Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Re: “Looking Forward to the Past”.. (1)

It is very hard to find somebody who disagrees with HH Pope Kyrollos VI, right? Wrong!!

The attached document is a news report which was published on 21 April 1967 by El-Ahram Centre for organization and IT*.


Serious conflict between Pope Kyrollos and The General Lay Council.

Deficit in the budge disables the Patriarchate to pay staff wages

1) Following HH’s enthronement on 10 May 1959, he reorganized the churches of Cairo and Alexandria and established committees to mange and audit their financial affairs to guarantee and prevent any financial deviation. The General Lay Council saw this action in its terms of reference and considered HH's actions as interference in its terms of reference.

2) HH spent more than 50,000 LE on building St Mina’s Monastery in Mariout. The GLC's view was that there were 10 monasteries in Egypt and there was no need for more.

3) The Pope spent the money inherited from the reposed Bishops/ Metropolitans (approx. 20,000 LE which HH inherited according to the church laws) on building St Mina’s Monastery in Mariout, which The GLC disagreed with him on.

4) The GLC initiated the restoration of the Great Cathedral and paid the builder 3,000 LE only. They failed to honor the remainder of the contract amount of 27,000 LE. When the builder stopped working, The GLC refuge to HH to help from his financial allocations. The Pope refused until he replaced the builder with another. The GLC saw some of the restoration operations unacceptable and they considered the way the project was handled a challenge to The GLC.

5) HH requested from the GLC to deliver the yelled of the properties that was endowed to him. A request that was rejected by The GLC claiming that all incomes must be deposited in the Patriarchate’s safe and The GLC spend from it on the various projects.

6) HH decreed to move the department responsible for issuing and registering certificates of engagements and weddings to the Papal residency. All fees collected (approx. annual total of 3,000 LE) to be deposited in the Papal residency’s safe instead of the cathedral’s safe. Same applied to offerings of the Great Cathedral and saints’ festivals. This resulted in a big deficit in the cathedral’s budget.

Those disagreements led to HH refrained from attending the meeting of The GLC despite that he is the chairperson. HH informed members of The GLC that all their past and future decisions will considered illegitimate.

End of translation

Can you see the similarity between events of 1967 and 2009?

Back then we had Yousef Saad and his gang.

Doesn’t he look like Amir Hanna?!

Please have another look at his photo (printed next to HH's photo) by pressing on the document to enlarge it.

We have Amir Hanna in every age and era!!

If their ancestors have done so to HH Pope Kyrollos VI,

what would we expect they would do to Bishop Daniel?!

The saint of our modern days HH Pope Kyrollos VI is in the history books with letters of light. Does anybody remember Yousef Saad or any of his gang?!

As the earlier arrogant laymen went down the history bin,

make no mistake, it will be our mission that today's ones face the same fate!

It is our promise to the trio, count on it..

من أراد أن يكـون فيكم عظيمـاً فليكن لكم خادمـاً. مت ٢٦:٢٠
Whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. Matt 20:26

* El-Ahram is the most respected national newspaper in Egypt and very reliable source of news.


  1. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

    I understand that you have very strong views about the management of St Marks College, and that you believe that it should be operated differently from how is currently being managed.

    My concern is however; that you have callously swept aside you Christianity in slandering a lot of individuals.

    If you honestly believe that what you are doing is right and proper, than you have unfortunately skewed your moral compass and, i believe, have lost sight of what it means to be members of the body of Christ.

    I earnestly recommend that you reconsider your tone on this blog, and re-examine your intentions and your methods.

    Yours in Christ,

    A concerned Christian

  2. Dear Concerened Christian,

    Thank you for your comment.

    Those individuals (as you called them) have callously swept aside their Christianity in slandering the church, the college (which is our kids' future), HG Bishop Daniel and likely the entire Coptic community. Can you see the size of the damage?!

    Are you concerened about that??

    Talking about moral compass, those individuals have thrown away theirs!!

    As for members of the body of Christ, please do us a favor and send your message to the CLERGY and the laymen who led the coup on the Diocese.

    SMC Rescue Team
