Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Call for boycotting Ostaz Amir Hanna...

With the Grace of God and your support, Copts in the entire world will now be aware of the evil work of Deacon Amir Hanna.

Google search for Deacon Timion or Ostaz Amir Hanna return first result in the first page and Deacon Amir Hanna return fourth place in the first page.

Following the overwhelming evidences proving Ostaz Amir Hanna played the leading role in the coup on the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions and in the conspiracy against HG Bishop Daniel, and the deafening silence of the church hierarchy in Egypt (which mounts to supporting him), we call upon every Copt in Sydney (specially parents of the Coptic Colleges) to rise up to their responsibility and play their active role in casting devil out of our Diocese.

Boycott Ostaz Amir Hanna
Boycott his books and audio recordings,
Boycott his sermons,
Boycott his lectures in the Theological College etc.
Please spread the message in your own way among all your family (specially your kids/ the youth) and friends. You don't want any of your loved ones be anywhere near devil.
NB. It is almost certain that Ostaz Amir Hanna will be on the phone today to HE Metropolitan Bishoy crying crocodile tears "they are mudding my reputation, bla bla bla". "Won't you come to my rescue and pressure HGBD to sign me a letter against SMC Rescue Team?!" crying Ostaz Amir!!


  1. Deacon Amir Hanna,
    is very Famous now.

  2. I checked it, not because I didn't believe you. I just wanted to see it for myself. This is fantastic.
    They know him in America and he is on some sites of US churches. Next time he is in USA they will welcome him their own way (with tomatoes and eggs). How will our Aussies welcome him next time they see him???!!!
    I hope this make Egypt happy!! Let them continue their silence, wait longer and things will get from bad to worse. Is this clever?!
    I wonder what does it take to mobilize them to do something?!
    Well done guys.

  3. you are not the only star ibstar, Amir Hanna is now a superstar!!!!!! LOL

  4. Please do not compare me to Ostaza Amir Hanna
    Deacon timon.

    He is The superstar.

    I'm just simple ibby
    My friends call me ibstar

    all is good

  5. Hey guys, i googled another one (Mr Amir Hanna) and you are third in the first page. Wow, this is excellent. Let everyone around the world know who he is.

  6. Amir Hanna's Puppet
    has mewwweeeed again,
    poor pussy cat,

    He is loosing the plot like AH,
    read his babble below sent by email:::::)

    "Bishop Ib,
    Tell me, does your new position allow you access to the "special files" of the diocese. This should help you bury your old boss (ex bishop of Sydney) bishop Daniel and assume supreme leadership like the true dictator that you are.

    It seems to have allowed you complete access to the Diocesan finacials to help all your court cases.

    I see your friends at the so called "copts united australia" are trying to label me as Ostaz Amir. How funny!! Also how flattering. I wish I could be half the man Ostaz Amir is.

    Your friends are more like "copts with no individual thought". They are brain washed and continue to worship one man, a bishop, bishop Daniel, the ex bishop of Sydney. Haven't they read thier bibles about putting thier trust in men.

    The ex Bishop of Sydney has alsmost been gone for a year now. Should be easy for you to assume power!

    Are you hoping for the same loyalty? Seems like you will get no trouble from "copts united australia". They seem to be easily lead. Just like sheep!

    You know that for every one supporter of your ex bishop of Sydney there are 5 opposers.

    You might get more than you bargained for.


    Pussy Cat I wish it was me that had the pleasure of exposing the corruption at bexley college,
    I will gladly publish all the documents that i do have and purchased from ASIC if you wish, please be half the man you desire say yes and watch me ........don't be shy pussycat.....

    As you brought up the court cases
    let me tell you
    ask your buddy Father Mikhail he was there

    The Fact is WAHID WAHIB AZMY fell on his own sword ...FACT NO CASE TO ANSWER

    Magistrate BETTS found
    he was either LYING
    or a very confused man.

    If You Like I will Gladly

    As for Documents,
    you really are a fools fool,

    ASK wahid who has access to such documents????
    Ask them how many people they have abused, do you read english like the rest of us????

    Any Way AMIR HANNA,
    AKA TIG NEWS (deny it all you want we know)

    the very funny part is TIG say he wishes he was half the man AMIR HANNA is,
    well I ask what does that make?
    especially in light of the way I have exposed and shamed AMIR HANNA???? FACT

    It makes you a figment of your own imagination, a personality disorder,
    go take your medication and go to sleeplike a nice kid, read PSALMS before you NOD off.

    Have a Magic Night
    and keep guessing,
    I know it is killing you HA HA HA HA

    Hey TIG i will become Bishop as long as i can ride my bike
    go fishing
    go out and have fun
    Can AH change the rules for me,
    you willbe the first to be excommunicated,
    Bishop Ibby don't put up with retards like you matey HA HA HA HA you fool...........
    Kindest of Regards

  7. SMC,
    forget the Boycott,

    When Bishop Bishoy ordains me Bishop Ibby
    I will excommunicate him

    Just for you TIG


  8. To ALL READERS, commentators and the Blog administrator:
    I got introduced to this blog by a friend few days ago and I was reading it every night. I have decided to comment after one comment was saying “I serve with you at bexley my friend” and then the writer started attacking another person by saying you are a pet and so on, what kind of service do you do my friend?
    What kind of servant are you?
    What do you teach your kids if you are a Sunday school servant or youth servant?
    All what I gathered from here is that you are two groups attacking each other in exactly the same way and the church, your kids and families are in the middle. I feel that you are enjoying it instead of crying on it.
    Do you actually serve?
    Do you pray for these problems to be solved? Or you are capable of solving it yourself?
    Does your confession father know about this?
    Do you have Holy Communion after saying what you say here? Do you deserve it after judging everyone on earth? Who are we to JUDGE?

    I will end by the following verse from Mark 3: 28-30 since you all mention God’s name in all your comments without much thought or respect.
    "Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin" - for they had said, "He has an unclean spirit." (Mark 3:28-30)

  9. Go AIMAN

    Love you sunshine


  10. Friend posted comment at October 25, 2009 10:13 PM refering to bexley ,

    is that allyou picked up??????

    as you quoted the bible
    any comment about the actionsof AH????
    is that all you have read???

    defies all sense of logic,
    another herring,
    get real sunshine and stop the rubbish
    who are you kidding????

    go back read all the comments and make a constructive comment about amir hanna's actions as you are talking about sins and the holy spirit
    forget the berley and bait, this ain't a fishing expedition.
    fairdinkum unbelievable


  11. yes father Mikhail know all about it, he is at bexley lol

  12. To the person who comment at October 25, 2009 10:13 PM.

    Get a life! i serve better than Ostaz Amir and Fr Mikhail combined, and i am more spiritual than they are. You cannot be serious questioning my service.

  13. Dear Friends,

    We received the following email from Tiggernews (which we believe is the guise of Amir Hanna);

    From: news news []
    Sent: Sunday, 25 October 2009 9:46 PM
    To: copts united australia
    Cc:;;; messehi el-epty; Ib Star; fr antonious?;; .......
    Subject: Re: Father Mikhail College Bexley, Bishop Bishoy cover up

    You people really are mislead sheep.
    The ex bishop of Sydney, bishop Daniel, is gone. FOR GOOD!
    Stop worshiping the man and get back to worshiping God.
    Don't go worshiping another man, AKA the new bishop of Sydney, bishop Ib.
    But it seems this advice will fall on deaf ears as you will fall for anything being so gullible.
    --------------------------------end of the email.

    SMC Rescue Team comment;

    Ostaz Amir and your faithful disciples, are there any other filthy tactics in the book you haven’t tried?! We will publish every single one to expose you to all Copts around the globe who know you.

    Evil must be defeated, no matter how long it takes.

    SMC Rescue Team

  14. i agree 100% with the comment of 10:59 today.

    The comment of 10:13 today defies all logic.

    You cannot just quote a bible verse sunshine.

    get with the program..fairdinkum

  15. There is a huge cover up.
    SMC is corrupt
    SMSM college is corrupt
    many of the people are corrupt
    people need to be excommunicated
    and this will keep our church clean!!
    you defy all senses of logic
    if you think these people should stay sunshine!!
    LMFAO, you are a clown.

  16. Wow, its been a lot of fun, but now I must take some responsibility for some of our actions.

    Me and my friends have been posting anonymous comments here for months, each one daring each other to write more and more ridiculous and bizarre things every time. It’s been a lot of fun seeing the blogger and a few of the people who send in comments get their knickers in knot over what we have said in the past, but alas, all good things must come to an end!

    We finally feel bad for what we have done, as it seems that every time we post a comment on a whim and a dare, poor Uncle Amir gets blamed!!

    Yes, we are sorry Uncle Amir, and we are sorry to the blogger and especially to Ibrahim (Ibby), who has perhaps wasted the most amount of time over the past few months responding to our made up and often bizarre comments.

    And, yes, we won’t do it again. The quick paced and often violent reactions we have received from this blog over our quite innocent and pro-church and pro-AOE stance was quite exciting at first, but is does get old over time.

    And to clear the air over some of our more recent comments - no... we don’t have any emails from HG about this blog, no - we can’t see other peoples IP address, and yes – the Sunday school teacher telling every to be nice was us - and the list goes on... and on.... and on.....

    But, on the flip side, if we have learnt anything from our adventurous escapades over the past two to three months on this blog, it’s been that we will never ever get involved in church politics... ever...

    Call me what you like, but I enjoy going to church, and attending mass, and leaving everything up to the elders of the church. It was a sermon given in church today that changed our minds on this blog.

    I hope that we are not going to get too much of a verbal head bash over our admission, Christ was crucified for our sins already, and I don’t think that you need to crucify us as well, however come what may...

    And on a parting note, we hope to God that you don’t attribute this comment to Uncle Amir or anyone else on your AOE list, God knows that they have suffered enough already over the past months due to our comments.

    God bless,


  17. Your uncle Amir who started all this by attributing everything to HGBD and continuing until now, even while HG is in Egypt. Regardless whether you are with him (your uncle Amir) or not, he deserved every bit of it because he has given you and the other youth a bad role model.
    If it wasn't for what he has done, this blog wouldn't exist.

    Ciao, what you and your friends have done is part of the damage he (your uncle Amir) has caused indirectly to the spiritual lives of the youth in the diocese. It is good that you repent and confessed. I pray that this repentance improves your spiritual lives.

    SMC Team, don't let this discourage you, forgive them. What happened is an honor for you. You are doing a great service for the future of this diocese by getting rid of evil that is driving Amir Hanna and the AOE.

    God have mercy.

  18. My God what the hell is going on,
    what am I reading,

    now they are putting quotes in my name,

    they are clever kidsfrom UNCLE AH"S army.

    Thanks guys.

    And Thanks for the grief and heartache you have caused
    SMC is here to fend for the colleges especially ST Mark's and the diocese.

    Please go play in another Playground.

    And thank you for the admission..

    Jesus help us, this is the end result of the uprining and care of the superintendent of sunday schools................

    God help us, the church and break the evil.


  19. UNCLE "A", your pseudo "tiggernews" and all the misguided and lost youth, AOE, and other followers,
    Who are you when you are not trying to be what someone else wants you to be?
    Or do you then become "someone else that someone else wants you to be"?
    It's one thing to be accommodating;
    another to bend so far over backwards that you can't stand up straight and be yourself again. STOP and look in the mirror,
    Why are you playing out roles that pleases Uncle "A" the CEO and mastermind of AOE, and certan PRIESTS.
    Do not to stay in character roles past the point where it's no longer appropriate and shameful.

    Even Deacons and clergy are given a separate code of conduct for the times when they're off duty!
    Soft pedal, step back and be yourselves.

    You poor people need a sense of perspective that will help you find true inner strength and Christ, stop been lost sheep and tools of UNCLE "A" and others.

    "Tiggernews" pseudo for AMIR HANNA

    Ostaza Ibrahim we sincerely apologise for the mental eclipse of UNCLE "A" and his pseudo Tigernews.

    As we have maintained we have the documents and we sent hem out, ignore them they have been certified mentally incompetent.

    TIGGERNEWS, again we COPTS UNITED AUSTRALIA will release more documents just to please your apetite, and as for Father Mikhail's children sending us emails, too filthy to publish, we will not dignify them with a response, they are simply destroying you Father Mikhail, You should be ashamed of the filth they write and resort to. Yes Father some of us attend Bexley and we are worried for your health. You looked very unwell yesterday and have lost alot of weight, this is NOT AN ATTACK ON you personally, your misguided youth are resorting to filth.....

    Father we are simply stating facts and the truth.


  20. Amir Hanna,
    You can reduce the amount of tension in your world just by making a clear, conscious decision to accept fully responsibility for all the arrangements and factors that led to your exposure.
    The current climate is sadly of your own making, and your desire to take control of the diocese. Amir you touched something that is actually far better left alone HGBD. Amir you must learn to allow things to unfold at a natural pace rather than control it your self. If you can only resist this urge, you will liberate reserves of your precious energy that can then be channelled into serving our Lord. Amir stay away from a situation which really does now require yourinpu any further. Amir as a Brothe I suggest you resolve to be less 'bothered' and you'll rapidly start making more successful choices in life.

    A Close friend

  21. Dear Ciao,
    (comment on 26/10/2009 @2.15am)

    Thank you for your comment and admission.

    We had to read your comment three times before we could compose to respond. We could not come to terms that some of our Sydney youth have reached this spiritual level (we don't want to describe it). We liken your actions similar to attacking a charity as we are defending our kids’ interest and welfare.

    It highlights the need for restructuring Sunday Schools with injection of highly spiritual new blood.

    Sunday Schools used to be the breeding ground for our church fathers (bishops, priests, monks etc.). Once upon the time all clergy had to be serving in Sunday School in some form or another. In fact, Pope Shenouda III was an exemplary Sunday School servant before choosing monasticism. The majority know the number of bishops, priests, monks and consecrated sisters that Sydney Diocese have produced in its short life.

    Do you believe our current Sunday School leaders are exemplary servants to be role models for our kids?! You can start at the top to see what sort of example Mr Amir Hanna (Sunday School Superintendent for the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions) is and you can predict the outcome!!

    Are we breeding a new generation of rebellions to resist their bishop and priests?! This is the outcome of Mr Amir Hanna’s actions with the diocese and HGBD.

    Believe us, we are not blaming you. You are victims of the church current system. We actually feel sorry for you as your generation lacks the role model the church used to have (we mean on Sunday School level).

    Our Lord accepted all confessors and repentants. Who are we not to accept your come back? You have taken the most wise decision of not getting involved in the church politics in the future. In fact, the church should not have politics. Your spiritual life should be the prime goal of your life.

    We take this opportunity to extend our invitation to Mr Amir Hanna and AOE’s members to take lead from you and come clean. It could be the Grace visit and the Holy Spirit signal. Then we start the process of healing and progressing forward. Our diocese is the biggest diocese in the Coptic Ministry and we ought to do better.

    Perhaps you can take advantage of the momentum of your repentance and talk as a group with Mr Amir Hanna in an attempt to influence him to rejoin the flock. It is better late than never and it is never too late.

    For us, we are continuing our good cause. Please pray for us, for the truth to prevail and for the peace and unity of our church.

    SMC Rescue Team

  22. Ostaz Amir

    Proverbs 11:2


    Deacon Timon, Amir Hanna why do you and your miserable soul use web sites and Islamic media and newspapers to continue to falsely attack God's anointed and try to make yourself look so perfect?
    Amir don't you know Matthew 7:1 says, "Judge not so that you will not be judged" and the Bible says, "Touch not My anointed?" We are told you are superintendent of Sunday schools in Sydney Australia.

    Amir you not only touch the anointed, you also lie, deceive and fabricate allegations, and you dragged Father Zakaria Botros a champion of the Coptic faith and exposer of Islamic persecution in Egypt. Amir why don’t you join the political enemies of Father Zakaria and convert to islam. ...

    Haney Gobran

  24. Yes, He is "the General Superintendent of Sunday schools of the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions". Mouthful title, isn't it.

    The irony is, he still is! Not only that, he is still lecturing in the Theological College in Sydney while he calls his bishop "the ex bishop of Sydney"!!

    Mr Saad Sefin, you are an honorable man. Why are you still keeping him in the Theological College?! Did you make the call to HH to expel him?! If not, what are you waiting for?!
