Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fayez Hanania; the first of the AOE to go..

مبارك الرب لانه سمع صوت تضرعي

Blessed [be] the LORD, Because He has heard the voice of my supplications!

Exclusive to SMC Rescue;

We have received a report that Mr Fayez Hanania (3rd on the AOE's list) has formally tendered his resignation from any duties with the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions.

We wish Mr Hanania the best for the future.

Despite he was the weakest link, we are looking forward to see the back of the rest of the AOE as well. Amen.


  1. I really don't understand the mentality of the SMC Rescue blog administrators.

    Don't you realise that what goes around, also comes around, and what you sow, you also reap?

    Don't you realise that by tarnishing the reputation of these greats of the Coptic Community in the most horrible and unethical manner that you are almost begging for the wrath of God? You are tarnishing the reputation of men and women who have served the Church for many decades in the most ethical and impeccable manner, men and women who are true servants of the Church and Sons and Daughters of Christ himself.

    Seriously, what on earth is wrong with leaving all in the hand of God, and praying about the situation?

    Do you seriously believe that if Pope Shenouda retaliated violently and as aggressively as you are doing now, slandering anyone and everyone in his path, that God would have helped him and gave him such amazing success?

    Pope Shenouda III has an amazing article titled ‘God is Present’. In this article our Pope discusses the depth of this wisdom in leaving all in the hands of Christ. If you don’t wish to listen to me, then listen to our Pope:

    “God created the universe and did not leave it but He manages all its matters… And I constantly say to everyone: You are not alone. You are living life and God is with you. He never leaves you for a single moment, nor for a twinkling of an eye. We leave our problems between His hands and we believe in His loving kind hand…”

    You may read the entire article at

  2. Good bye Fayeze,

    does this mean "TIG" the mouth piece is going to take your place on the GAB and steering committee.
    We ask because the only supporter of UNCLE A
    seems to be a non Persona animal named "tigger".

    Mahasalem Fayeze, wise decsion.

    Samuel El Masri (not Sudani)

  3. Dear our friend (the first comment)

    Thank you for your comment.

    You said “Don't you realise that what goes around, also comes around, and what you sow, you also reap?”.
    Why don’t you say; they are reaping now what they sow over the last seven years?

    Pope Shenouda III once said at St Mark’s Cathedral before the ordination of HG Bishop Daniel “if I get you St Paul as a bishop you will reject him”!! Do you think he meant the ordinary Copts by these words?

    Your uncle Amir (the good man he is, not), during the reception ceremony for HG Bishop Sorial (before his enthronement) at St Paul and St Antony Church in Guildford, said “we wished HG Bishop Sorial if he would stay in Sydney a bit to learn from us”!! Then HG Bishop Moussa stepped in to the microphone to set the record straight by stating the achievements of Bishop Sorial and that he (Bishop Moussa) personally learnt a lot from Bishop Sorial’s books and research. Please dig out the tape and watch the humbleness of Bishop Moussa versus the arrogance of your uncle Amir. The man is full of himself and needed a wakeup call.

    Amir is just the CEO of the AOE. He doesn’t move alone without the nod of approval from his gang.

    Don’t you consider the damage they have done to HG Bishop Daniel and to the Diocese (particularly since December 2008 until now and still continuing) is not horrible and unethical?! They are even making demands to HH Pope Shenouda III including the separation of our school from the Diocese. Please read our previous post "Counsel Of Ahithophel" on this blog We apologise that the attached document is is in Arabic.

    We agree with you that they may have served the church well before 2002. However, because they are bigger than themselves, they could never accept that Sydney became a Diocese and has a bishop. They could never accept that they had to be humbled and hand over things to HG Bishop Daniel and be under his stewardship. Please read our previous post "Noah and the Ark" on this blog

    Unfortunately, in every age and era we get these kind of people who after doing great work they go into self sabotage mode. Pope Kyrollos VI was also rejected by The Laymen Council for his financial management! Can you beleive this?! Please read our previous post "Looking Forward to the Past (1) on this blog

    SMC Rescue Team

  4. i think that enought is enought! people must start to being nice to coptic servant of our church in this website.

    this is the only way to be a grate christian. people who are servants in our church should be traeted with respect.

  5. Nice comment "tigger",
    I mean Amir Hanna.

    looks like they are jumping off the sinking ship.

    Amir be a loyal captain and go down with your ship.



  6. "Don't you realise that by tarnishing the reputation of these greats of the Coptic Community in the most horrible and unethical manner that you are almost begging for the wrath of God?"

    Amir did you write this, or your friend TIG.
    Amir, save your soul and walk away from the diocese beware "en-tee-am El-rub" Yeb yalek..

    You and Father Antonios can go start your new
    australian coptic church and your own college.

    Leave our college alone.
    Haney Gayed can be the principal and
    Dr Medhat the financial controller.
    You are happy and we are delighted.
    SHAme on You Amir, Shame Shame Shame.
    I will never attend any sermon by you again,
    and I will return all your tapes and CD's in the mail. Youu can listen to them again
    Shame Shame Shame.
    Ya yeb elshom yalek ya Amir

  7. To Farid, Aimen, Samuiel,Samuel El Masri, and to the blogger;

    you are all the same person. You are not fooling anyone, you should concentrate on being a better teacher and spend less time blogging!

    Sultan of Brunei



    In every generation
    there is a JUDAS, a traitor
    back stabber and deceiver working behind the scenes. Thankfully Judas killed himself....

    We also had bishop Nestorius
    a heretic.

    The modern era differs not,
    The rank is lower, but the traits are the same.
    We have a Deacon, dictating to a Bishop,
    WHY? Why, why is it so ?

    He fabricates documents and plots ways to become acting Bishop.

    He has betrayed Priests in the past and plotted their downfall, and his words their demiss.

    Now he openly threatens clergy,
    telling them

    Bishop Bishoy must be ever so proud of you,
    what has he promised you, To be Metropolitan of Australia and affiliated region.
    Is he naming a new Monastery after you
    what is the deal, please inform the community.

    SMC, beware the wrath of UNCLE "A",
    the emperor,
    dictator and ruler.
    he can teach Hitler and Stalin a few tricks,
    he is the master of disaster.

    UNCLE "A", who type the arabic letter attacking Father Zakaria on Sydney Diocese letter head and sent it to the islamic newspapers??? It is written in Arabic.

    Wahid Assad

  9. Amir,
    as there is a position available
    on GAB and Steering Committee
    I vote for wahid Azmy
    Wahid Azmy, is highly experienced.
    He will guide you through the storm,
    he is a genius and brilliant mind.
    You can a lot from him Amir,

    Amir, When you make new college and church
    make wahid the secretary of the church,
    and create a new COBE,
    but what ever you do,
    do not ask to examine any financial records,
    he will abuse you and get very very angry,
    he might use you as a broom to sweep the floor.

    Like he said to the HONEST, Loyal and sincere Ostaz Ashreaf Bishay, a blessed and holy man that left COBE in disgust.

    UNCLE "A" please leave our college alone and go away you are destructive, a demolisher.



    Not very nice to insult those educating our children Amir and Tigger,

    What is father Antonios doing with low level teachers?

    All the high level teachers are with Father Mikhail, and no PRINCIPAL,
    Amir why did Michael Atteya Leave the college.
    what happened AMIR, no bishop to blame for this one,, hey..

    show some respect.

    EL Ostaz Mark

  11. To the blogger,

    I think that you should be fired. There should be a policy against writing such filth against your own employer!!

  12. Hahahaha!!! this is sooo funny.

    i said that you were a low level teacher, i didn't say that you were a low level teacher at St Marks College!!!!

    EPIC FAIL!! We all know your identity now. Busted!!

    You really should be fired from your job!

  13. "Anonymous said...
    To the blogger,

    I think that you should be fired. There should be a policy against writing such filth against your own employer!!"

    My Dear Boy,
    There is a Policy.
    The Policy relates to the sending out of emails from your work Place.

    Ask UNCLE"A"
    Thanks to the highly esteemed and respected Private Investigator Ostaza and Teacher
    IBBE, the Ibstar or as you refer to him IB,

    He taught Uncle "A"
    the EX Manager of Duty Of Care
    at energy Australia,
    that their Policy states there is
    required when sending out emails that are not work related and offend people.

    Father Antonios has no Say in What the Staff do after Hours.

    Unlike UNCLE'A" Deacon Timon,
    We are not stupid and ignorant to think we can send 100's of emails from the college and avoid detection.
    So there is the Policy my Boy.

    Now respect the teachers, you are busted for ataying up past 8.30

    Robin Hood
    Sherwood Forest

  14. To all of you, Bishop Daniel supporters and Amir Hanna and Father Antonios supporters, you all need to stop this low communication style. by doing this, You are destroying our church, youth and faith. As youth, we are ashamed to have you in our Coptic Church.
    Bishop Daniel made a lot of mistakes as well as Amir Hanna and Father Antonios but what you are doing now is even more, it’s disgusting. Looks to us that you are having fun writing these blogs and comments. SHAME ON YOU ALL.
    The youth of the Coptic Church in Sydney are disgusted and do not want all of you around because you don’t deserve a church that are trying to destroy. Again, this message is to everyone and both teams if I can call you.
    Do you care about our Coptic Church?
    Is it the right way to protect the Church?
    Do you confess with all what you do to the Church?
    Back off and leave our church alone.

  15. Dear Friend (the last comment)

    Thank you for your comment.

    We do not blame you. We advise you to read the previous posts for a bit of background. Even by doing so you may not get the full picture of the pain and suffering that the AOE have caused us and our children, you have no idea.

    Pope Shenouda III once said "Before you tell the weeping stop crying, the whipper must stop whipping".

    How dare anybody judge Bishop Daniel or anybody else for that matter? HG is accountable to God following by HH Pope Shenouda III and the Holy Synod not to the AOE. If HG does mistakes, so do we. Do we expose him to the rest of the world or elevate the issue to his spiritual leadership which is HH? Do you like anybody to expose you the way HG was mudded? When this happens from a priest motivated by HG’s own advisers, the issue is a betrayal and has completely different dimensions.

    We are not here to defend HG. We are not even worthy of doing so.

    Our issue was used as a bombshell to attack HG. In other words we were taken for a ride! Unethical?! You name it!!

    To excise one identity (SMC) from the Diocese, next will be St Abanoub Church, third will be Archangel Michael Church etc etc. It will set a precedent which will result to the Diocese falling apart and you (THE YOUTH) will have nothing left to belong to anyway.

    We know it is painful now. But it is like a surgeon who may resort to cutting the cancerous part away for the patient to survive.

    We call upon all the youth of Sydney to help us cut the cancer away. We need your help, will you?!

    SMC Rescue Team

  16. wow, exactly ten comments were just erased from this page. SMC blogger, do you have something to hide.

  17. the post referred to the blogger being a teacher at SMC, have something to hide blogger??

    I still belive that you should be fired for publishing such filth about the college and the church.

  18. Dear Friend (last two comments)

    The comment you referred to is still posted above, October 12, 2009 8:20 PM. We only deleted comments that sounded like a chat much more than benefitting the readers. A cleanup in other words because we value our readers' time.

    We believe your mentioned comment will benefit the readers. In fact, we specifically left it there and we assure you of no intention to delete it.

    Our beloved friend, we are fighting deceit, unethical behavior and, no exaggeration, alleged corruption. We have seen it eyewitness from the AOE and their gang. It is hypocrisy if we do the same.

    However, if you see it just filth, very simple do not read it.

    We pray that the Lord open your eyes to see the truth as we have seen it.

    SMC Rescue Team

  19. Dear SMC Team,

    The lord Bless you and encourage you in your bid to maintain unity between the college and the diocese.

    Mr Fayez Hanania should be applauded for his display of dignity and righteousness in breaking ties with the AXIS of EVIL.
    His departure and dis association with this sect is a reflection of his decency and spirituality. His decision to part company from the evil mob will be rewarded. Please do not judge him for his past errors, but rather a celebration of his return to the flock of Jesus Christ. We look upon Mr Fayez Hanania as the prodigal son or the lost sheep.
    Mr Fayez Hanania heaven rejoices tremendously to the return of a lost soul, welcome back and god bless you for your decision.

    We all pray that WAHID AZMY would never be allowed to have any association with the diocese in light of his track record for been disfunctional, abrubt, and rude. HGBD certainly would not want any association with this individual.
    Unless the other member of AXIS OF EVIL want to reurn to the flock, It would be a good idea for them "axis of evil" to all move to the Harris Park multi denominational church started by WAHID AZMY and his rejected associates. They may then commence a new college and have full control of it to cater for their future grand chidren.

    NO existing COPTIC COLLEGE will ever be seperated from the diocese. What God has united no man shall divide.

    We pray for their lost souls, driven by ambition and ego very far from the word of God. We beesech them to pack up and leave ALL the colleges alone and allow the community to praise god in fear rather than focus their energy on defending this great institution "THE DIOCESE" from evil that is within.

    Our Lord Jesus will not allow the axis of evil to thrive, he will DESTROY it brick by brick (man by man).

    Mr Fayez Hanania we wish you all the very best for your future, and will always recall all the time and effort you have put into the diocese in particular the planning and catering for the visitations of His Holiness. We call upon you as the rising star, to reason with the other members of the AXIS OF EVIL, and encourage them to return to the flock, rather than be the wolves savaging the flock from with in.

    GOD BLESS YOU Mr Fayez Hanania.
    Jesus will reward you.

    On Behalf of St Marks Congregation.

  20. Part A to Uncle “A” and Dr Medhat
    Uncle "A", In light of the departure of Mr Fayez Hanania, We call upon you to end the one man war you are waging against the diocese. Uncle "A" you are in your twilight years, you will not live as long as you have already lived.
    Please cease the war fare and leave the diocese alone. Go open your own church if that is your desire and show some dignity towards the house of the lord. You are rejected by the main stream and have destroyed your own reputation and no one else. We wish you no evil and ask you to act as a reasonable and mature individual.
    Uncle "A", we understand you are not a rational person with a sound mind, and ask you to stop your evil ways and do not attempt any further devious acts to salvage your non existent reputation, We have been warned that you intend to maintain the fight and resort to absolute filth to destroy the diocese and HGBD. We have been told you hold the view it is ME or HGBD. Uncle "A" you are not a Bishop, you are just a deacon, and you do not hold the keys to the diocese and we do not want you to have any say in the diocese affair. We ask you in the name of Jesus Christ to follow in the steps of Mr Fayez Hanania and disassociate from any official role in the diocese. For the sake of the church the congregation the colleges and especially the distraught youth please leave the Coptic Orthodox Church alone. Attend and pray like every one else. DO NOT IMPOSE your will, ideas and thoughts upon us against our wills. You are just a man not judge, jury, executioner and god on earth. Uncle "A", please stop enough is enough. Allow us to commence the new term in peace love and harmony and end the year on a positive note. Uncle "A" you have turned the church into a war zone with a handful of unwanted trouble makers in the church.
    Dr Medhat, we call upon you to also distance yourself from this mob mentality, do not undo the years of wonderful service you provided in the past. There is always a time for change and a new season, the time for change has come, it is now. We all know you hate and despise HGBD, that’s fine, your opinion is yours, but this is not the way for an educated man and ex-pillar to conduct himself. Please show some mercy and end this fiasco that has fragmented the church.

  21. Part B to Father Antonios

    Father Antonios, we are disappointed in your actions and lack of ethic, moral and decency. You hate been exposed for your actions, and still resort to every thing possible to attack HGBD and prevent his return. Father Antonios we are aware you have heart felt grievances against HGBD that stem back for years. We are also aware you suffered emotionally and mentally as a result of some of his prior decisions. We make no excuses for him, we ask you to pray for him and forgive him his sins as our Lord Taught us. Resorting to emails, conspiracies and placing picture of Lady between that of our lord and HH is not the way to resolve your pain and annoyance. You are an anointed Priest, and as Copts we expect you to lead by the example of Jesus and not the spite of a mob mentality driven by UNCLE "A". Father we are begging you to bring an end to this and allow the new term to commence in love peace forgiveness and prayer for one another. Father now is the time to make a difference and lead by the example of Jesus. Peter denied Jesus, Jesus willingly forgave him no conditions, ifs or buts. We all have our weaknesses and faults, no exception. Father we are asking you as a community to make a fresh start, the past has lapsed, time heals all wounds
    Let us all stop the bickering and unite as true Copts and children of Jesus Christ. It is you Father that can make a difference. It is within your power to end the division immediately and unite all the priests and congregation and youth.
    We are begging you to act in righteousness. Let us all leave it to God Almighty and continually pray. God will do what is best for all of us if we ask him and not take matters into our own hands.
    Father for what ever HGBD has done to upset you I ask you as a worthless son please forgive him; I will kiss your head, hands and feet. Father you are not the only one to feel the pain of a bad decision, but we do not resort to the methods you have applied.
    Father Please stop allowing UNCLE "A" to influence you in the manner he has done.
    I ask the above in the Name of the one and only beloved son of GOD, Jesus Christ our saviour, hope and comfort.
    A Friend in Jesus Christ.
