We thank our brothers and sisters of American Copts for their support as we are all organs in the one body of our Lord Jesus Christ.
From: American Copts [mailto:coptsamerica@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, 26 October 2009 6:19 PM
To: amiralberthanna@gmail.com; smc.sydney@msn.com; copts.united.australia@gmail.com
Subject: Mr Amir Hanna self declared prophet
Deacon Timon, (AMIR HANNA relation of Bishop Bishoy) the high profile self proclaimed religious leader is constantly in the news because of the dishonor that he brings on the name of God. The true leaders of righteousness must constantly be endured by those who strive to place the honor of God before the honor of men.
Sent: Monday, 26 October 2009 6:19 PM
To: amiralberthanna@gmail.com; smc.sydney@msn.com; copts.united.australia@gmail.com
Subject: Mr Amir Hanna self declared prophet

Deacon Timon, (AMIR HANNA relation of Bishop Bishoy) the high profile self proclaimed religious leader is constantly in the news because of the dishonor that he brings on the name of God. The true leaders of righteousness must constantly be endured by those who strive to place the honor of God before the honor of men.
Moral failure is always preceded by the embracing of a sense of personal pride, in which Mr Amir Hanna considers himself to be superior to others, and/or favored by God to the extent that he is no longer accountable morally, because of the duties or works that he has performed, which he believes elevate him to a superior standing.
Mr Amir Hanna thinks he is a religious leaders, self-proclaimed to be so, he exhibits that sense of pride and superiority, and he has fallen morally in relation to the teachings that he proclaimed and said that he embraced. The less humble he became, the farther the fall and the greater the dishonour he has brought upon the COPTIC Church world wide.
The greatest dishonor, to have been revealed in his failure,
is the public shame and disgrace he has placed
upon His Grace Bishop Daniel
and the Coptic church.
The priests and lay people in Sydney Australia that fail to exhibit conduct by adhering to their vow, baptism and the teachings of Our SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, and continued to support him and elevate him shall fall. This conduct shows a complete lack of discernment and ignorance of the Biblical imperative regarding the conduct of religious leaders and shows, that for many, the elevation of human leaders is preferred to that of honoring and following the precepts of the God in which they claim to believe.
In America we have had a number of self proclaimed prophets. You in Sydney may be aware of David Koresh (or the Branch Davidians) he was a self proclaimed prophet and was responsible for the deaths of the 74 men, women and children who died in the inferno at Waco on April 19, 1993. This is sadly a true story of the end result of his proclaimed self righteousness.
Never have we had a self proclaimed COPTIC prophet,
prior to Mr Amir Hanna.
This is a dark legacy on our Coptic Tradition, obedience and adherence to Coptic doctrine.
False and self proclaimed leaders such as Mr Amir Hanna always seek to imitate that which is true, but his doctrinal error and totally immoral and illegal conduct reveals to all that he is indeed an imposters, as he has done very well. Self Proclaimed leaders like Mr Amir Hanna who claims that he represents the truth of Christianity, discernment and understanding is totally lost, because excuses of convenience do not change the reality of the message of Jesus Christ.
Mr Amir Hanna is typical of false leaders that exist in the religious world because self proclaimed adherents fail to apply Biblical standards and doctrines to the teaching and conduct of their leaders, and in the process, they deceive themselves which will always lead to deception by others.
Mr Amir Hanna is one of those on the list of those who are false and will be judged by Jesus Christ Himself as He has said:
Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits. Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name; and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness." Matthew 7:15-23
Dr Yousef Hamsey
American Copts
here are some photos so you can recognise him
next time he is in the United States
and give him the reception he deserves.
and give him the reception he deserves.
Amir Hanna, has achieved notarity, he is certainly not a contender for the "Noble Peace" Prize. May be he should run for the "Biggest Looser", he will attain that award hands down. Thank you for the exposure Mr Hanna, and congratulations, whats next, the "academy award" for best actor!!
ReplyDeleteDear SMC,
ReplyDeletewill this be included in the up coming book.
I think the title should be,
"Ostaz Amir Hanna, self proclaimed prophet",
what do you think?
Friend in Jesus
Oh My Lord My God you have been our trust since our youth.
ReplyDeleteOh My Lord My God you have upheld us since our birth.
Oh My Lord My God you delivered us from our mothers wombs.
Oh My Lord My God we shall praise you all our days.
Oh My Lord My God do not forsake us in our struggles.
Oh My Lord My God do not forsake us when our strength fails.
Oh My Lord My God do not be far from us.
Oh My Lord My God help and guide us all our days.
Oh My Lord My God our hearts belong to you.
Oh My Lord My God we worship and praise you.
Oh My Lord My God keep all calamity far from us.
In the Nmae of your only Son JESUS CHRIST Amen.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "“A coup on a Diocese”":
ReplyDeleteSMC Rescue Team PLEASE I BEG YOU, DO NOT PRINT ANY BOOKS about ANY of what is happening.
I understand your need to have this blog going and like so many who have found it, I am grateful for your efforts in keeping a place where we can share our thoughts and concerns.
I would hate to have ANYTHING floating around for YEARS to come of what a few mere men have done that brought our church to one of it's darkest hours.
This is a disturbing issue that I would like nothing more than to see it resolved and deleted from our minds.
Luke 23:34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”
PLEASE do not make their mistakes be OURS. Let us all hope that we can be as forgiving as our Lord, but advertising the darkness in our church right now is not something any one of us should be encouraging.
They might not have known what they have done to our church by going to the public about it, but if you print this book, you will KNOWINGLY do wrong.
I want to be proud of my Church again, not be ashamed and hide it from my children.
But if you PRINT A BOOK for anyone in the world to read, they will do what lots of naive people do... and that is assume that ALL COPTIC ORTHODOX are capable of such wrong doings!!
Keep the Blog until this is resolved. But PLEASE, I would hate to have to explain to one of my children one day why their church went out of its way to PRINT the mistakes of others. That is not right!!
Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."
I don't know who is taking care of this blog, or made this decision, and honestly I don't care! But if any of you are parents, I want you to look at your children and see if PRINTING THIS BOOK will be doing the right thing by them?! by publishing it where one day it could be used against their faith in Our Lord?!
--------------------------- end of comment, on October 27, 2009 1:06 PM
Dear Anonymous Friend,
Thank you for your comment.
We value your concern and your contribution to the blog. Therefore, we need to prepare the appropriate response for you and the rest of our valued readers. We will post our reply ASAP.
SMC Rescue Team
Dear SMC,
ReplyDeleteThe heads of this rebellion and COUP are
like manufacturers of the anti swine flu virus.
One theory is they manufactured the virus in the first place, just so that they could reap the benefit, and praise for discovering a cure. They of course, argue that kind of thing could never happen. It would be even like suggesting that arms exporters encouraged governments to start wars so that they could sell more weapons.!! Then it creates a need to provide protection for their armies against the weapons. There are undisputed secret deals going on behind the scenes now. Those behind the COUP of our diocese now insist they have done nothing wrong and complain they are under attack and cry poor. They create the war and object to any form of defence or objection, and insist they have DONE NOTHING WRONG!! The response from America contradicts their stance, and shows the damage sustained by the Coptic Diocese of sydney, initiated with the email of REV Fr. Antonios Kaldas, demonstration and subsequent allegations and press releases to the islamic media.
There is no logic in there actions, words or justification.
Father Zakaria,
ReplyDeleteOn behalf of the mainstream coptic community of the Diocese of Sydney we extend our sincere and heartfelt apologise for the damage to your reputation and the harm caused. We regret any personal hurt you have suffered due to the preperation, release and publication of this evil document. We donot condone resorting to the use of Islamic press to attack our own clergy under any circumstances. The falsity of the document printed over the world and in the islamic press is the result of the actions of a few with evil intent. HGBD has no association with the false document and the comments it relays. We are aware you do not even have a daughter and only have three sons. The letter head on which it is printed did not exist on the stated date. We beg your forgivness for this malice and we continue to watch your youtube videos and your fight for our coptic brothers and sister in our motherland egypt. We ask your prayers for our salvation and forgivness for all those behind this unchristian act.
Copts United Australia