Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Appearance of a dove on HH's desk ظهور حمامة على مكتب قداسة البابا

Jesus loves you

On Wed 28th October 2009, a dove appeared on the desk of
HH Pope Shenouda III
during his weekly lecture.

It is known that doves do not fly at night!!!

We love you Your Holiness
Your children in Sydney are calling out for you
Your dream SMC is in crisis.
Sayedna, please do something,
Sayedna, please say something,
We need to hear your word of comfort,
Please remember us in your prayers.
We love you Your Holiness

Your children at SMC


  1. Dear SMC,

    Does anybody have a copy of the full sermon given by his holiness?
    If so could they kindly email it so we may view it.


  2. On November 1, 2009 1:28 AM, our sister in Christ "I" has left a comment on our post “A book OR no book”:

    Anonymous said...
    Dear SMC Rescue Team,

    I wrote the post requesting that non of this be published, but so far, apart from your response (which I thank you for), I have only read very few opinions on this matter!!

    This hate is spreading so fast in our community its scary.

    How can we think clearly when so many of us can rush into thinking that everyone responding to a criticism must be siding with the 'enemy'??!

    In response to the anonymous writer of "Why not?
    We assume you have not told Mr Hanna to remove or with draw all the posings on!!. Nor have you asked Father Antonious to with draw the email he sent, or the hidden messages in his blog part of the church website..." - I admit I have not. The damage had been done already in these cases. I appealed to SMC to avoid causing a similar damage to our church. Forgive me for not doing more.

    SMC, I appreciate your response and consideration in what I requested. And PLEASE don't get me wrong, but even though I hold a VERY high respect for what you have accomplished with this blog, I also need to note that SMC consists of men/women who are only human and are capable of making a mistake in this decision.

    PLEASE HEAR ME OUT. I know you guys are intelligent and Just, so only take my comment as a loving Sister in Christ.

    I don't know how many people keep up with this post or know what's going on with our church. My own mother, who like most of our mothers -keeps her ears open about the happenings in the community :)- did not know of how deep this issue goes and was shocked when I told her!!

    The people in our community should have a say in this. Not only the ones who can use the internet or pass on messages through the grapevine.

    A proper poll. Thats all I ask. And I hope SMC that you agree, as since it is your belief that publishing this book is for the best interest of our community; let them be involved in this decision.

    This book will not only be attacking the people involved, but OUR WHOLE CHURCH. I hope you can see that.

    SMC, you are pointing out HUMAN mistakes for your decision behind printing this book, THAT IS NOT RIGHT. That CANNOT be justified for what damage this book MIGHT do.

    SMC, using point#6 to justify this book being published is NOT right. Fr Antonios was refering to the HOLY BIBLE. A BOOK written by GOD's wishes and His alone. But if he means a book written by man is just as good for history keeping of our church, then he is wrong in making such a comment. ONLY God should have the RIGHT to record the right and wrong in our history.

    "The book shall stand as a history lesson for our kids and yours (the future generations) to learn from the past and how to deal with any future AOEs." - I believe this book will do the OPPOSITE of teaching what you expect. It will teach future generations to QUESTION the church and its priests. It will TEACH THEM DOUBT AND MISTRUST. No child after reading this book will EVER look at their confession father the same way or look at their community with respect. And that will be a sad thing to have to witness.

    Can I simply ask that before anything is publish - even taking in consideration your reasons SMC - that you take a poll from as many people in our community as you can honestly get? And NOT ONLY via the internet OR this blog?

    If I can assist in anyway to make this happen, or be guided by SMC in accomplishing this myself, please let me know and I will be happy to assist.

    Your Sister in Christ
    (For future comm) "I"

  3. Dear Sister????

    First ask the community if father Antonios should be at our college, then worry about the book.!!

    Who asked us before his appointment??

    Your comment does not address the other issues.

  4. Dear SMC,

    Sister is the one person concerned about the book, her comment overlooks all the existing publications in newspapers, internet and especially "coptichistory" that will remain forever unresponded too.

    I disagree with her, and feel the book must be published. The book will not be forced on anyone one, and like the billions of books in print, it is an individual choice to read or not read.

    If she is worried about her kids, or mum, simply do not order or read the book.

    A book like that is needed to prevent the same "reveloution" happening in the future and to ensure all those interested have a resources explaining the appointment of the director and his subsequent personal choice to cut OUR COLLEGE away from the diocese with no consultation whatsoever with the parents, or anyone, except Amir Hanna and his Gang.

    I ask her "who is Father Antonios to make such a decision on his own and in private?
    Who is Hany Gayed to use our college to promote and expose himself for his own benefit?
    We feel her comments are very unfair and avoid answering our true concerns.

    The issue of the diocese and the college and Amir Hanna and a few priests are all tied together. Church History is well documented and documents all those that have been removed, cut off and excommunicated from the church for their heresies, and rebellion against the church Cannon Law. This was clearly stated by HH in his sermon last wednesday.

    We still feel "SISTER" is defending Father Antonios and Amir Hanna and his "GANG" so there is no record of their actions and Failures for the future generations.

    Does sister agree with the blogs by our director on his church web site?

    First let us the parents attend a Clerical council meeting with Father Antonios and Amir Hanna and the group SMC refers to as AOE so there is a documented record of our opinion on OUR college and the appointment of the current director.

    We the parents demand our right to express every concern relating to our college where our children attend, I hope "Sister" would agree with that. Would Father Antonios complain if his own children attended a college where he was not a director and he was unhappy about the abuse of the college?

    Few Parents

  5. Reply to Dear Sister, (part1)

    We have just read your comment. With out been offensive in any way, we are suspicious that you really are "SISTER" as you claim. We highly suspect you posted the comment on behalf of Amir and others involved in the coup. Do not be offended we are been honest as we hope you would be. Leaving that issue aside you mention your mother!!.

    As all our members are parents, we imagined your first and primary concern would be for the students that are presently suffering due to the abuse and misuse of their college for any reason other than education and a Coptic upbringing. More so, we imagine any mother including your mother would be most concerned for the well being of the children first and foremost rather than a book to be published.

    To give you an example, we have been made aware of an incident resulting in a year 8 boy sustaining a broken arm during a school camp last week. To our disgust those in charge failed to provide any medical attention or seek any medical aid for the young boy for TWO days. He was returned to his parents and they sought medical attention. I am sure all other mothers in the community including my wife would be more concerned about the care of her son rather than a book to be printed. Where is the duty of care?

    We are not sure if you were aware, but now you are, please go tell your mum “that has her ear to the ground” and give us her response. You attempts to divert the focus from the really issues are futile in our opinion. We have two members with children at the college and they consider the well being of the children to be number one, ahead of any other issue. Are you aware of the number of parents to pull their children out because of Father Antonios allowing the college to be infiltrated by a mob mentality with a AGENDA, destroy HGBD.
    Father Antonios is not focused on the job, he is focused on winning his battle and achieving a common objective with Amir Hanna and a very few others, namely prevent the return of HGBD. We have communicated directly with his Holiness our Pope and we look forward to his upcoming decisions, including removing Bishop Bishoy from any dealings with our diocese. We urge you to be honest and not continue in the deceptive conduct that is so clear to everyone. You follow the blog according to you comment, but you have remained silent for nine months, why?
    To put your mind at ease a BOOK WILL be published by us, and it is been prepared and edited with numerous supporting documents irrespective of the final decision of SMC. You are not obliged to read the book or even view it, there is no compulsion. There will be hard copies and an electronic version on CD. It will be in Arabic as well as English to cater for everyone in the community. When completed the CD will be distributed at every church and posted on the internet to counter ANDREW from

  6. Reply to Dear Sister (part2)

    When and if you get the CD please feel free to throw it away, don’t even load it on your computer. We at COPTS UNITED AUSTRALIA will include all issues that have transpired including the SMC Battle. We will be totally honest in every regard and ensure it is accurate unlike COPTICHISTORYORG. We have copies of every article from EGYPT EWS and they will be included, including video of the demonstration, PVA meetings and appropriate documents such as the email from Father Antonios we have already translated into Arabic and sent to every Bishop for feedback. We leave it to each individual to make their own choice as to whether they view it or not.

    We thank you for the comment and make it clear we already decided on the book weeks ago. Should SMC proceed with a book there will be two books. We are not in competition with them, but have a desire to ensure the disruption and rebellion is recorded permanently for all to read with the vast supporting documents we have.

    Dear “SISTER” it is a huge job, we are committed and all our members have a role to play to ensure publication for release on 25/12/09 the first anniversary of the Father Antonios email.

    All those involved in the overthrow of HGBD will feature in the book; there will be a detailed justification for publication of the book. Before you reply we urge you to go to COPTICHISTORY.ORG and read the distortion posted on the site as feed to Andrew by Amir Hanna. So you are aware, not one email or comment sent from us has been posted by Andrew. That was a major reason for our decision that we are sure you will respect.

    As Amir Hanna arrogantly said "LEAST WE FORGET".
    Finally we are extremely disappointed in the lack of leadership and ethic from father Antonios, please read his blogs show them to your mother and see if he is been ethical or hypocritical, we have PDF of every blog posted by him, he can certainly preach but does not practice what he preaches.

    Please take no offence, we are all adults having a frank and open discussion and giving you our opinion and welcome your feedback so long as it honest and genuine. As you said we are humans and make mistakes, maybe you are making a mistake and are not aware of all the facts, if you really are a "sister".


  7. Sister,
    you said "This hate is spreading so fast in our community its scary."

    The hate of Uncle "A" and AOE, or HGBD?
