Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

“A coup on a Diocese”

Media release..

SMC Rescue Team has decided to publish a book documenting the conspiracy of the AOE headed by its CEO Deacon Timion (the management guru Mr Amir Hanna) on the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions. The suggested name for the book is

“A coup on a Diocese”

The door is still open for name suggestions.

It will be supported with factual information, documents and photos.

The book will be launched on 31st December 2009 (the first anniversary of ambushing HG Bishop Daniel). All expenses associated with producing, printing and distribution of the book will be born be SMC Rescue Team.

“We are sorry Mr Amir Hanna for aborting your possible plan of alleging that it will be produced or funded by the Diocese or HGBD” said SMC Rescue Team.

The book will be produced in Arabic and English and in two formats a hard copy and a PDF file so that it reaches the widest possible audience.

The idea of the book is to name and shame everyone who participated in the coup on the Diocese (including the conspiracy on SMC by the P&F and the Board) and the role of each one and to insure they are in the history's garbage bin. The book is a documentary of a black page in the history of the biggest Diocese in the Coptic Ministry. It will be a reference for future generations to be vigilant from other AOEs or Amir Hannas of the future.

You can reserve your FREE copy by emailing your details to

SMC Rescue Team is conscious of the enormous task ahead and calls upon anyone with related info or materials (documents, photos, emails etc.) to email them to us ASAP.

وابواب الجحيم لن تقوى عليها مت١٨:١٦
“..and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Mat 16:18


  1. what a wonderful idea,

    SMC we will immediately email you a number of reports and documents with some amazing facts.

    To Ibby,
    we appreciate you suggestion from yesterday, we have just discussed your idea and thank you, but we are going to do this our way. No hard feelings Ibby, we know you mean well. We agreed everyone must know and see what we know. We understand you are disappointed with HGBD, for letting Bishoy push him around and signing the evil letter written by Amir Hanna for Bishoy to sign. DO NOT BLAME HGBD, Bishoy is a very dangerous man.

    To SMC Team, we will email you two reports with supporting documents, please look at them closely and use what you like.

    Can we suggest "Uncle "A" conspiracy as a title.

    Ibby do not be upset with us, stay united

    Copts united Australia

  2. Can we suggest the below names

    the assasination of Bishop Daniel


    "Evil within coptic DIOCESE Sydney"


    "Judas of Sydney"
    Prince of Darkness
    Prince of Deacons & Mastermind


    "The sheep of Bishoy"

    Youseff Hanna

  3. Dear Friends,

    Thank you for your comments.

    May we kindly request that you please keep titles (especially for the priesthood) ie Fr, HG or HE.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    SMC Rescue Team

  4. suggestions for chapters
    1- Amir Hanna "Zeftelteen emails
    2- Mikhail Mikhail Letters
    3- Father Mikhail History
    4- Father Mikhail Liturgy scandal
    5- Azmy affair and cobe
    5- St Mary St Mina College history & Scandal
    6- Azmy scandal
    7- Appointment of Father Augostinos
    8- The audit of HGBD into colleges
    9- The Father Antonios email
    10- The Demonstration
    11- The accusations against HGBD
    12- Samir Habishy egypt news
    13 -Bishop bishoy silence
    14- The Bishop Bishoy Decrees
    15- The exposure
    16- The cover up
    17- Ibby and the emails energy australia
    18- Bishop Bishoy Cover up
    19- Bishop Bishoy the POPE
    20- Money and power
    21- Threats against priests
    22- Intimidation of Father Tadros
    23- The amir hanna letters
    24- The forged documents on diocese letter head
    25- The reasons behind the coup of the colleges
    26- The sacraficial lambs at the hands of Amir Hanna
    27- The priests that were sacraficied at the whim of Amir Hanna
    28- The GAB
    29- The steering committe
    30- Medhat Gurgis
    31- The youth
    32- The betrayl by JUDAS

    Freedom Fighters

  5. Oh my God.
    Common guys, this will be a bombshell. Where and when is all gonna end?
    Uncle Amir, are you happy with this?! I am sure you are not. Can you please please please do something to stop it. This circus must stop. Mark

  6. Mark,
    I bet he is enjoying the spotlights! it must come to an end one day. God exists.

  7. Dear SMC Team,

    a Book? mmmmm interesting...

    Will the SMC team Allow Uncle 'A" to also make submissions to this publications? Aside from his publicly published emails, letters etc, will you allow him to submit his concerns and supporting documents and allegations that caused him to revolt and start the "coptic Eureka revolt" The book should contain both sides of the srgument and not be one sided. The offer should be extended to Father Antonios so he may explain to everyone why he wrote his email and wants to seperate the college (he has been entrusted with) from the diocese, The named chapters have left out the Father Pavlos issue, and Mr Khairy Grace and PVA, why? Mr Kahiry Grace played an important role in ensuring HGBD flew to egypt.

    What about a chapter named " Bishop IBBY"

    Johnathon H

  8. Thanks Johnathon

    Very Funny mate.............


  9. Dear Johnathon H,

    Thank you for your comment and your contribution to the book.

    Certainly the offer is extended to everyone to insure the book is a valuable documentary and is not one sided. Fortunately, most work of the mentioned names was done publicly. Nevertheless, this is their opportunity to explain themselves.

    We are sure that most interested parties know or heard of SMC Rescue blog and visited it at least once. However, we will rely on our regular readers to remind whoever they may think can contribute. So, every friend and reader of SMC Rescue blog has an important role to play in either make a submission or encourage anybody with info to make a submission.

    Deadline for submissions is 1/12/2009.

    SMC Rescue Team

  10. It seems like history is doomed to repeat itself.

    I remember about a decade ago when everyone was against Uncle Amir when he introduced the first English mass in Australia.

    I remember after mass every week, all our cars outside of church would be plastered with letters of protest by some unknown group of people. They were vehemently against uncle Amir and some of the priests, and telling us to boycott the English mass!! Some of the deacons of our church were up in arms against the prospect of an English mass, and even decried it as a great evil of the church!!

    Ahhh, how the times, they are a changin’... these days when us Coptic protest, we use blogs and websites and emails to let the whole world know of our predicament....

    Just remember, if it wasn’t for the English mass, and the years and years of petitioning by people like uncle Amir, that our beloved Coptic church would have experienced the biggest ever exodus of youth away from the church, in a similar manner to some of the other ethnic orthodox churches in Australia who refused to change their services to English.

  11. A decade ago?
    what church are you talking about?


  12. I really can not see a problem with a book, as long as it is accurate and truth full.

    In response to Anoynomous that said
    "Ahhh, how the times, they are a changin’... these days when us Coptic protest, we use blogs and websites and emails to let the whole world know of our predicament...."

    I do not understand your concern, Mr Hanna has been relying on his friend Andrew Ezzat,
    and his website called COPTICHISTORY.ORG to give a distorted view of our church history for years.

    Please visit the site then come back and tell SMC they are starting a new trend.
    Please be honest in your comments and do not mislead the readers. We suggest you type "Bishop Daniel" and search the site COPTICHISTORY.ORG, and read what he has posted about him.

    There is no question all his comments are terrible and very one sided, with no truth.

    At least SMC are Honest about what they post.

    Thank you for your input.

    Mary H

  13. Hey English man, thanks for the history lesson. There is no similarity at all between both situations. This time it is about conspiring, deceit, betrayal, COVER UP, corruption etc... Dirty work hey..
    May be people then were new migrants you see, days were different. When they failed his ego got bigger.
    I promise you, we will do a better job this time. Unless he repents and backs off from the school, as the post says to the history garbage bin.

  14. Using blogs is more civilized than littering cars, isn't it?! Even your Uncle Amir is using emails, ask him? At least SMC is not do it the dirty way he does it..
    2009 differs from 1979.

  15. I think they are scared of having a book "a permanent record" of the achievements of Amir Hanna, and how he achieved it.


  16. Hello, I am new to this blog, and it all seems very interesting.

    I am a sunday school teacher, and i just have a quick hypothetical question for everyone. Here it is: If i found out that one of my Sunday school students was writing a blog defending me, and in doing so writing bad things about other people, I would tell them to stop straight away. Even if they were just defending me and they were not saying bad things, i would still tell them to stop and to leave the matter in God’s hands.

    My question is: why is Bishop Daniel not telling the people running this blog to stop doing what they are doing? Why can't he just tell the blog administrator to stop writing all these bad things, and to stop giving other people a place to write all these bad things on this blog? I believe that our Bishop is the best, and that he would do anything to stop the church being split in such a manner by anything negative such as this blog.

    He is a Bishop, and if he said something to the blog administrators, they would have to listen to him. Can i please have everyone's opinion?

  17. can I please order my book now


  18. Dear SMC team,

    Can we assist with the writing of the book?
    If we send you a draft, will you consider the content for the book.

    Also can we suggest a $500.00 prize for the winning title, we should have a competition and have people email you a suggested name with their contact details so they can collect the prize money if they win.


  19. DEAR sunday school teacher,

    What is Bishop Bishoy the iron man doing.?
    Why has he ignored all our requests for help?
    Why does he refuse to acknowledge we exist?
    I think yo are aiming your questions to thw rong person.

    Nice try Amir Hanna's Friend
    try again


  20. The sunday school teacher,
    This time is completely different than anything that your uncle Amir has ever seen in his life. Somebody has to stop him and teach him a lesson he will never forget it for the rest of his life. SMC Rescue Team, with God's grace, seems will do this job properly and we are with them all the way.
    Your uncle Amir has caused big damage to our school and our kids' future. HGBD has nothing to do with this. We will never back down unless he gives up, repent and apologize to everybody he caused pain to.
    Why your uncle Amir did not listen to HGBD? Ask him if you can.

  21. My question still is - why is Bishop Daniel not telling the people running this blog to stop doing what they are doing? Bishop Daniel knows that this blog is bad for the church, and the blog is mainly in support of him, so why does he not stop it.

    And please be nice in your responses. Thanks!

  22. Dear Copts United Australia,

    Thank you very much for your support.

    We are overwhelmed with the support we have received so far through our email. We are very grateful to you all.

    Any submission will be greatly appreciated and will definitely be considered. We would like the book to be as comprehensive as possible.

    As for the prize idea, we think it's brilliant. We are happy to adopt it and honor it.

    We are thinking of doing it also for the best design book cover. We will make some more announcements in this regard and related deadlines soon.

    We would love to see all Sydney organizations such as yourselves join forces with us to get rid of evil from the Diocese.

    SMC Rescue Team

  23. To the Coptic United Aust. Person, I noticed that you are constantly making fun of Bishop Bishoy.

    Do you know that he is the secretary of the Holy Synod, and second in rank to the Pope. You really ought to act more mature and have more respect for him. As a Bishop of the Church, he is Gods appointed to administer the Church. If you were not so rude and insolent, he would perhaps bother to listen to you.

    The fact that His Eminence Bishop Bishoy and Bishop Daniel both allowed another person of the church to exercise his legal right against you is no reason to act is such an immature fashion.

    To the Sunday school servant, Bishop Daniels email address is common knowledge, you can email him and let him know your opinion. This is not the place where you will get an honest answer.

  24. Dear Sunday School Teacher,

    Thank you for your comments.

    We think you misunderstood the motive behind this blog. Please read the Disclosure on the front page in a very prominient position says "This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions."

    Also, under the blog name, in big letters, the aim of of the blog is "A plea to rescue St Mark's Coptic College at Wattle Grove, Sydney, Australia".

    If in the way to achieve our goal looks as defending HGBD, so be it. Despite it is not our agenda, it is something we will be proud of.

    You can't infer that because HGBD is not requesting the suspension of this blog that he knows about it and accepts it.

    We hope that the above answers your question.

    SMC Rescue Team

  25. Dear Friend (comment on 9/10/09 @8.05pm),

    Do you think Mr Amir Hanna, the AOE and Fr Antonios have ever accepted and respected HGBD as Bishop of Sydney and "God's appointed to administer the Church"? If you do, then our advice is, more research about the subject is needed before you give your input.

    By the way, if you doubt the integrity and credibility of this blog and believe we do not give honest answers, can you please enlighten us as of why are you here? We did not invite you!!

    We bet you will contiue reading. You can't help it, can you?!

    SMC Rescue Team

  26. When Bishop Bishoy respects church laws and acts honestly we might think about acknowledging he is a bishop. Have you read all the emails relating to bishop Bishoy's history, tactic, and antics.
    He leaves a lot to be desired. We know he gave ibby the short end of the stick, we know he will never ever try it with us, and he knows exactly who we are.

    You seem very desperate to cover up his well know reputation world wide. Visit CANADIAN.copts and visit US Copts association, why is he not allowed in america?what did he do. Why is he on every page of the egyptian newspapers, we are our coptic brothers in egypt threatening to kill him, Are you saying every one is wrong????????

    My little anonymous friend, who are you fooling?


  27. ibrahim farag (aka ibby aka copts united aust) why are you so bitter and twisted?

  28. Can uncle Amir explain to us what AKA means? He is Mr know everything. It looks we have a Turkish here with Tarbouch!!

  29. Greetings SMC Team, Copts United Australia,
    and all other visitors,
    wow we, you guys have left me behind.
    Guys, please do not defend me in any way,
    I am more than happy to fend for my self.
    I commend you all for your submissions both for and against, so let's have a civilised debate,
    where every one can voice there opinion
    with out the charachter assasination.
    If I may put my two bobs worth in,
    Firstly SMC are very dignified in what they are doing unlike the nine months of filthy emails that were circulated by a non persona(S).
    I strongly suspect Tig is behind some of these comments.
    I commend all those that have put their names to their comments.
    As for HGBD,
    my friend he has nothing to do with this,
    we all witnessed his weakness and submiissivness to Bishop Bishoy when he was forced to sign the letter clearing Amir Hanna,
    knowing what he was signing was false.
    I do not blame him,
    and I am aware Amir Hanna sent a message threatening legal action against HGBD and the diocese unless he got his letter.
    Well AH got the letter
    it is a worthless piece of paper that he can frame.
    My friend everyone knows the truth.
    they did read the emails I sent out with all the supporting documents. CASE CLOSED.
    Fourthly Bishop
    Bishoy has fully exposed himself and his lack of integrity
    I believe he has caused many problems all over the world,
    AND as Copts United Australia said,
    he is banned from the USA.
    Bishops do not get banned for no reason my friend.
    As for his rank,
    I do not care if he is a deacon or the pope.
    It does not excuse his total lack of ethic, morals, and upholding what he is supoossed to stand for JESUS CHRIST,
    he has betrayed his own vow.
    AS I understand he will be lucky to be still a bishop when the holy SYNOD is finished with him.
    Here is some news for you friend,
    I have rejected all his offers to settle our difference,
    I want it settled in the proper forum here in australia, with the church community present, i trust them, I DO NOT TRUST HIM.
    It is very apparent to myself the mainstream of the coptic community are now aware of the true nature of Bishop Bishoy
    and the fact he is standing over HGBD
    and using him as a pawn to supress me,
    As I said to B. Bishoy,
    keep HGBD in egypt all you want,
    but you please please come to sydney and finish what your poison pen started.
    Of course he is a worried man and avoided coming here, even for the enthronment of HGBD at the monastery.
    Basically my friend,
    I personally am not shying away and it would seem to me all the other organisations are certainly not going to remain silent anymore.
    EVERYONE is aware of what he did to me,
    he has made me rather famous.
    My mates in the US are ready to help in every way
    and so are many people in our community here in sydney, (god Bless all of you)
    My friend,
    keep your comments realistic because they make you look foolish,
    people feel you are treating them as thou they are stupid.
    and we all understand exactly the perversion of your messages.
    So DO Not be shy put your name to your comment and at least pay us the dignity of answering some of the comments and questions put to you,
    Finally leave HGBD out of this,
    That is a very old and stale AH tactic
    blame the bishop when all else fails........
    HGBD is not here and he is not going to silence us, well speaking for myself he certainly is not going to stop me exposing all the evil doers in our church and bringing them to justice.
    I was a nobody before my friend,
    no one knew me or even heard of me,
    now i am running for an academy award thanks to AOE and Bishop BIshoy.
    And I will try hard towin the $500 for the title of the upcoming novel, i might buy a new fishing rod!!!! what do you think sunshine??
    I think you understand.
    God Bless you sunshine and try to stay civil, and before you jump the gun
    OR SMC
    and I do not personally know any of them
    I speak for me and no one else.

  30. Mr Brain,
    We are a group yaebney..

    You want to Know who we are?
    ask us, after you put your name


  31. AKA,
    Police term for people who use multiple names
    Jsut like some of the ex board members of St Mary St Mina College


  32. LMAFAO

    is that to eat or to smoke?

  33. Hey GUYS
    has declared me a bishop
    I DEMAND you all address me as


  34. To everyone, instead of all your effort and time putting our shame history in a book and making fun of Bishops and Judging them.

    Let's all pray and fast so the lord can help our Church in this difficult time.

    Please leave HG Bishop Daniel and ME Bishop Bishoy to His Holiness. he is capable of dealing with them if they did something wrong.

    To the Sunday School Teacher, HGBD got your message. have faith in him because he is a good Bishop and will do something about your message.

    God Bless

  35. To LMAFAO,

    I had to compose myself first from laughing. My God, nothing wrong with having fun here.

    Tarbouch is a Turkish men's hat. Egyptians used to wear it since the Turkish occupation until shortly after the revolution in 1952.

    Sorry for using an Arabic word..

  36. Dear Friend (comment on 19/10/09 @10.39pm),

    Thank you for your comment.

    Thank you also for passing the message of the Sunday School Teacher to HGBD.

    Yes we love and respect HGBD greatly. However, instead of HGBD request ceasing this blog, we hope that he controls Amir Hanna and AOE first. We hope you also pass this message to spare HGBD embarrassment.

    This blog will stop ONLY:
    1) When Amir Hanna repents and pologise publicly to everyone he hurt, specially our school parents.
    2) Amir Hanna, AOE and all his gang step down from any activity within the Diocese.
    3) Fixing SMC which starts with forming honorable Board (not defacto for Amir Hanna or anyone else).

    Our friend, unless this happens, you are wasting your time.

    SMC Rescue Team

  37. To God Bless, at 10.39pm,
    [Please leave HG Bishop Daniel and ME Bishop Bishoy to His Holiness. he is capable of dealing with them if they did something wrong.]

    pls send ur message to Amir Hanna and Fr Antonios. had they left HG Bishop Daniel to His Holiness (as u said) and didnot take things into their own hands, we wouldn't have been in this mess now.

    where are all the good sunday school servants? they can't step him down?? we can do without his trouble.

  38. It could just be my halitosis, but this blog really stinks.

    Ibrahim Farag, I cringed reading your comment of 9:49pm. You are a fearless man! I however, fear God, and can't believe what you just said about His servants and His Bishops.

    Please have some respect. I have noticed reading this blog that a number of people have already requested that you show just the slightest amount of human decency and respect to the elders of the church. Please listen to their advice.

    At the end of the day, we all need Christs helping hand to get through our very difficult lives, and you are not doing yourself any favours by criticising Christs appointed servants and leaders of the Church.

  39. Dear Friend (Anonymous @11.59pm),

    Thank you for your comment.

    With all respect, your opening statement says it all, we think you are right, it is your halitosis! Washing teeth actually helps!

    We are not defending Ibrahim Farag because again simply we don't know him and it seems he is more than capable of defending himself. However, we don't think you are fair.

    Isn't what you are accusing Ibrahim Farag of doing, exactly what Mr Amir Hanna, AOE and Fr Antonios have done??? If this is not hypocrisy, what is?!

    Weren't they criticising Christ's appointed servant when they publicly muddied HGBD through every possible mean (email, newspaper, TV etc.?

    Fair dinkhum!

    If you really fear God, why don't you enlighten us and tell us what do you think of the behaviour and damage that Amir Hanna and his gang caused to the Diocese by publicly attacking HGBD and damaging SMC??
    Or don't you know what we are talking about? Have you only seen Ibrahim Farag and SMC's behaviour?!

    What interest does Amir Hanna has in the school other than protecting his corrupt friends?

    Wake up our friend. If you still think the blog stinks, we advise you, as we have been doing all day long with your other friends, do not visit again. Remember, you were not invited.

    Look mate, for you and your friends, do not waste your time?? Until Amir Hanna and AOE all step down first (like Fayez Hanania), there is no talk.

    And if you did not like this blog, you have seen nothing yet. Wait until you see the book and the more to come.

    Amir and his gang should never be allowed to dictate our future and that is of our kids. We hope we are clear enough.

    SMC Rescue Team

  40. Greetings Troopers,

    Hope you all slept well.
    Don't you guys get up early for work??

    All is good,

    We are disappointed some blogger did not refer to Ibby as BISHOP IBBY,
    how disrespectful,

    We will Complaint to POPE Johnathon H of the AOE and have you excommunicated....:)

    Show some respect to OSTAZA IBRAHIM

    We know AOE and their fragile supporters are in damage control.

    My friend the book will be published
    and if SMC change their mind
    Bishop IBBY will publish a BOOK.

    He is master of english language...:)

    What you worried about?

    THE TRUTH HURTS you (hahaha) :)

    AS Hor His Eminence the dictator Bishop Bishoy,
    friend we only speak the truth,

    As my daughter says
    "whats up with that?"
    "Get over it matey,"

    Why you not spoken out 10 months ago,
    against AOE and there DUMMY friend with there DUMMY EMAILS and letters about HGBD??????

    You were on 9 month Holiday???

    JESUS did not scared from the romans and not the PHARISEES,


    Why you scared of the book
    We wonder why..??

    Friend, do you read arabic??
    Did you read all the history of Bishop Bishoy. maybe he get excommunicated for damage and cover ups, he do many times. He use corruption and threats.

    Friend you no like this site,

    Do what Mary said, go look COPTICHISTORY.ORG all rubbish write about our diocese in sydney by amir and his Friend Andrew.

    Much more to come friend, much more
    you speak rubbish we show everyone true things.


  41. FAIR DINKUM, I love that word

    Magistrate Betts said it to the
    WAHID AZMY a few times during his ill conceived court cases, that he LOST 5 times
    yes folks FIVE Times,
    yes 5 to nil, a state of origin record..


    Thanks Wahid WAHIB Azmy,
    I got the interest money yesterday.

    Fairdinkum is an awesome aussie word it means
    "wake up and smell the roses sunshime" ,
    "are you kidding yourself"
    "are you serious"
    "get real"
    "is that a fact"

    I think you all get the jist,
    it really is a brilliant word,
    coined in australia to deal with people living in the fantasy land otherwise known as the vacum within their heads.

    GOD Bless you all my friends, yes ALL even my anonymous friends trying to maliciously attack me because I have the courage to put my name to my comments, (the others are cowards)

    Any way I will love you and leave you,
    I have to rock and roll,
    so be nice to each other
    and I will catch up this evening

    To AOE,
    Please invite B. Bishoy to sydney,
    so we may conclude our differences in our beautiful civilised country
    "heaven on earth" AUSTRALIA.

    If he thinks I will do it in his back yard
    "GYPO LAND", he is dillusional.


    off to work /////////

  42. To my friend that said
    "October 19, 2009 11:23 PM
    Anonymous said...
    It could just be my halitosis, but this blog really stinks.

    Ibrahim Farag, I cringed reading your comment of 9:49pm. You are a fearless man! I however, fear God, and can't believe what you just said about His servants and His Bishops."

    My educated friend,
    I cringed when I read the bible
    and I read about JUDAS,
    He too was Choosen by our LORD JESUS CHRIST,
    he sat, ate, travelled, slept with our lord,


    JUDAS had the decency to acknowledge his disgraceful conduct,
    he found a tree and a piece of rope and ended his own misery.


    Lets hope the so called church leaders learn from that.

    I really must run,
    I am late

  43. To God Bless, at 10.39pm,
    [To the Sunday School Teacher, HGBD got your message. have faith in him because he is a good Bishop and will do something about your message.]

    Are you for real. Did you say HGBD is a good Bishop?! Try to tell AOE that, specially Amir Hanna or Dr Sarah Girgis! I'm not telling you what would happen to you. Let it be a surprise..

  44. Greetings Brothers and sisters In Christ,

    I trust every one had a wonderful day.

    Can I ask why is any one trying to INVOLVE HGBD?

    You have all rejected him in the past, and no one would speak out in his defence, (except a few).
    Now that the preverbial has hit the fan, they are running to him to silence us.

    My God, I wish they would make up their minds.
    We had a halfwit called "TIG" attacking and mocking him in every way saying he is never coming back, now they want him to help them silence us. VERY VERY ODD.

    May I Suggest they get His eminence and dictator, the Aristocractic ruler and strong man Bishop Bishoy to try and silence us. He is the number 2 man and number 1 manipulator in our church, tell him to email me and i will be more than happy to respons and put him in his place.

    Seriously guys, take it like men and deal with it as men. HGBD is not here leave him out of it,
    I do not recall HGBD saying take the colleges of me, it was Father Antonios's desire to break ties, why don't you email, ring, or speak to him?? What I am saying is go to the root of the problem. LEAVE HGBD out of this and forget the very worn out tactics of AH out of this,
    It is not a HGBD issue, it is a community issue and we will voice our concerns until the evil in our diocese is burnt at the stake.

    Kindest of regards

    P.S to my FRIENDS at Coptis United Australia
    Thank you for the email. End of story, the docs spoke for them selves, and i respect your decision. God Bless, hope to hear very soon.

  45. Dear Aiman,

    Bless you

  46. Dear SMC

    We emailed some papers yesterday,
    we ask please put them on the site, let the coptic people see the true what happen with the bexley college, and what Father Augustino find in the two week he at the college.
    Father Augustino, you remeber what you write now?

    Father please tell everyone the true.

    The colleges must stay with HGBD,it disaster if they take them away, think what these people do with the money if HGBD not keep them honest.



    Thank you for your comment and your email.

    We are currently examining the attachments of your email and sorting them out. Thank you also for Fr Augustinos' bombshell letter which we already had a copy of from another source. It seems there are few copies around!!

    We would like to confirm that we have heard nothing from Fr Augustions until now. Shall we consider his silence a retraction of his derogatory comments on October 16, 2009 2:53 PM designed to smear our reputation in response to our post "The Director we have never had"?

    Interested of your thoughts, should we publish the letter? Shall we give him a bit more time to consider his options? We hope he doesn't listen to uncle Amir (so they call him).

    Fr Augustinos is a lovely man and we do not want to embarrass him further. Our issue is not with him. In fact, we praise him and we are very grateful for his integrity and honesty. However, his comment unfortunately wasn't honest advice, which we highly suspect it was Amir Hanna's.

    Your support is much appreciated.

    SMC Rescue Team

  48. If there are few copies around, my head is going towards Amir Hanna. He has done it before with other highly confidential documents. I received some financial documents for the Diocese via email circulating around and I am sure he was the source. Same as the judgmental letter exposing HG's errors.
    Good Deacon, hey!

    How come somebody who done that much to his bishop and his diocese is still let loose serving our youth?!
    Gosh this man is very cunning.

  49. Dear Aiman,

    Yes Uncle"A" has many private papersfrom the diocese he use against people.
    He has blank letter heads too he use.

    Uncle"A" wanted the keys tothe diocesedafe and the Bishops Seal, he ask for it in writing, what he do with these things.

    Father Mikhail, should leave the college like Michael Atteya did few months before.

    Father Mikhail, should answer the letter of Father Augustino and explain what he doing in the college.

    Why father Mikhail resign, and then have Bishop Bishoy put him back, what he hiding from us.
    Ibby telling the true for 18 months and no one listen.
    We have much more papers to send to you, then you understand everything. We sorry not listen to Ibby from start, we understand why Bishop Bishoy make new group to investigate corruption. It all big big cover up hide truth.

    Also wahid Azmy take ibby to court many times to keep him quiet, Ibby no give up and fall, he stay strong and fight and WIN, Ibby god bless you son, you true christian, sorry we dont listen from start.

    Yes, we think you must put letter and tell Father Mikhail we want answers to what your brother Father Augustino find in your college.

    Copts United Australia

  50. Uncle "A",
    and the victims

    Father Mina Nemetallah
    Father Mina Kamal
    Father Youhanna Sabet
    Father Moussa Soryani (Bishop Athanasius)
    Father Philoponus
    Father Soryial Youseff

    Now HGBD

    How many more victims

  51. If possible, can somebody elaborate on what Uncle "A" has done to those priests, please?

  52. Not sure if somebody proposed this name before for the book. "Coptic schools, Pride or Shame". Feedback please.

  53. Dear Aiman,

    conspiried against these priests and either had them stood down for a period of time,
    or had them totally removed from australia

  54. News From Egypt,

    Dr Medhat, now say he love and support Bishop Daniel. He say Bishop Daniel very good and honest man. What you doing now Dr Medhat. Before you with Amir Hanna, and say Bishop Daniel no good. Uncle"A", you explain to everyone what happening. You by your self now, they all stay away from you because you no good. Tell us, this our church we want to know.


  55. news news (
    write this email

    "Bishop Ib,

    It seem you have NOT controlled the ex Bishop of Sydney (Bishop Daniel) as he is still releasing emails.

    This email is a clear indication that the ex Bishop of Sydney (Bishop Daniel) is releasing confidential letters and files from the Diocese filing system.
    It is clear that either YOU (Bishop Ib) are the puppet releasing these confidential documents on the ex Bishop of Sydneys (Bishop Daniels) behalf OR that the ex Bishop of Sydney (Bishop Daniel) is himself 'messehi el-epty' (Wahid.elepty) releasing these confidential documents.
    Keep going as you are succesfully highlighting the sneeky nature of the ex Bishop of Sydney (Bishop Daniel) to the Pope. This will continue to exile the ex of Bishop of Sydney for many years to come.

    Tiger, you very sick man,
    We tell you before we not ibby.

    We send papers to everyone,
    you not like, bad luck boy.

    sorry for this Ibby,
    we send more papers today and make Tiger happy


  56. Dear Copts United,

    I got the email,
    don't worry about the toothless tigger,
    it is AH's puppet,
    might even be him lol,
    he responded to it as DOCTOR AMIR (LMFAO)

    They can blame me all they want.

    The funny thing is according to them
    I have single handedly achieved what the wise monkeys failed to do,
    keep HGBD in egypt,
    and now he AH & "TIG are complaining about it"
    Those boys are every sick, no pleasing some people.

    I notice non of them said the document is false, wrong or a forgery.

    I think the SMC team is owed an APOLOGY and formal retraction for been accused of misleading the community.

    I ask who is misleading who?????

    More importantly,
    When is Father Mikhail going to respond to the document?

    Any way, it is a nice document to have a record of,
    and I will send to the relevant people handling the issue of His college,

    I also wonder,

    DID the Auditors installed by B Bishoy Get it?

    If so what did they do with it and about it?

    More unanswered questions.

    Copts United,
    well done,
    it is about time the NEPOTISM of bexley college is exposed,


    Is it a union organisation or a coptic college?

    Father Mikhail very disappointing,
    and everytime your toothless tigger attacks me falsely and wrongly I will respond
    100 fold AGAINST YOU.

    Tig and Amir you are rapidly accelerating the demiss of Father Mikhail
    and exposing the truth about the way he has run the college ,
    it is a FACT FATHER.

    I suggest you ask AMIR HANNA,

    If he had a copy of the document at the time it was written????
    you remember it was at the time he was VERY VERY AGAINST YOU, and openly attacked you in a meeting, do you remember father???

    It was before you united together against HGBD??

    The conspiracy is slowly been exposed

    what elese do you have in your bag of tricks?????

    What other documents and reports do you have AMIR?????



    Dear Copts in Sydney, SMC team and Visitors to the blog.

    Mr Amir Hanna has been using his pseudo "TIGGERNEWS" to attack Ostaz Ibrahim.

    Copts United, make it clear none of our members have ever met or spoken with Ostaz Ibrahim with the exception of this blog and emails to the entire community. We have never communicate Privately with Ostaz Ibrahim.

    The accusation that Ostaz Ibrahim sourced or provided us with documents posted by US on the internet and then forwarded by WAHID.ELEPTY and others to the community are totally wrong.

    COPTS UNITED AUSTRALIA comprise a large group of both men and women from all over sydney. Many of us know Mr Amir Hanna very well and we have had enough of his dirty games.
    Mr Amir Hanna, we will never let you now who we are, we totally understand how low you can get, so keep asking around and you will hear the same answer. We maintain 100% secrecy BECAUSE OF YOU.

    We have a very large number of documents on hand. We will never disclose the source. HGBD has nothing to do with us and we formed 12 weeks ago. The documnets DID NOT COME from the diocese. Mr Amir Hanna has more enemies than he is aware of.

    To Ostaz Ibrahim we extend our sincere apology and regret, we are not suprised by the accusations of Mr AMir Hanna's Pseudo.
    But we intend to maintain exposing the truth and WE WILL RELEASE ALL, YES ALL the 200 pages of documents we have. The Church community must be made aware of nothing but the truth.

    As for Privacy and respect, Father Mikhail where was the privacy when you attended the demonstration? We will release the demonstration on DVD free of charge at every church in 3 weeks (just to remind every one why HGBD was not here for his anniversary your friend sent an email about to everyone.??????)
    Where was the respect at the demonstration ? Why DID you ATTEND?
    Mr Amir Hanna where was the privacy when you held the meeting of the "coup" like SMC say, and planned the downfall of the bishop and were so delighted with the demonstration?

    Mr Amir many of us saw with our own eyes and heard you with our own ears when you attacked many priests in the past?

    Mr Amir Hanna, we will never trust or believe a word you say.


  58. Dear SMC TEAM,
    I would like to make a
    Suggestion for a title
    For the FREE Novel to be Published.


    Pontius Pilate & The Romans,
    The Jews and Barabbas &
    Pharisees and Scribes &
    And JUDAS 30 pieces of silver.


  59. SMC Rescue Team PLEASE I BEG YOU, DO NOT PRINT ANY BOOKS about ANY of what is happening.

    I understand your need to have this blog going and like so many who have found it, I am grateful for your efforts in keeping a place where we can share our thoughts and concerns.


    I would hate to have ANYTHING floating around for YEARS to come of what a few mere men have done that brought our church to one of it's darkest hours.

    This is a disturbing issue that I would like nothing more than to see it resolved and deleted from our minds.

    Luke 23:34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

    PLEASE do not make their mistakes be OURS. Let us all hope that we can be as forgiving as our Lord, but advertising the darkness in our church right now is not something any one of us should be encouraging.

    They might not have known what they have done to our church by going to the public about it, but if you print this book, you will KNOWINGLY do wrong.

    I want to be proud of my Church again, not be ashamed and hide it from my children.

    But if you PRINT A BOOK for anyone in the world to read, they will do what lots of naive people do... and that is assume that ALL COPTIC ORTHODOX are capable of such wrong doings!!

    Keep the Blog until this is resolved. But PLEASE, I would hate to have to explain to one of my children one day why their church went out of its way to PRINT the mistakes of others. That is not right!!

    Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."

    I don't know who is taking care of this blog, or made this decision, and honestly I don't care! But if any of you are parents, I want you to look at your children and see if PRINTING THIS BOOK will be doing the right thing by them?! by publishing it where one day it could be used against their faith in Our Lord?!

  60. Dear Anonymous Friend,

    Thank you for your comment.

    We value your concern and your contribution to the blog. Therefore, we need to prepare the appropriate response for you and the rest of our valued readers. We will post our reply ASAP.

    SMC Rescue Team
