Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Please stop ENOUGH is ENOUGH...

Reader's selected comment: posted on October 13, 2009 11:50 AM in response to Fayez Hanania; the first of the AOE to go.. posted on Monday, October 12, 2009 11:01 AM

Friend in Jesus Christ said...

Part A to Uncle “A” and Dr Medhat

Uncle "A", In light of the departure of Mr Fayez Hanania, We call upon you to end the one man war you are waging against the diocese. Uncle "A" you are in your twilight years, you will not live as long as you have already lived.

Please cease the warfare and
leave the diocese alone.

Go open your own church if that is your desire and show some dignity towards the house of the Lord. You are rejected by the main stream and have destroyed your own reputation and no one else. We wish you no evil and ask you to act as a reasonable and mature individual.

Uncle "A", we understand you are not a rational person with a sound mind, and ask you to stop your evil ways and do not attempt any further devious acts to salvage your non existent reputation, We have been warned that you intend to maintain the fight and resort to absolute filth to destroy the diocese and HGBD.

We have been told you hold the view
it is ME or HGBD.

Uncle "A" you are not a Bishop, you are just a deacon, and you do not hold the keys to the diocese and we do not want you to have any say in the diocese affair. We ask you in the name of Jesus Christ to follow in the steps of Mr Fayez Hanania and disassociate from any official role in the diocese. For the sake of the church the congregation the colleges and especially the distraught youth
please leave the Coptic Orthodox Church alone.

Attend and pray like every one else. DO NOT IMPOSE your will, ideas and thoughts upon us against our wills. You are just a man not judge, jury, executioner and God on earth.
Uncle "A",
please stop
enough is enough.

Allow us to commence the new term in peace love and harmony and end the year on a positive note. Uncle "A" you have turned the church into a war zone with a handful of unwanted trouble makers in the church.

Dr Medhat, we call upon you to also distance yourself from this mob mentality, do not undo the years of wonderful service you provided in the past. There is always a time for change and a new season, the time for change has come, it is now.

We all know you hate and despise HGBD, that’s fine, your opinion is yours, but this is not the way for an educated man and ex-pillar to conduct himself. Please show some mercy and end this fiasco that has fragmented the church.
October 13, 2009 11:50 AM

Part B to Father Antonios

Father Antonios, we are disappointed in your actions and lack of ethic, moral and decency. You hate been exposed for your actions, and still resort to every thing possible to attack HGBD and prevent his return.

Father Antonios we are aware you have heart felt grievances against HGBD that stem back for years. We are also aware you suffered emotionally and mentally as a result of some of his prior decisions. We make no excuses for him, we ask you to pray for him and forgive him his sins as our Lord Taught us. Resorting to emails, conspiracies and placing picture of Lady between that of our Lord and HH is not the way to resolve your pain and annoyance.

You are an anointed Priest, and as Copts we expect you to lead by the example of Jesus and not the spite of a mob mentality driven by UNCLE "A".

Father we are begging you to bring an end to this
and allow the new term to commence in
love peace forgiveness and prayer for one another.

Father now is the time to make a difference
and lead by the example of Jesus.

Peter denied Jesus, Jesus willingly forgave him no conditions, ifs or buts. We all have our weaknesses and faults, no exception. Father we are asking you as a community to make a fresh start, the past has lapsed, time heals all wounds Let us all stop the bickering and unite as true Copts and children of Jesus Christ.

It is you Father
that can make a difference.

It is within your power to end the division immediately and unite all the priests and congregation and youth.

We are begging you
to act in righteousness.

Let us all leave it to God Almighty and continually pray. God will do what is best for all of us if we ask him and not take matters into our own hands. Father for what ever HGBD has done to upset you
I ask you as a worthless son
please forgive him;
I will kiss your head, hands and feet.

Father you are not the only one to feel the pain of a bad decision, but we do not resort to the methods you have applied. Father Please stop allowing UNCLE "A" to influence you in the manner he has done.

I ask the above in the Name of the one and only beloved son of GOD, Jesus Christ our saviour, hope and comfort.

A Friend in Jesus Christ.


  1. لقد أسمعت لو ناديت حياً ولكن لا حياة لمن تنادي

    You'd be heard if you called at alive one, but no life in the one you are calling...

    Good luck!!

  2. uNCLE "A" AOE, and the GANG

    The Lord has warned about Hypocrisy
    When he comes he will bring to LIGHT the hidden acts of DARKNESS, and reveal the desires of their hearts.
