Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Does anybody hear us? Does anybody care??

During Wednesday’s lecture on 30/9/2009; HH was very firm in his response to a question about one girl carried the Eucharistic Bread Basket during the Offertory in the mass and participated in some of the mass readings. HH explained that the church does not allow it and that the priest who allowed this incident should be penalized. News report by Copts United on Thursday 1/10/2009

HE Metropolitan Bishoy is also known for his firmness:

During the Orthodox Dogma Convention 2009; HE criticized the Egyptian Government for sentencing Fr Metaaos Abas Wahby for 5 years in jail for wrongly convicting him with forgery. He was very firm in saying his suitcase is ready since September 1981 (in reference to his own imprisonment in Sadat’s era). HE said “this priest has to be released”. News report by Copts United on Thursday 1/10/2009
  • Does the firmness of our church hierarchy stop at Amir Hanna and his gang?!

  • Is Amir Hanna’s family relationship with HE protecting him as he claims?

  • Does Dr Medhat Girgis’ direct communication with HH because of his early generous contribution to the Diocese make him unstoppable?

  • Does Fayez Hanania’s direct contact with HH since he organized all HH’s past visits to Australia make him untouchable?

  • We know that everything published on this blog reaches Egypt. Are these people that powerful?!

What do we need to do

to attract your attention?!

Is there anything more important than our children our future generations?!

Your Holiness and Your Eminence; please forgive us for our frustration..




  2. Dear Friend in Jesus,

    Your support and encouragement is really appreciated. We need it.

    It is very depressing. Please pray for us and our children.
    God bless you.

    SMC Rescue Team

  3. May the grace of our lord be with all those that struggle for the sanctity of the churches, colleges and diocese as a whole.

    It is clearly despairing that some pursue their own ambitions in defiance of our lord Jesus Christ, and the Coptic institution (2000 Years).

    It is ironic the so called theologian is attempting a coupe and dismantling of a diocese in direct contradiction to Coptic Cannon Law.

    No one has the right to interfere in any diocese except the Groom (the Bishop), or his Holiness in exceptional circumstances.
    This theologian should assume middle name of "Hypocrite". The theologian loves to selectively utilise the WORD when it suits him, and ignore it when it suits him.

    Our Lord Jesus was always consistent, treating all equally and setting an unmatchable example.

    Maybe the theologian enjoys using previous tactics as outlined in your letter with Pope Kyrollis, to achieve his goals.

    He may be a great man in his own eyes, but he is an ant to an ant in the eyes of the congregation at large, he has become a theologian to avoid at all costs, and has totally shown his true colours with his desperate bid to have some control of the diocese. It is no surprise he and his gang have elected to overtake the Colleges, after all they do enjoy millions of dollars in Government Granting annually. Money equals power,
    The question is why why why?? Why the desperation to assume control of the colleges, the wealthiest single entities in the diocese??
    What is the Long term Plan???
    Why is his relative, protector and guardian Bishop Bishoy allowing this to happen????
    Does Bishop Bishoy have a standing arrangement with these people????
    Does Bishop Bishoy stand to benefit in any way from this arrangement???
    Is this arrangement part of his plan to become pope???

    They may be mighty, but mighty is the lord of Lords, and King of Kings. They are mere mortals and will face the wrath of Christ in due course, there is no doubt about it.

    Bless you all for your tenacity and determination to protect the institution that is housing our children, the eyes of our lord are set upon you, and he is proud of your stance.
    Our lord did not shy away from the Pharisees,
    As our lord said to them, "White washed tombs full of dead men’s bones". Perfect description of the axis of evil.

    Please Pray for me.

  4. Father ANT, (as you like to call yourself),

    Your last news letter spoke about honesty righteousness etc.

    Father you wrote the posted email with full knowledge that it would cause major division in our church. You have blamed everyone for the division but you accept no responsibility yourself, Why?
    Is it the Coptic way to publicly and openly attack a Bishop, despite the fact by your own admissions you went to Egypt but was dissatisfied with their response?

    Father Ant why did you address the letter to "IBRAHIM",(
    What role does he have in the church?
    Why didn’t you send it directly to HGBD? Infact why didn’t you send it to him at all?
    What did you mean by your last statement to “IBRAHIM”, be part of the solution and not the problem?
    Did "Ibrahim cause you any problem(s)?
    You refer to George Attalah the unknown, Father Mikhail knows him very very well!!!
    Did you think to ask Father Mikhail???

    Are you going to acknowledge your own errors?

    Father Ant, you knew about the decree appointing you to our college before it came out, infact you conversed directly with Bishop Bishoy.

    At the time you stipulated that you would return to the college as long it had no association with the diocese, and Bishop Bishoy agreed.

    Was that the reward for writing your email?
    Father Ant, did you consider the views of the college parents and students? Or was it your own needs that come first?

    Father ANT what gave you the right to remove the picture of HGBD off the wall?

    Father Ant what were you thinking when you replaced it with a picture of an Asian lady?
    Who is this lady?
    Do we worship her?
    Father ANT, how dare you place a picture of an ASIAN lady next to the picture of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, and HH?

    You restored the picture of HGBD only after the disgust shown by a member of the congregation yesterday, and father George had the nerve to say the picture of HGBD was never there.

    Yet your email talks about dividing the church and body of Christ, Father Ant make no mistake it is you that has divided the church, and we will not allow you to divide our college and separate it from the diocese.
    Father ANT if you do not like it pack up and leave all the staff, students and parents alone.

    I suggest you re read your own email and start been truthful with yourself.

    Your actions have not harmed his grace, it has harmed you.
    Your email is full of contradictions and hypocrisy. Father Ant, you WERE a much loved and respected Priest, but you have fallen under the spell of UNCLE "A" and destroyed you good standing in the community.

    We pray for you, and for your repentance and salvation.
    Father ANT, I am sad that I as a layman has to point out all these faults of yours, however you set the example the day you took it upon yourself to attack and try to point out flaws in HGBD, all this despite your statement that you personally don't have much to complain.

    Your email is a contradictory mystery, initiated on behalf of UNCLE 'A" and with the blessing of Bishop Bishoy. It is time for you to undo the damage you have caused, to the church, the congregation, the college, and the good name of the clergy.

    However we still respect that you are still a priest and if our lord can forgive you, who are we to refuse forgiveness.
    Father I am now asking you to start been part of the solution rather than continue been part of the problem and puppet for UNCLE "A" and his gang.

    Father Ant I am trying to be honest with you, so do not be offended and pray for us.

    A frustrated and aggrieved member of the church.
