Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Director we have never had???

V. Rev. Fr Augustinos Nada rendered his resignation from St Mary and St Mina’s Coptic College after exactly two weeks in the job (from Monday 18th September 2006 till Monday 2nd October 2006)! In his reasoned resignation Fr Augustinos uncovered many flaws that would be questionable by the Australian Government and ASIC. “Any financial or structural misconduct can be punishable by jail terms” ASIC.

Examples of findings by Fr Augustinos in a mere two weeks:


  • Coptic and Arabic teachers earning in excess of $70,000!! They are paid over main subject teachers, hence teachers community see it as nepotism.
  • Possible illegal issues regarding a self paid pay raise of the accountant (22% salary increase in one month, earning in excess of $67,000 a year), which needs to be investigated.
  • Assistant to accountant was a volunteer earning in excess of $40,000.
  • The Board compensates the outgoing principal with $80,000, of which $30,000 he has declined in writing.
  • $200,000 a year are wasted or not used in the right capacity!


  • Some admin staff overpaid 25% above applicable award.
  • Some admin staff with very weak English and can not write a letter, yet answers the telephone ($7,000 overpaid above applicable award).
  • Two many staff earning big salaries, some are excessively overpaid and are not required in their roles.
  • Too many teachers AID earning between $40,000 and $45,000 a year.
  • A science teacher with “very weak English, no Australian Experience”.
  • Qualified teachers are not attracted.


  • A math part time teacher, brother of a prominent person in the Diocese, described as “problematic”.
  • An Arabic teacher, sister of a prominent person in the Diocese, described as “highly paid for her duties”.
  • A recent graduate D&T teacher, son of a prominent family in the Diocese, described as “highly paid" (in excess of $65,000 a year).

Health and Safety;

  • Serious Health and Safety issues; ie. electrical wires hanging everywhere, no hot water systems, glass windows that can fall on children easily etc.

And much more…

Fr Augustinos very frankly named the practices CORRUPTION.

The above is very similar to what we can see at SMC, isn't it? Given the size of SMC compare to SMMC, our problem could be five folds.

In fact, we have beaten SMMC in Nepotism as we have some entire families working in the school!!

Two years later and after much deliberation, Fr Augustinos has accepted HG Bishop Daniel’s appointment as a director to our beloved SMC. After few meetings with the board of SMC, Fr Augustinos renders his resignation again this time to the Patriarchate office.

HH Pope Shenouda III issues Decree no. 7/38 on 12th January 2009 accepting the resignation of Fr Augustinos Nada and appointing Fr Antonios Kaldas a director to SMC.

In light of the above impeccable findings of the V. Rev. Fr Augustinos Nada in St Mary and St Mina Coptic College in just two weeks, one might ask very logical question;

Who is the beneficiary who was very quick lobbying in Egypt insuring that he (Fr Augustinos) never gets in SMC?

We have decided to delegate this intelligent exercise to our management guru the very reverend “Mr Amir Hanna”.

Do you think you will be up to the task?!

Mr Amir Hanna;

Has Fr Augustinos resigned volunteerily?!
What were you and the Board afraid of him finding out?!

We hope you do not play the letters game again and run to him to write a letter to clear you out. We are sure you will come up with a different old trick!! We will watch out..

Why don't you be honest for once and front up with the truth? Yes on this blog, we will be kind enough to give you the space.

We have no doubt that our readers are very smart and they would have already figured out the answer!

NB. Mr Amir Hanna, if you think or you are making people that you consult think that one day we will get tired and give up, YOU BETTER THINK AGAIN.


  1. Dear SMC Team,

    This comes as no suprise at all. Uncle "A",
    has always manipulated outcomes and with the help of Bishop Bishoy distorted facts so as to deceive HH into signing decrees. Uncle "A" did exactly the same thing with the investigation into corruption and fraud in the St Mary St Mina College Bexley.
    Uncle "A" was desperate and had to stop and dissolve the committee appointed by HGBD before they discovered the truth, they were getting very close and Father Mikhail refused to answer repeated requests for information. Oddly about 70% of documents held by the college VANISHED into thin Air, computer records were deleted. Maybe the financial controller can explain this!!!
    The only way for Uncle "A" to stop the appointed committee, was to have Bishop Bishoy con HH into signing a decree appointing a new committee of SELECT people, that Uncle "A' could control. Peter Khalil attempted to do an honest investigation and was hindered and obstructed by Fayeze and Dr Medhat.

    Bishop Bishoy, release the findings by Ernest and young, what do you have to hide? More importantly why are you hiding the findings? What benefit do you receive? Did any of the former Board Members form companies solely for the Purpose of providing services to the college with the consent of Fr Mikhail?
    What does DATAMART do and what services does it provide to the college? Who owns DATAMART,
    Fr Mikhail???

    Coptic Truth

  2. It is about time the entire congregation learnt the whole truth.
    HGBD is not and never was corrupt, it is clear where the corruption lies. Uncle "A" your ship is sinking very very quickly. State the truth and stop the deception you have thrived on for years. The wrath of GOD is about to unfold upon all the evil doers, there is no escape. We have had enough of you plotting the downfall of priests and others. UNCLE 'A" how many priests have you betrayed and set up? UNCLE "A" How many priests have you threatened? Uncle "A" how many times have you threatened HGBD? UNCLE "A" do you really think you are going to get away with it?
    UNCLE "A", your DEMISS is at hand, beware the wrath of GOD, vengance is mine SAID the LORD.

    UNCLE "A" Bishop Bishoy will never ever interfer in this diocese again and help you trap and bring down People you are opposed to. It is Time for your down FAll "UNCLE A"


  3. I came to this blog by mistake, and I am now sorry that I did.

    Any church organisation that sorts out its problems in a public forum such as the WORLD WIDE internet is asking for trouble. I don't think that this is the smartest way to solve a problem.

    You guys ought to settle your differences in a more private forum. May i suggest a church?

  4. Dear Father Pavlos Hanna,

    I commend you and kiss your holy Hands for dis-associating from Uncle "A" and his Gang.

    Father God Bless you for seeing the light and looking forward to the return of HGBD.
    Father you are a shinning Light, heaven is rejoicing for your return to the flock.
    Father We understand you do not want to visit our college whilst there is turmoil and opposition towards HGBD. We respect your stance and look forward to recieving your blessings when the axis of evil is totally destroyed.
    The parishioners at Saint Abanoub are proud and delighted with your actions and support towards HGBD.
    Father we love you and congratulate you whole heartedly for releasing your self from the clutches of UNCLE "A".

    Blessed is the name of the Lord, for he is mighty in his love and merciful in his justice to all repenters.

    Father we call upon you to speak with Father Antonios and encourage him to like wise dis associate with UNCLE "A", and welcome him upon his return to HIS DIOCESE.

    Bless you Bless you Bless you Father Hanna.

    We Love you.

  5. Dear The Mistake Friend,

    Thank you for your comment.

    We are sorry too that you had to see the ugly side of things in our Diocese. However, it was forced upon us as a last resort after a priest motivated by a disgruntled deacon and the advisors of the Diocese betrayed and attacked their bishop in an unprecedented manner publicly via emails and other means sweeping in their way all the values and virtues of Christianity. They are still doing so as we speak unstoppable. Something possibly unheard of in the recent history of the Coptic church at least n the last few decades.

    It happened just because we have a very humbled bishop who does not resort to his priesthood authority. We know of other bishops that no one would ever dare to think of doing such a thing with them let alone actually doing it.

    The attacking priest set the precedent that if private talk reaps no results then public mudding may. Mudding who? His bishop!! Can you believe it?

    It is unfortunate events that we wish we wouldn't live to see. It is rather black page in the history of the Diocese and the Coptic ministry.

    Your visit may be a distination so that you may remember our Diocese in your prayers. Or possibly a wake up call for those people.

    We have faith that the Lord will soon speak instead of the absolute silence that we got from Egypt. We are still in disblieve that HH did not stop those attacks on one of his bishops.

    We certainly hope that your next visit find this blog full of praises and rejoice to the Lord.

    Please remember our Diocese in your prayers.

    SMC Rescue Team


    For the Love of our Father Jesus Christ ALMIGHTY

    Let us all pray for peace with in our CHURCH
    God of justness and mercy,
    We pray for an end to the division in any form with in our church.
    We pray for wisdom that will bring greater peace to our CHURCH.
    We pray for understanding and compassion that will safeguard your holy house.

    O God, who would fold both heaven and earth in a single peace,
    Let the power of your great love
    lighten upon the waste of our wraths and sorrows:
    and give peace to your Holy UNITED Coptic Church,

    We beg you to bring peace in ALL our Hearts.

    Eternal Lord, whose kingdom knows only the sword of righteousness and justice,
    where your only desire is or true love,
    send forth your Holy Spirit so that all the peoples of the COPTIC FAITH will join together as children of OUR one and ONLY Father, JESUS CHRIST.

    Lord Jesus we ask you to bless our church
    with the power and the glory that is due to YOU.

    Grant Upon us, Lord God, a vision of YOUR CHURCH
    only as your love for us would have it.

    A Church where righteousness reins.
    A Church where the riches are the love of
    Selflessness, kindness and respect to each other.
    A Church where all races and cultures live in harmony and mutual respect;

    A Church where peace is built with justice,
    And justice is guided by love.

    Give us All the inspiration and courage to start a new.

    Almighty God our heavenly Father,
    guide your blessed Coptic church in the way of justice and truth.

    Establish among US ALL that peace which is the fruit of righteousness,
    that We may become worthy of been called your children.

    Almighty God, you have given all of us one common origin, “ A COPTIC BAPTISM”
    Lord Jesus we acknowledge that it is,
    YOUR WILL that WE gather as ONE UNITED FAMILY,
    Totally obedient to your Holy WORD.
    Fill the hearts of EVERY ONE of us with the fire of your love and the desire to ensure fulfilment of YOUR justice for all.
    Lord bless in abundance the good things you given us as a community,
    May we secure it with love, justice
    And equality for every human being,
    A Church built on love and peace,
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


  7. Oh my gosh Ibrahim, that prayer is real deep.

    And all this tine I thought you were just some marauding moroccan.

    God bless you my son.

  8. God Bless you too DAD.


  9. Dear SMC team i am asking you to please remove the article written about me. Because there is no truth in it and it is misleading. At no stage did i ever state any of these findings and i never ever said that the practice is corruption. If you love the Lord do not mislead the people because you will be accountable to God. Please remove this because i never said any of these things. God bless
    Fr Augustinos

  10. Dear Friend,
    that tripped over this blog by "Mistake."

    Exactly what blog were you looking for,
    that you came here by mistake.???

    You said "I am now sorry that I did".
    Why are you sorry and for who are you sorry?

    You said "Any church organisation that sorts out its problems in a public forum such as the WORLD WIDE internet is asking for trouble".

    We are not a church organisation my friend.
    It seems to me it is a group of very concerned people desperately trying to maintain the College under the opsus of the diocese.
    Do you see this as a problem or do you think the college should be detatched from the diocese?

    When you say we are asking for trouble,
    is that a veiled threat my friend???
    What trouble are you talking about???
    And exactly who is going to cause us trouble???

    We ask you to be direct and not beat around the bush, or have we touched a raw nerve???

    You went on to say "I don't think that this is the smartest way to solve a problem."
    What do you suggest???

    You went on to say "You guys ought to settle your differences in a more private forum. May I suggest a church?"

    What "GUYS" are you talking about???
    Why in a private forum???,
    what ever happens to any part of the diocese is for the knowledge of the community.
    We do not make back office deals friend???

    If any one has anything to say please come out and say it, unless ofcurse they have something to hide!!!.

    As for meeting in a church,
    we open the door to any individual(s),
    to contact the Vicar Father Tadros,
    the HEAD of our Church, in the absence of HGBD, and make an appointment, and we will organise representatives to meet in HIS prescence and debate/discuss any issue you desire.

    We find your comment about a mistake and the subsequent comments some what contradictory,

    So If UNCLE "A" or any other member of AOE would like to chat we are always available to canvass any issue that you want to raise.



  11. Dear Fr Augustinos,

    In reference to the comment posted October 16, 2009 2:53 alleging it is yourself, we kindly request an email from you to confirm the same comment. It is possible any other person may have used your name alleging it is you. Our email is listed on the left column of the main page which is

    we look forward to receiving your email before we post our response.

    SMC Rescue Team

  12. why is everyone on this blog site in attack mode?

  13. Dear Fr Augustinos,

    Thank you for your email confirming your comment above. We are considering your request and will respond ASAP.

    SMC Rescue Team

  14. I think Fr Augustinos comment proves a very valid point that may people have been trying to make for a long time.

    This blog is continually spitting out false information in the vain hope of inciting hatred and causing deep rifts in the coptic community.

    To the SMC team, I hope you take this breach seriously, and as Fr Augustinos said, you and I are all accountable in front of God.

  15. Dear Father Augustinos,

    Thank you for your comment and your email confirming it.

    We must say that we have no issues with you other than love and respect.

    We are surprised and very disappointed as you have made serious accusations about the integrity of SMC Rescue Team; that include the following:

    1. There is no truth in it and it is misleading.
    2. At no stage did i ever state any of these findings.
    3. I never ever said that the practice is corruption.
    4. If you love the Lord do not mislead the people because you will be accountable to God.
    5. Please remove this because I never said any of these things.

    Fr Augustinos, we highly suspect you have been spoken to or put under some kind of pressure somehow to make your derogatory comment.

    We would like to mention that common practice in blogging is very similar to journalism that does not reveal the source. However, we assure you and our readers that we stand by every word we said in our post “The Director we have never had???” posted on Thursday, October 15, 2009, which is supported by evidences.

    We would never mislead the community in any way because this is exactly what members of the AOE are doing. We would be hypocrites if we do the same.

    Fr Augustinos, we know you are very intelligent and we would like to think that you keep copies (on your computer or hard copy) of everything you send. We would very much appreciate if you may kindly try to dig out a document you wrote dated 2nd October 2006. If you find it identical to what we published in the post (word for word), we kindly request and will accept a retract of your offensive comment.

    If you find one word extra, please request a Synod Committee and we are happy to release a copy of the document to them so that it does not become public. Only a Synod Committee is needed to get to the bottom of this issue and all other issues in relation to our dilemma in the Diocese. We do not think it is very wise (for your own sack) to publish it or things will get from bad to worse.

    In the meantime, despite we do not want to involve you, we stand by every word we said. Please do not force us to defend our integrity. We kindly request you to retract your (regrettably) misleading comment.

    We look forward to your response and correction ASAP.

    SMC Rescue Team

  16. Father Augustinos,

    I think you know very well you did write the document refered to in this site.

    Father I suggest you do not slander anyone so as to protect Uncle "A", Father ANT, or Father Mikhail.
    If you can not remember or find the document it will be emailed to everyone tonight.



  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Dear our Friend (the last comment),

    We apologise for removing your comment. We understand that some people can be very pationate about the issue of SMC or have very strong zeal for the Diocese. However, under no circumstances we condone bringing families into the matter.

    We love you to contiue your support.

    We appreciate your understanding and please forgive us if we offended you.

    SMC Rescue Team

  19. Dear Copts United Australia,

    If you are in possession of the document By Father Augustion,
    I respectfully ask you.

    It will not achieve anything,
    this is not war with Father Augustino,
    nor should you resort to the tactic we have all always opposed, and criticised.

    If you must,
    simply email it to Father Augustino,
    remind him of the document and leave it at that.

    You guys are leaders,
    not sheep,
    do not follow the example set by the unworthy.

    I think the aim of this site is to ensure the college remains under the umbrella of the Diocese
    no more, no less.

    As Father Augustino Said,
    we and he will all be accountable to GOD.
    It is very possible,
    he honestly does not recall writing the document
    and if he does remember, it is very possible he does not want to get entagled in this web.

    When he wrote the document, if he did maybe it was solely for the purpose required at the time and he does not want it made public.

    I sincerely and whole heartedly pray you will give due consideration to my request and opinion.

    God Bless and guide you all,
    and I mean every one,
    even AH and his associates.


  20. "Anonymous said...
    I think Fr Augustinos comment proves a very valid point that may people have been trying to make for a long time.

    This blog is continually spitting out false information in the vain hope of inciting hatred and causing deep rifts in the coptic community.

    To the SMC team, I hope you take this breach seriously, and as Fr Augustinos said, you and I are all accountable in front of God."

    Where have you been for the last 11 months friend?

    Are you aware what Ostaz Amir Hanna, his partners and some priests have been doing?

    I suggest you ring Mr Hanna, and ask his opinon of Bishop Daniel, and him returning to the diocese.
    When you have done that, come back and inform everyone where the tap root of this sorry saga is been nurtured and watered.

    Thank you Friend.

    Friend of a Friend with a Friend

  21. To the administrator of this blog,
    The level of communication in this blog is very low and the church matters should not be discussed at this level. I am not with or against anyone but I am against the way that we deal with our problems.
    We have people from outside the community look at this blog and then they turn around and have no respect to us or the Coptic Church.
    Do you think that you are achieving anything?
    Do you think that you are protecting the diocese?
    Do you think that you are protecting HGBD?
    The answer is NO. You are destroying all of the above. I ask and beg you to reveal your names if you think that you do not have anything that ashamed from.
    Speak to father Tadros and ask for debate inside the church with whoever you are against and then the results should go with father Tadros to the church in Egypt.
    That is how you do it if you want to protect all of the above.
    God bless

  22. Dear Friend (the last comment @ 10.06pm),

    Thank you for your comment.

    If you think the level of communication in this blog is very low, we respect your opinion. Do not forget that you searched for our blog as we did not invite you. Nevertheless, you now know it is low level, the answer is very simple, you should not be visiting our blog again.

    Our friend, don't worry much about our names. They are irrelevant as they will not change the facts. Please focus on the issues of concern and search for the AOE and speak to them.

    If you think going public is damaging, so do we.

    But we suggest you direct your comment to Mr Amir Hanna. If you don't know him, ask your parish priest. We encourage as many as possible to do so.

    He pushed the ON button and he is in control of the OFF button.

    NB. By the way, just a reminder, on the front page there is a DISCLAIMER which states that this blog has nothing to do with the Diocese, HGBD or Fr Tadros.

    SMC Rescue Team

  23. Dear Friend, commenting about the blog, you openly criticise it and the effect it has in the wider community and reflects on the Coptic community. Are you aware of all the emails, letters and newspaper articles that have been circulated over nine months? Did Amir Hanna think like wise before initiating the same? We beg to differ, we believe you are for Mr Hanna, and want to minimise the exposure of his ill deeds. It is a shame you did not speak out for nine months and are speaking now, Again we make it clear this blog is about protecting our colleges and preventing Amir Hanna and his Gang from touching our college where our children attend. We have every right to voice our concerns. This blog is not about returning HGBD, it is about keeping the diocese united. Again we invite you to ring, or go visit Amir Hanna and ask him why he wants HGBD removed from the diocese. Where were you when Nazmy Antonios, Haney gayed, Amir Hanna, akhbar eloskoff, tigger news, sim sim etc etc etc were posting 1000's of emails and writing letters that were published in Egypt news?????????? Where were you when some deranged lowly ill bred wrote a letter on diocese letter head and signed it HGBE, then sent it to the Islamic newspapers in Egypt? Where were you when Amir Hanna wrote a nine page letter that targeted certain priests?? Where were you when father Antonios wrote and published his email last Christmas? DID YOU ATTEND THE DEMONSTRATION???
    I would say your comment is designed to minimise the damage that Amir has caused to himself, and his own reputation. We are not trying to bring HGBD back, we want Amir Hanna and his friends removed from any dealings with the diocese and colleges. We want all the stray Priests to repent, apologise and respect the vow of their priest hood. We want Bishop Bishoy to act honestly and explain why he is ignoring us. Bishop Bishoy apparently only reads Amir’s correspondence and ignores everything else.

    I suggest you speak to the wider community and ALL the Priests and see what they think. This site will remain until we know AMIR HANNA and the AOE are going to leave the colleges alone, and Father Antonios apologises for opening the door for them to use the college as a vehicle to promote their anarchy. Again Father Antonios can leave the college because our college WILL NEVER LEAVE THE DIOCESE.

    Friend I suggest you make your self acquainted with the facts, rather than play possum to attack the site and the Team that has successfully maintained Coptic TRADITION, NO PART OF A DIOCESE CAN BE REMOVED FROM IT, not for Father Antonios, Amir or any one else. WHERE IS THE LEADERSHIP OF MEDHAT GURGIS?????

  24. Dear Friend (10.06),

    Do you honestly believe any thing sent by Father Tadros is going to reach his holiness.??? Seriously, do you think the community is stupid? It is no secret Bishop Bishoy is full aware of what is ocurring and he will protect UNCLE "A" in every possible way no matter what evidence is put before him. Contact IBBY and ask him what happened with his formal complaint that was submitted in the manner you suggest. Bishop Bishoy told AMIR HANNA, take him to court.
    Thank you for the suggestion but we decline. As for giving our names, have you got any idea of the filthy underhanded low despicable tactics they will resort to if our identities were known? Again thank you for the suggestion but we pass. They will only make it a personal attack. I notice you did not put your name on the comment, why??? You can tell UNCLE "A", to humble himself and as CEO of the axis of evil to contact Father Tadros, kiss his holy hands, confess repent apologise, and then request a meeting. We want an agenda of the issues and we will send our select representatives to voice our concerns, please pass that message on to UNCLE "A". Can you imagine what these people and certain priests would do if Bishop Bishoy ever reached his ambition to be pope. It would be a case of god help us and mass exodous from the coptic church. Are you aware of His History and the damage he has personally caused all over the world?? I suggest you remain realistic.
    Are you aware Bishop Bishoy has gagged Father Tadros, so that the evil doers can run wild unhindered. Bishop Bishoy even refused for all the priests to get together and pray for unity?? My simple friend it is clear to everyone these people are acting with the full knowlede, blessings and PROTECTION of the WANNA BE POPE bishop Bishoy. His next move is to promote Uncle "A" from Deacon to Metropolitan.

    Thanks again Friend, can you suggest anything more constructive and not so lopsided???

    Friend of a friend with a Friend

  25. So let me get this right...

    Ibrahim (aka Coptic Truth) and the SMC blogger, you are all against most of the lay hierarchy of the Coptic Church in Australia, and some bishops, and the vicar, and a fair number of the Coptic priests??.

    Why do you put yourselves in the place of the official administrators of the church, both religious clergy and lay servants, who have been appointed in the proper manner, men of outstanding repute and qualification??

    I don’t think this type of hatred is healthy. Why not forgive and forget, and return to church and have Holy Communion like everyone else, socialise a bit, enjoy life and friends and lead a relaxed and trouble free life??

  26. "men of outstanding repute and qualification??"

    Oh man, you made me laugh..

    You must have been sleeping under a rock for the last year!! Mate, you better continue sleeping.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Dear SMC Blog administrator et al.,

    When we love Christ, we also love the Church, and when we love the Church, we also love all the members of the Church.

    With love, we learn to look past the faults of others, in the same manner that Christ looks past my own faults, as well as yours.

    Just as we place our daily lives in the very palms of Christ himself, and trust whole heartily in His divine providence, because we trust in Him, we should also do the same when it comes to matters of the Church.

    Leave all to Christ, distance yourselves from all these divisive and contentious matters, and watch the Grace of God at work.

  29. Dear our Friend (signing as Coptic Truth on 18 Oct 2009,@3:24pm),

    Starting with (Ibrahim AKA "coptic truth")

    We apologise for removing your comment for calling some people names. Despite our disagreements with AOE we have never called any of them names. We always addressed them by Mr or Dr.

    We love you to contiue your support.

    We appreciate your understanding and please forgive us if we offended you.

    SMC Rescue Team

  30. Dear Adel,

    They are hibernating not sleeping.
    Msuhrooms, kept in the dark and fed on waste


  31. Dear our Friend (starting "when we love Christ, ..." on 18 Oct 2009,@3:43pm),

    You said "With love, we learn to look past the faults of others, ..."

    The church teachings apply to everyone. Why Mr Amir Hanna (teaches in the Theological College!), the AOE and even Fr Antonios did not look past the faults of HGBD! Despite knowing those teachings very well, they did not apply them. Instead, they judged him and mudded him publicly!!

    Is this Christianity?!

    Please do us all a favour and direct your comment to them and let them fix the mess they started. We are happy to hear back from you after doing so. Please have a chat with anyone of them and tell us honestly their response to you.

    If it wasn't for what they have done, we wouldn't have started this blog. They could have managed SMC fairly and honestly. They could have addressed their issues with HG through the clergy channels.

    Egoism is bigger than Love, our friend.

    SMC Rescue Team

  32. My My My

    A man can't even go fishing and come back to find he has been creditied with all good deeds.

    Dear Tig,
    Sorry bud I ain't COPTIC TRUTH

    Think harder guys and I am sure you will eventually work it out it ain't me.

    Why don't you ask them directly who they are.

    To put it in simple english I am not coptic truth,they don't require my aid.

    But thank you anyway.

    Now off to buy more bait and back to my fishing,
    lets see what you come up with upon my return.
    Have a magic day guys. LOL


  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. what is the arabic??


  35. Dear our Friend (the Arabic comment @5.01pm),

    We apologise for removing your comment.

    We opposed the AOE communicating in Arabic. Therefore, may we kindly ask you to please post your comments with translation or in English only.

    We love you to contiue your support.

    We appreciate your understanding and please forgive us if we offended you.

    SMC Rescue Team

  36. I would like to post a comment about the AOE.

    Can someone please post the web address of their blog(s) please so I can post the comment.

    Thanks in advance.

  37. To the person who posted the previous post, the AOE do not maintain a blog for you to post comments on. As they are all senior church servants, the cannons of the Coptic Church do not allow them to discuss church matters in such an inappropriate manner.

  38. Dear Friend (comment @9.37pm),

    Thank you for your comment.

    "senior church servants"??!!!!!!!! Did they act as servants?!!

    Does the cannons of the Coptic Church allow them only to:
    1) Defame and publicly ridicule their Bishop through emails.
    2) Mass email the Diocese's private issues such as debts, liabilities, assets etc.
    3) Use fake email names to push their own agenda.
    4) Stage a demonstration and a coup on the Diocese to cover up for their corruption.
    5) Defame the Diocese on Egyptian TV and newspapers allied with "The Moselm Brotherhood".
    etc. etc.

    Are these permissible and appropriate manner in the cannons of the Coptic Church and in your opinion?

    Please enlighten us!

    SMC Rescue Team

  39. My apologies SMC admin for offending you. I just meant to say that they are senior church servants of the church and are in a position of great responsibility and are therefore expected to deal with church matters in a confidential manner by going through the church hierarchy. You are not bound by these restrictions because of your position as a normal parishioner, and therefore you have the freedom of doing this blog and writing about them. The fact that they are senior church servants and have a great deal of responsibility also means that they have a great deal of accountability, which is why you can criticise them. I think that they are fair game right? If they were not senior church servants who hold very high leadership positions in the church and in the general community over the past several decades we would not even be mentioning them, they would be nobodies. That is all I meant.

  40. Dear Friend (comment @11.17pm),

    Thank you for your response.

    No offence at all.

    We agree that the greater the responsibility, the greater the accountability.

    But the point is that they did not deal in a confidential manner and they did not go through the church hierarchy. Therefore, they were in breach of the servants' code of conduct (if we may call it).

    SMC Rescue Team

  41. to the previous comment at 11:17pm you said that the church servants are fair game for critisim because they are senior church servants who have served for the past several decades.

    Thats a very warped view of things. they deserve a bit of respect, not critisim for being senior church servants, serving, as you said, for several decades..

    I don't even think that people like Ibrahim F who has only involved himself in church matters for the past year should even be fair game for critisism, let alone long term servants.

  42. Dear Friend (comment on 19/10/09 @11.12AM),

    Thank you for your comment.

    Servants do deserve a LOT of respect (not a bit) if they act and behave like servants. There are so many good examples in Sydney and everywhere. Even senior servants should not ever forget that they are servants to the Lord.

    Serving for several decades does not give the right to hold us at ransom and dictate the destiny of the Diocese according to their own evil agenda called EGOISM.

    Corner stone of serving is humbleness and obedience, wouldn’t you agree? When they behaved like masters, they deserved the criticism in self defence of our own destiny.

    SMC Rescue Team
