amir hanna is still a deacon and gives out the Holy Blood? Is he still in charge of our sunday schools? Why is he a regular at bexley at the invitation of Father Mikhail?
    I do not want him any where near my sons or daughter. Any priest that invites him to a church should be excommunicated as well. This is ridiculos and absurd.

    Is this for real or is it some sick joke.


  12. Dr Medhat, Ummo Fayeze, Hany Gayed, Samir Kirolos, Dr Sarah, William Boctor, Khairy Grace, Wahid Azmy, we want to hear your opinion on this issue.

    Where is the condemnation??????????????????

  13. I just got the email,

    I can't believe what I just read, Fraudsters, forgers and criminals within the diocese.
    How can we prove who wrote this letter,
    I want to see him/her pay for this, corrective services will take very good care of Him/her.


  14. My Good Lord Jesus Christ,

    This is sickening.

    I suppose if I write and complain to Bishop Bishoy about it, God knows what response we will get. So much for the justice of the holysynod headed by His eminence.

    What can we do about this?

    Mariam (penrith)

  15. These newspapers are the same ones that published the financial documents about the diocese debts which was released by Amir Hanna and emailed everywhere. Did you get it?!
    The person who sent the diocese debts is the very same person who sent this forged document. He simply has the contact.

    I bet my life if it is not Amir Hanna.

    He is very calculating man. No one would ever think of such evil act except him.

  16. Greetings everyone & SMC

    Wow, to be honest I am speechless.
    What happened to yesterdays blog,
    you guys are in turbo mode!!!!

    Can some one tell me exactly what these letters in arabic say.

    For any dirty low life to forge a letter in that way is derogatory and vilification of the pruported signatory, in this case HGBD.

    It is also a criminal offence on so may fronts,
    - impersonate an official office holder, (bishop)
    - create false instrument to decieve,
    - criminal defamation.
    I will check the crimes act to see if there are any other offences.

    First step is to determine who authored it,
    then I will refer it to the AG, and police for appropriate action. This really is unacceptable.

    I notice Pussycat "tiggernews" did not come out and accuse anyone of typing it, maybe he knows who did??? food for thought.

    I will comment no further till the author is established.

    God Help Us and save his Church.

    Imagine how HGBD felt when he saw this plastered all over the papers. No wonder everyone is up in arms.

    COPTS UNITED, can I respectfully ask that you
    please make contact with the respective papers named above and determine
    who sent it to them,
    and when,
    and whether it was faxed
    or emailed.
    There must be a record and trail back to the original source.
    Offer them money if necessary,
    I will gladly pay,
    I want 100% proof of who did this,
    and then I will do the rest.

    Pray for me

  17. Aiman
    are you saying they sent other documents to the islamic papers????


  18. Yes Ibby.
    The so called debt report prepared by Amir Hanna was published by the same newspapers. I remember it was published with HGBD's photo in the demonstration with Samir Habashi. I will dig out the email that I received a while ago and I will forward it to SMC Team to publish. I've got a task tonight. Anyone else can help with this?!!

    Very interesting, isn't it Ibby?!

  19. Has anyone contacted Father Tadros about this??

  20. Aiman,
    this is disgraceful and an indictment
    on our diocese and all of us as Copts.

    It simply shows how desperate and despicable
    the individual(s) concerned are.

    Morally and ethically corrupt and defecient.
    I never imagined they would ever stoop to this low level.

    Just like the filthy letters written about me and posted to all my neighbours, with a return PO BOX of the diocese.

    We are dealing with animals, ill breds,
    ill mannered peasants.

    They will not get away with this one,
    Bet they are on the phone now trying to cover their tracks,
    it won't work, In egypt
    "MONEY TALKS BULL---- Walks"
    Offer them enough and we will get the original document sent with the senders details.

    Just Like when I traced the emaiils back to energy australia,
    tanacity and perseverance pays off,

    I DO NOT GIVE UP, EVER.........

    If it was emailed to any slamic paper in egypt, the police will ot have any difficulty proving it,
    then they can explain how and from who it was obtained.
    Same applies for Fax, international calls are a breeze with the "IASK SYSTEM", (police computerised resource to trace any calls made or RECEIVED......... from any NUMBER.
    Should be very easy to get the fax numbers of all those papers, one way or the other we will get the proof we need.

    Pray for me

  21. Aiman,
    if you like
    email what ever you have to me if its cool with you

    Thank you


  22. I found the email guys. This is the smoking gun. As i expected it is the same newspaper "El-Fagr" back in April 2009. I will forward it to SMC Team and please put it to everyone to see.

    Got you Amir.

  23. Ibby you're a legend mate.

    Get this SOB's

    God bless you, you are a champ


  24. lol Nader,

    seriously mate, don't
    I am just simply Ibby and i wish more than anything this was never happening and i did not get caught up in this evil web of deciet, hatred, abuse and disbelief

    Thank you Sunshine,
    if you want to help bring this to everyone's attention. If you are one of the youth, please please spread it and the link to everyone and start the ball rolling, people must see this for themselves.


  25. I have read all stories written about Bishop Bishoy.

    If you also read the articles about Bishop Bishoy, you saw he use the same thing in egypt. When he want to kill some one, priest, bishop, he use the moslem papers to finish them. Many times he turn muslims against a priest or Bishop. The last one he Kill, is Bishop Ioaniss. He tell Bishop Jeremiah to break his office door down, then steal his private papers, they burn the office.
    Bishop Jeremiah make copys of the papers and give to Bishop Bishoy, Bishop Bishoy send to all the egyptian moslem papers. He write on papers and show his holiness. When people ask who send to newspaper he canot explain.
    He then say moslem brothers come steal and burn office. Dr Tharwart resign because Bishop Bishoy.
    Bishop Bishoy want to be Pope, he do anything to become pope. In egypt big group of copts say they will kill Bishop bishoy, this not good, not good. They not like him, but hey stupid to say this. Bishop Bishoy not honest in what he do.


    I think Amir learn from Bishop Bishoy.

  26. Hello Ibrahim, it seems like you’ve had quite an episode of multiple personality disorder today. Missed your medication?

