How many times does one get caught before the community wake up??!!
Ostaz Amir Hanna joined forces with another Ostaz "Nazmy Antonios" in fabricating stories. They got caught by Dr William Boctor. You know; Dr Boctor who played big role in the downfall of SMC, but this is another story for another day when his turn comes. However, in this instance we commend Dr Boctor for catching two birds with one stone.
For the readers' info, Ostaz Amir and Ostaz Nazmy are so close like twins. They distribute roles among themselves and others to implement Ostaz Amir's hidden agenda.
Very old and stale trick aimed for distraction,
Late life childish
(something like mid life crisis)

In fact when we used the newspaper's search for Ibrahim Farag إبراهيم فرج , the result was zero, nil, zealsh!!! This means his name has never been mentioned in any article in the newspaper.
Ostaz Amir Hanna replied to Ostaz Nazmy Antonios and as usual Ostaz Amir treats all people like fools and stupid. He is Einstein of the Copts and the only one who can read between the lines!
Ostaz Amir Hanna insulted all recipients of Ostaz Nazmy's email that they may misunderstand. All (or some) of the recipients might have falsely thought that Ostaz Nazmy meant to liken Ostaz Amir (instead of Fr Zakaria Botros) to St Paul of the twenty first century! Ostaz Amir infers that the Copts do not comprehend Arabic or English! His arrogant mentality was apparent in his email response which he sent in both languages.
He is very calculating tactful evil who chooses when to communicate in which language. Please note the email he was replying to was in Arabic and he chose to reply in Arabic and English! It depends on who he is directing his message to. However, in this instant he saved us translating to our readers friends the non Arabic speaking!
And of course, he forwards his correspondences to HE Metropolitan Bishoy and shows his muscles and get the blessings.
The man is full of himself.
Ostaz Amir Hanna,
it is all in your head, humble a bit.
Does everybody who publishes couple of books that nobody reads or delivers couple of sermons to his handful of friends think and behave in this manner?!
Then Ostaz Amir reiterated Ostaz Nazmy's message and accused Ibrahim Farag again that he sent the letter to the newspaper!
"the ... newspaper ascribed to and claimed it emanated from person they called Ibrahim Farag" says Ostaz Amir. Really??!!
Dust in the face, you see,
Don't you ever think I did it!!
Ostaz Amir and Ostaz Nazmy; what do you think we are?!
This is very childish for your age fellows.
- Who mass distributed the diocese’ debt and sent it to another Egyptian newspaper "El-Fagr" which is also associated with Muslim Brotherhood?!
- Who was behind the on air call to the Egyptian TV program "El-Cahira Elyoum"?!
- We don't know Ibrahim Farag but we certainly know Ostaz Amir Hanna very well..
- We don't know Ibrahim Farag but we certainly congratulate him that he hurts you “Ostaz Amir” badly.
Ostaz Amir Hanna; when will you grow up?!
It is not nice
It is not nice
for somebody in your age to LIE!!!
Dear SMC,
ReplyDeleteYes this email was sent out by Amir Hanna and his side Kick Nazmy.
Like a cunning fox he did not send it to me, and WIlliam Boctor brought it to my attention.
This was Amir Hanna's retaliation because I Publicly exposed and shamed him for what he is.
Yes it was Amir Hanna's payback for me exposing him sending emails from energy Australia.
Mr Hanna, I have not forgotten, and you will have the opportunity to explain the entire content of your sick fabrication in the forum of a court room.
So you can babble all you like, And you will have your day.
Amir you are a bitter and twisted man.
Amir Hanna,
are you still MAN enough to come out and say you are innocent and you were found inncocent and cleared by Mr Walton of energy australia?
Why did they suspend your account?
why were you moved out of head office to campbell street?
Are you still MANAGER OF Duty of Care.?
Did you loose you promotion due in november?
Amir, I seriously believe you need help and evaluation.
Amir EVERYONE knows about your filthy tactics.
Amir what arrangement do you have with your relative B. Bishoy that he would agree to sign your letter, it is good for toilet paper!!!
What incentive is B. Bishoy getting for protecting you.
B. Bishoy is either a very dumb stupid fool or he is as corrupt as you driven by personal ambition and a huge ego.
We are praying for the salvation of your soul.
Do you see what we see?
Do you see what you are doing?
You are driven by Hatred, spite and venam.
Amir, you will never touch any member of the clergy again.
Amir you have met your match.
Like I said before
Your only supporter is yourself, Tiggernews,
yes we know amir we know more than you know.
God Have mercy on your soul.
Dr William was on the board of St Mark's College while his son Maged was on the board of St Mary's college. They were in control of both schools. Then they resigned after contributing to the destruction of both schools. God exists. Nabil
ReplyDeleteIf what you say is true,
Why was Dr Boctor, invited to Join the other members of AOE along with wahid azmy and khairy grace?
I just recieved an email from HG in response to an email i sent him. The email is about this blog and certian individuals how regularly write in this blog and is very critical about them. If i email it to you, do you promise that you will publish it in full?
ReplyDeleteDear SMC,
ReplyDeleteThank you for exposing the truth to the community.
You are 100% correct I do NOT readd or write arabic at all.
But I do speak egyptian.
For the love of christ do not ever expose your identity to Mr Hanna or his associates, they will resort to the lowest filth if they know who you are, same for Copts United.
DO NOT TRUST the master of Deception.
In Christ
HGBD, was forced to write the email by
ReplyDeleteBishop Bishoy???????
Mr Amir Hanna,
ReplyDeleteis suffering from an incurable disease,
there is no treatment for his illness.
My only suggestion is Mr Hanna be placed in isolation to prevent further spread of the illness.
His illness effects mentaly capacity and causes sudden acts of vulgarity on impulse.
Glaxo is working hard to find a vaccine, in the mean time any form of contact with the infected individual should be avoided at all costs.
It is far more contageous than SWINE FLU.
Dr. Mona
Dear Beloved SMC
ReplyDeletethe fighters of truth, honest and integrity.
I read the post by nameless
laugh my fat ass off,
they have run to the same bishop that they want to destroy yo silence us.
Nice try Kids,
when HGBD returns here to the diocese we will oblige every request.
Till then B. Bishoy the strong man,
judge jury and executioner is running the show.
I challenge Amir or any of his drop kicks to get a letter or email from the strong man!!!!
Come on Kids, let us all see what pull you have with the ambitious "POPE to BE"..
Till then we do not trust any documents that emenate from the master of fabricators and forgeres, who are you fools yes FOOLS kidding?
Looks like they are hurting, bleeding and desperate to have to run back to HGBD to stop the hemorage!!!!!!!!!
Amir, you honestly need help,
we are not stopping till you are totally destroyed buddy, yes totally, no room for the likes of you in the coptic church, no turning back now mate.
On your Knees, look up at the heavens, the wrath of GOD is about to unfold..
Kindest of Regards
The Abyss
ReplyDeleteNO, don't publish any thing from them.
They can tell HGBD to email you directly.
Dear SMC,
ReplyDeleteCarl elssal sent us an email,
congratulating us for exposing Father Mikhail and asking us to tell him who we are.
Carl, I serve with you at bexley my friend. Who are you trying to kid, you are a pet of Father Mikhail. Very nice try though Carl. You are not very intelligent Carl. Go back tell father Mikhail it dd not work and see you on tuesday and sunday. Carl no offence, but mate take care of yourself, you are a young man. it is not healthy to be that overweight.
Copts United Australia
guys i sent you some emails earlier
ReplyDeleteplease have a look when you can.
And I sincerely thank you for defending me,
I am so overwhelmed after 9 months some one has spoken out to support and defend me.
It means a lot to me.
St Mary Bless your houses.
Jesus guide and guard you
May all the angels and saints declare victory upon your fight and come to our rescue.
I love you Guys
I will be here till the end of the battle rest assured, Amir must be destroyed before HGBD returns, and he must be never allowed near him.
Dear Anonymous Friend (comment on 24 Oct 2009 @ 12.34pm),
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment.
Sure you can email us anything you like. If you have been following our blog, you would have known that our integrity is not questionable. We don't edit or change anything.
However, we have to check the authenticity of everything we receive, wouldn't you?!
Our email is clearly published on the front page. HGBD is more than welcomed to communicate any message he likes direct to us without the need for an intermediate messenger.
Nevertheless, with all our respect to HGBD, we believe that anything he is issuing while he is in Egypt would be under duress and would not stand in a court of law. Similar to the letter HGBD was forced to sign with HE Metropolitan Bishoy bowing to pressure from Ostaz Amir Hanna to silence him.
Need not to mention again, that HGBD has nothing to do with this blog. It is all about defending our kids' interest utilizing the wonderful freedom of speech we enjoy in this lovely country of ours Australia.
Our friend; Ostaz Amir Hanna once said “the genie is out of the lamp”. Nothing will get the genie back in other than the stand down of Ostaz Amir Hanna and all members of AOE, the safe and speedy return of HGBD to his seat and allowing him the freedom and space to become a bishop without interference.
SMC Rescue Team
Dear SMC,
ReplyDeleteThis fairdinkum a pathetic Joke.
Who is asking you to post an email allegedly from HGBD.
The simple answers is NO.
SMC is not a vehichle to spread their propaganda.
What verification is there it is a genuine email from HGBD.
Amir Hanna, revels in sending out emails.
The simple answer is
AMIR, email it to the world like you always do, and send it to your puppet nazmy, and Tig to email it to everyone to read.
Let it come direct from them to the world.
So when we prove it is another fabrication, it will be another nail in their coffin.
Amir Hanna
Kindest of Regards
from your good friend
I will shut every door in your face,
I will nail it,
chem set it,
dynabolt it,
liquid nail it,
chain it,
padlock it,
I will put savage dogs on the other side.
Amir Hanna,
your days of rebbelion are numbered,
your demise will be at DAWN.
Love you too mate....
my brothers at SMC
ReplyDeleteyou are too kind and generous.
since when does Uncle "A" ask before he sends out emails.
We agree with Ibby, the answer is NO,
they can email it themselves,
why are they asking your permission,
it smells of rotten magotts already and we have not seen it.
They have our email, send it to us and everyone else. DO NOT PUT on your site,
It is another Amir Hanna damage control tactic.
Hey Smc,
ReplyDeleteI bet my life you don't get the emailthey say is from Bishop Daniel.
Ibby, you are the man.
Give it to them.
Ibby, did you get the email from Amir Hanna last night? he has gone MADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
Dear Copts United Australia and Ibby,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your contiuous support.
We would like to clarify our position that they can send but we did not promise to publish.
Rest assured no body know Ostaz Amir Hanna's filthy tactics more than us.
SMC Rescue Team
Amir Hanna
ReplyDeletecome in get out of the rain.
come in step out of the rain
I am going to move to the waterfront!!!!
So close
yet so far
so good
so far
I'm gonna move up to the water front
a milion years from today
I said come in come out of the rain
I'm gonna live by the front
Come in and move on up
can you step up
live it up
follow me
follow me
very far away
far away
Walk away
walk away
walk away
ReplyDeleteYou wanna be starting something
to high to get over
to low to get under
your stuck in the middle
go see a doctor
the pain is so good
your fever is running high
going for a break down
my baby is always crying
you just want to be starting something
always stuck in the middle
you'r always upto no good
your always lying
heading for a breakdown
talk is cheap
the pain is so good
always stuck in the middle
do your feet hurt
always lying
your'e a vegetable
yes a vegetable
go look at some show girls
stop trying to start something
but you always wanna start something..............
the pain is so good
you're a vegetable
Can no longer hold your head up high
Michael J
Bless you guys
ReplyDeleteI just wanna protect you from his evil tactics
Jo, thanks for your support,
and i got the email this morning,
what does this have to do with William boctor?
Dear peter,
ReplyDeleteyes i did get the email,
I dont understand wht he is trying to say
yo put in Aussie terms
AH has lost the plot, seriously he needs help.
he is cracking under the pressure, and started to send out emails again in his own name not "TIG".
I actually feel sorry for the poor old man.
Lets not be to hard on him and try get him help,
maybe father Antonios or father Mikhail can counsel him , maybe!!!!!!!!!
Amir Hanna where is the shame? You are a bad man.
ReplyDeleteWhat you think you are doing. Amir you must stop as deacon, you no good. Your wife and children happy with what you do to our church and the people. Amir yeb halek.
Dear Friends,
ReplyDeleteWe have received the following email with instruction to publish it.
We thank Mr Basta for his permission to publish his email.
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 14:50:42 +1100
Subject: Fwd: Father Mikhail College Bexley, Bishop Bishoy cover up
Dear Mr Amir,
I would appreciate if you would address members of our community with some respect. They are not fools as you imagine. What has Swine Flue to do with allegations against Fr Mikhail? If you have a constructive comment on the subject, please say it directly.
The allegations against Fr Mikhail should be investigated by an independent legal committee. He will remain innocent from ill doings till proven otherwise. The wasted money belongs to the Coptic Orthodox Community and not to HGB Daniel or any other individual. Our community need to know the facts and need to know how their money has been spent.
I went through all documents and I came with two solid conclusions which are HGB Daniel is being conspired by devilish forces and there was a certain level of financial corruption need to be investigated. I pray for god to help HGB Daniel and to forgive all of us.
Albert Basta,
--------------------------------end of the email.
SMC Rescue Team comment;
Ostaz Amir, you can see everyone examines the facts reaches the same conclusion. You prey on people who do not read the facts, do not have all the details or have pure minds that do not understand your filthy tactics. Therefore, you feed them your ill views. But once they know the facts, they distance themselves miles away from you and your mop.
Evil must be defeated, no matter how long it takes.
SMC Rescue Team
put amir hanna in the recycle bin
ReplyDeleteHelen R
The only mistake,
ReplyDeleteand biggest mistake HGBD made
was to ordain Amir Hanna as Deacon Timon.
What a mistake that was, I attended your conssecration Amir, I regret it. You are a thorn in the side of the Coptic community.
I read the email from Copt United Australia, i thought they were mad group looking for attention, Amir it is you that has gone mad. You are not welcome in our church and my children will never attend any sermon or speech from you. You are a traitor Amir, wake up to your self.
where is the email they say is from HGBD?
i just realised that when you check the code on this web page, most of the ip addresses for these comments are the same.
ReplyDeleteSMC TEAM
ReplyDeleteto the writer
"Anonymous said...
i just realised that when you check the code on this web page, most of the ip addresses for these comments are the same."
Amir that will not stop us, we don't care what you know.
Copts United Australia
Dear SMC and Jo,
ReplyDeletemore lies from Uncle "A" headquarters
they can not view any IP's
they want to scare people, it is Uncle"a" way to try to silence us. First he claimed to have email from HGBD, where is it??????????
Now Uncle "A" is saying if you expose me i will get you. They are stupid.
I checked the comments,
they all have different sources, view my sample list below for the last 7 comments
1) ostaz-amir-hanna-and-ostaz-nazmy.html?showComment=1256378455883#c6198922658962748836
2) ostaz-amir-hanna-and-ostaz-nazmy.html?showComment=1256373634697#c2994337177781504049
3) ostaz-amir-hanna-and-ostaz-nazmy.html?showComment=1256362620661#c1600605536482951158
4) ostaz-amir-hanna-and-ostaz-nazmy.html?showComment=1256359658649#c599744039489567081
5) ostaz-amir-hanna-and-ostaz-nazmy.html?showComment=1256358717226#c7685528683083580848
6) ostaz-amir-hanna-and-ostaz-nazmy.html?showComment=1256355911569#c5838596725974733450
7) ostaz-amir-hanna-and-ostaz-nazmy.html?showComment=1256355074543#c8488351625937462716
Mariam (IT specialist)
Dear Anonymous Friend (24/10/2009 @9.00pm),
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment.
Anyone with half brain knows that your message is a scaremongering.
This is really another childish tactic which we used to from Ostaz Amir Hanna and his faithful disciples.
We would like to assure our readers that the blog is highly encrypted and secured and that nobody have access to the readers information.
Anybody would like to prove otherwise you can email us a print screen of your findings.
SMC Rescue Team
Dear Friends,
ReplyDeleteWe have received the following email with permission from Copts United Australia to publish it.
From: Carl Elassal
Date: Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 12:37 PM
Subject: Wanting to know who you are
To whom it may consern:
Love your work,
Can i know who your are,
--------------------------------end of the email.
SMC Rescue Team comment;
Ostaz Amir and your faithful disciples, are there any other filthy tactics in the book you haven’t tried?! We will publish every single one to expose you to all Copts around the globe who know you.
To our friend Carl Elassal, we are very disappointed in you because we thought you are a bit more intellegent than your performance in this email. We also suggest that you run spelling check to your written correspondence before sending them.
Evil must be defeated, no matter how long it takes.
SMC Rescue Team
Dear Amir,
Dear Friend that wrote
ReplyDelete"Anonymous said...
i just realised that when you check the code on this web page, most of the ip addresses for these comments are the same."
The only purpose of the message is to stop the exposure and damage that is been caused by the dedicated Team at SMC.
The message is a report card from UNCLE"A",
and the result is, SMC have 10/10, AAA rating,
congratulations for the superb Job you have been doing. Give your selves a well deserved pat on the back. You have acted honestly, openly and have always opened the door for "UNCLE "A" to make any comment or response, he still uses underhanded filthy tactics, he simply can not refute or deny any allegation put before him. ALL He has given us is a HEALTH WARNING,
sent emails from his "TIG" account,
and some uncomprehensible religious rant from his own email account!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe he will send your link to the islamic brotherhood as well.
hello newbies, to reveal the Ip address of the comments deploy a reverse ip search and use phpBB.
ReplyDeletedear Friend that posted,
ReplyDelete"October 25, 2009 7:55 AM
Anonymous said...
hello newbies, to reveal the Ip address of the comments deploy a reverse ip search and use phpBB."
We request you stop misleading our readers.
All that does is give the IP of the SMC blog.
With all Google facilities it goes back to america .In this case it is - Blogspot site info IP: server location:
Mountain View in United States ISP:
Please be honest in dealing with the community we are not fools,
For the love of Jesus say what you like but be Honest. There is no way of trackiing the IP of anyone it is all held by Google and is encrypted on their data bank, ASK "Tig" he know very well.
Thank you