Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Appearance of a dove on HH's desk ظهور حمامة على مكتب قداسة البابا

Jesus loves you

On Wed 28th October 2009, a dove appeared on the desk of
HH Pope Shenouda III
during his weekly lecture.

It is known that doves do not fly at night!!!

We love you Your Holiness
Your children in Sydney are calling out for you
Your dream SMC is in crisis.
Sayedna, please do something,
Sayedna, please say something,
We need to hear your word of comfort,
Please remember us in your prayers.
We love you Your Holiness

Your children at SMC

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A book OR no book ...

On October 27, 2009 1:06 PM, an anonymous has left a comment on our post “A coup on a Diocese”:

SMC Rescue Team PLEASE I BEG YOU, DO NOT PRINT ANY BOOKS about ANY of what is happening.

I understand your need to have this blog going and like so many who have found it, I am grateful for your efforts in keeping a place where we can share our thoughts and concerns.


I would hate to have ANYTHING floating around for YEARS to come of what a few mere men have done that brought our church to one of it's darkest hours. This is a disturbing issue that I would like nothing more than to see it resolved and deleted from our minds.

Luke 23:34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

PLEASE do not make their mistakes be OURS.

Let us all hope that we can be as forgiving as our Lord, but advertising the darkness in our church right now is not something any one of us should be encouraging. They might not have known what they have done to our church by going to the public about it, but if you print this book, you will KNOWINGLY do wrong.

I want to be proud of my Church again, not be ashamed and hide it from my children. But if you PRINT A BOOK for anyone in the world to read, they will do what lots of naive people do... and that is assume that ALL COPTIC ORTHODOX are capable of such wrong doings!!

Keep the Blog until this is resolved. But PLEASE, I would hate to have to explain to one of my children one day why their church went out of its way to PRINT the mistakes of others. That is not right!!
Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."

I don't know who is taking care of this blog, or made this decision, and honestly I don't care! But if any of you are parents, I want you to look at your children and see if PRINTING THIS BOOK will be doing the right thing by them?! by publishing it where one day it could be used against their faith in Our Lord?!
--------------------------------------------- end of comment.

Dear our Anonymous Friend,

Thank you for your comment.

Following serious and careful consideration to your concern, SMC Rescue Team decided unanimously to proceed with publishing the book for the following reasons:
  1. Documenting history is not a selective practice.
  2. .
  3. Individuals involved are fully grown adults. Some of them are holding high positions in their careers as well as in the Diocese. As such, they have KNOWINGLY acted the way they did.
  4. .
  5. Plans were underway for their evil work for quite some time. We refer you to Fr Antonios Kaldas’ blog, specifically the post “Looking Forward to the Past” on 7th April 2008 and the post “Episcopi Vagantes” on 12 December 2008, links respectively;
    Were these posts coincidental or premeditating to prepare the congregation among other things for what is to come? Or is it the Conspiracy Theory yet again?
  6. .
  7. Their evil work is still continuing as we are writing now.
  8. .
  9. Fr Antonios Kaldas disagree with your reference to the destructive effect by any one on the church. If I may use an extract from the same post “Looking Forward to the Past”, he wrote “The Church is too big to be spoiled by any one individual, no matter how elevated his position may be.”
  10. .
  11. Fr Antonios also believes turning back to history is beneficiary. If I may use extracts from the same post “Looking forward to the Past”, he wrote “I believe that we can learn just as much from the mistakes of the past as we can from the successes. I think the Bible backs up this point of view. Take any hero of the Bible. Take Moses or David or St Peter. In the Bible you will find a balanced portrayal that reveals strengths and weaknesses, victories and failures, sins and virtues. The Bible gives us a real picture of these giants of God and of the true historical events of the people of God. Why do we fear to do the same in our own times? Would it not benefit us?”

We don’t want this to be taken in any way an attack on Fr Antonios Kaldas because it is simply not. In fact, we believe that Fr Antonios, with all our respect, was used in this dilemma by those individuals for the purpose of their hidden agenda. Unfortunately, he overlooked his own principals; “It is not enough to have noble goals. The way we go about achieving our goals is often just as important as the goals themselves. “The end does not justify the means”.

The only way to reverse this decision is via a Holy Synod Committee or a Clerical Council to bring all involved to account according to everyone's role in the coup. Part of the reconciliation is to cease involving any member of AOE and their associates from any activity or service in the Diocese.
The book shall stand as a history lesson for our kids and yours (the future generations) to learn from the past and how to deal with any future AOEs. Need not to mention that the book will contain one chapter or more on last year's conspiracy at SMC.

We are sorry to disappoint you but we assure you of the good cause.
SMC Rescue Team

Fr Zakaria Botros, we are sorry...

We have received the following comment from Copts United Australia on 28/10/2009 @9.52am in response to our post Mr Amir Hanna self declared prophet.

Father Zakaria,

On behalf of the mainstream Coptic community of the Diocese of Sydney we extend our sincere and heartfelt apologise for the damage to your reputation and the harm caused.

We regret any personal hurt you have suffered due to the preparation, release and publication of this evil document. We do not condone resorting to the use of Islamic press to attack our own clergy under any circumstances.
The falsity of the document printed over the world and in the Islamic press is the result of the actions of a few with evil intent. HGBD has no association with the false document and the comments it relays.
We are aware you do not even have a daughter and only have three sons.

The letter head on which it is printed did not exist on the stated date.

We beg your forgiveness for this malice and we continue to watch your YouTube videos and your fight for our Coptic brothers and sister in our motherland Egypt.

We ask your prayers for our salvation and forgiveness for all those behind this unchristian act.

Copts United Australia

------------------------------------------------ end of comment

SMC Rescue Team joins our friends Copts United Australia in condemning this evil letter and its consequences in the strongest possible terms. We are sure that such a cowardly act would not be done by a faithful Copt anywhere in the world let alone from our bishop HG Bishop Daniel or any of his assistants.

We do not have the honor of represening our bishop HGBD in doing so. However, we are doing it because we have faith in our bishop.

We call upon our Sydney clergy combined
to kindly issue a condemnation statement to the same effect.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mr Amir Hanna self declared prophet

We have received the following email from American Copts in which they share our agony and disgust from the pathetic behaviour of Oztaz Amir Hanna. It is appropriate for the Copts of Sydney to know that other Copts around the world are empathising with us in our struggle with the evil in our Diocese.

We thank our brothers and sisters of American Copts for their support as we are all organs in the one body of our Lord Jesus Christ.
From: American Copts []
Sent: Monday, 26 October 2009 6:19 PM
Subject: Mr Amir Hanna self declared prophet

Deacon Timon, (AMIR HANNA relation of Bishop Bishoy) the high profile self proclaimed religious leader is constantly in the news because of the dishonor that he brings on the name of God. The true leaders of righteousness must constantly be endured by those who strive to place the honor of God before the honor of men.

Moral failure is always preceded by the embracing of a sense of personal pride, in which Mr Amir Hanna considers himself to be superior to others, and/or favored by God to the extent that he is no longer accountable morally, because of the duties or works that he has performed, which he believes elevate him to a superior standing.

Mr Amir Hanna thinks he is a religious leaders, self-proclaimed to be so, he exhibits that sense of pride and superiority, and he has fallen morally in relation to the teachings that he proclaimed and said that he embraced. The less humble he became, the farther the fall and the greater the dishonour he has brought upon the COPTIC Church world wide.

The greatest dishonor, to have been revealed in his failure,

is the public shame and disgrace he has placed
upon His Grace Bishop Daniel
and the Coptic church.

The manufactured allegations and documents circulated to the Islamic media have shamed our struggling Coptic brothers and Sisters in Egypt. The attack on Father Zakaria is intolerable.

The priests and lay people in Sydney Australia that fail to exhibit conduct by adhering to their vow, baptism and the teachings of Our SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, and continued to support him and elevate him shall fall. This conduct shows a complete lack of discernment and ignorance of the Biblical imperative regarding the conduct of religious leaders and shows, that for many, the elevation of human leaders is preferred to that of honoring and following the precepts of the God in which they claim to believe.

In America we have had a number of self proclaimed prophets. You in Sydney may be aware of David Koresh (or the Branch Davidians) he was a self proclaimed prophet and was responsible for the deaths of the 74 men, women and children who died in the inferno at Waco on April 19, 1993. This is sadly a true story of the end result of his proclaimed self righteousness.

Never have we had a self proclaimed COPTIC prophet,
prior to Mr Amir Hanna.
This is a dark legacy on our Coptic Tradition, obedience and adherence to Coptic doctrine.

False and self proclaimed leaders such as Mr Amir Hanna always seek to imitate that which is true, but his doctrinal error and totally immoral and illegal conduct reveals to all that he is indeed an imposters, as he has done very well. Self Proclaimed leaders like Mr Amir Hanna who claims that he represents the truth of Christianity, discernment and understanding is totally lost, because excuses of convenience do not change the reality of the message of Jesus Christ.

Mr Amir Hanna is typical of false leaders that exist in the religious world because self proclaimed adherents fail to apply Biblical standards and doctrines to the teaching and conduct of their leaders, and in the process, they deceive themselves which will always lead to deception by others.

Mr Amir Hanna is one of those on the list of those who are false and will be judged by Jesus Christ Himself as He has said:

Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits. Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name; and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness." Matthew 7:15-23

Dr Yousef Hamsey
American Copts

Bowing to demands from our friends American Copts,
here are some photos so you can recognise him
next time he is in the United States
and give him the reception he deserves.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Call for boycotting Ostaz Amir Hanna...

With the Grace of God and your support, Copts in the entire world will now be aware of the evil work of Deacon Amir Hanna.

Google search for Deacon Timion or Ostaz Amir Hanna return first result in the first page and Deacon Amir Hanna return fourth place in the first page.

Following the overwhelming evidences proving Ostaz Amir Hanna played the leading role in the coup on the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions and in the conspiracy against HG Bishop Daniel, and the deafening silence of the church hierarchy in Egypt (which mounts to supporting him), we call upon every Copt in Sydney (specially parents of the Coptic Colleges) to rise up to their responsibility and play their active role in casting devil out of our Diocese.

Boycott Ostaz Amir Hanna
Boycott his books and audio recordings,
Boycott his sermons,
Boycott his lectures in the Theological College etc.
Please spread the message in your own way among all your family (specially your kids/ the youth) and friends. You don't want any of your loved ones be anywhere near devil.
NB. It is almost certain that Ostaz Amir Hanna will be on the phone today to HE Metropolitan Bishoy crying crocodile tears "they are mudding my reputation, bla bla bla". "Won't you come to my rescue and pressure HGBD to sign me a letter against SMC Rescue Team?!" crying Ostaz Amir!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ostaz Amir Hanna and Ostaz Nazmy Antonios; liars to their back teeth..

How many times does one get caught before the community wake up??!!

Ostaz Amir Hanna joined forces with another Ostaz "Nazmy Antonios" in fabricating stories. They got caught by Dr William Boctor. You know; Dr Boctor who played big role in the downfall of SMC, but this is another story for another day when his turn comes. However, in this instance we commend Dr Boctor for catching two birds with one stone.

For the readers' info, Ostaz Amir and Ostaz Nazmy are so close like twins. They distribute roles among themselves and others to implement Ostaz Amir's hidden agenda.

Very old and stale trick aimed for distraction,

Late life childish
(something like mid life crisis)

On 18/8/2009, Ostaz Nazmy Antonios fabricated a story (of course in conjunction with the master of all evils Ostaz Amir Hanna) that Ibrahim Farag is the informant to the Egyptian newspaper "El-Masrioun" which is known for its association with the Muslim Brotherhood. He claims that the letter defaming Fr Zakaria Botros was sent to the newspaper by Ibrahim Farag. When you open the link, you will find it has no mention of Ibrahim Farag or the source of the letter at all. Of course the email was sent to the entire globe (a quick learner and typical disciple of Ostaz Amir).

From his comments on this blog, we understand that Ibrahim Farag doesn’t write or speak Arabic!! How would he have communicated with this Egyptian newspaper?!

In fact when we used the newspaper's search for Ibrahim Farag إبراهيم فرج , the result was zero, nil, zealsh!!! This means his name has never been mentioned in any article in the newspaper.

Ostaz Amir Hanna replied to Ostaz Nazmy Antonios and as usual Ostaz Amir treats all people like fools and stupid. He is Einstein of the Copts and the only one who can read between the lines!

Ostaz Amir Hanna insulted all recipients of Ostaz Nazmy's email that they may misunderstand. All (or some) of the recipients might have falsely thought that Ostaz Nazmy meant to liken Ostaz Amir (instead of Fr Zakaria Botros) to St Paul of the twenty first century! Ostaz Amir infers that the Copts do not comprehend Arabic or English! His arrogant mentality was apparent in his email response which he sent in both languages.
He is very calculating tactful evil who chooses when to communicate in which language. Please note the email he was replying to was in Arabic and he chose to reply in Arabic and English! It depends on who he is directing his message to. However, in this instant he saved us translating to our readers friends the non Arabic speaking!
And of course, he forwards his correspondences to HE Metropolitan Bishoy and shows his muscles and get the blessings.

The man is full of himself.
Ostaz Amir Hanna,
it is all in your head, humble a bit.

Does everybody who publishes couple of books that nobody reads or delivers couple of sermons to his handful of friends think and behave in this manner?!

Then Ostaz Amir reiterated Ostaz Nazmy's message and accused Ibrahim Farag again that he sent the letter to the newspaper!
"the ... newspaper ascribed to and claimed it emanated from person they called Ibrahim Farag" says Ostaz Amir. Really??!!

Dust in the face, you see,
Don't you ever think I did it!!

Ostaz Amir and Ostaz Nazmy; what do you think we are?!

This is very childish for your age fellows.

  • Who mass distributed the diocese’ debt and sent it to another Egyptian newspaper "El-Fagr" which is also associated with Muslim Brotherhood?!
  • Who was behind the on air call to the Egyptian TV program "El-Cahira Elyoum"?!

  • We don't know Ibrahim Farag but we certainly know Ostaz Amir Hanna very well..
  • We don't know Ibrahim Farag but we certainly congratulate him that he hurts you “Ostaz Amir” badly.
Ostaz Amir Hanna; when will you grow up?!

It is not nice
for somebody in your age to LIE!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ostaz Amir Hanna... we found the smoking gun...

SMC Rescue Team thanks Aiman (one of our faithful readers) who found Ostaz Amir's smoking gun.

The attached article headline translates to:

Bishop of Sydney.. mortgaged the assets of the Coptic church in Sydney for debts reaching $27 mil.

Granted his nephew full authority on the churches' money and delegated a priest to mortgage The Consecrated Sisters House for half a million dollars.

This article published in April 2009 was based on documents and information which was widely emailed by Ostaz Amir Hanna. The article was published in the same Egyptian newspaper "El-Fagr" that published the letter in relation to Fr Zakaria Botros. "El-Fagr" is one of the newspapers that attacked the Copts and the church for ages and known for its association withe the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
This means that the source is more likely the same person who holds the connection to this newspaper. This is diffenetly the work of Ostaz Amir Hanna.
For our non Arabic readers, here is the English translation to the mentioned article sourced for you by our friends at Copts United Australia for which we abundantly thank them.

Please click on any page to enlarge

Online links for the original article are;

Any body who received the mentioned email or has any more info, please forward it to ASAP.

We are very grateful to our friend Aiman and our friends at Copts United Australia. Great team effort, thank you everyone.

Ostaz Amir Hanna... another scandal...

Ostaz Amir Hanna is going around and emailing the entire globe, as usual, accusing HGBD and others of releasing documents from the Diocese archive. As everybody know by now, that is typical of Ostaz Amir Hanna.

However, have we heard any objection whatsoever from Ostaz Amir Hanna, the AOE, the Steering Committee, the GAB or anyboday else about the forged and fabricated letter that was sent to and published by the Egyptian Newspaper associated with the "Muselm Brotherhood"? Absolutely nothing!.

SMC Rescue Team has received a copy of the forged letter and we decided to publish it her for every Copt in Sydney and around the world to judge for themselves the authenticity of this letter. To help the readers, we published one of HGBD's decrees to display the authentic typical style of HG in his letters.

Here is the article that was published in El-Masryoon (online daily newspaper known for its association with Muselm Brotherhood) on 17/08/2009 based on the mentioned letter. You can access the article online through this link
The story of the forged letter was republished by another Egyptian newspaper "El-Fagr", which is also known for its association with Muselm Brotherhood and its contiuous attack on the church.

Please click on any of the pages to enlarge
In this regard and in search of the truth of who would forge such a document, may be Ostaz Amir Hanna can help us in answering the following questions:
  1. Who has access to the diocese's letterheads?
  2. Who has anything to gain by fabricating such a document?
  3. Who is so desperate to discredit HGBD at any cost?
  4. Who is desperate to keep his HGBD away from the Diocese at any cost?
  5. Who said "It is me or HGBD"?
  6. What did HE Metropolitan Bishoy do about the document?
  7. Why was it sent to the Islamic newspapers in Egypt?
  8. Who is feeding Ostaz Ezzat Indawaes ""?
  9. Did EGYPT NEWS have anything to do with the document getting to Egyptian press?
  10. Why was it published on the front pages of the Islamic papers in Egypt?
  11. What sort of low, dirty ill bred would resort to such filth?
  12. What has GAB done about this document? Dr Medhat Girgis, where are you? Are you still with us or resigned? Or you haven't heard of the document?!
  13. Do you think inciting the hatred of Islam against Copts is clever?
  14. Do you agree, the person responsible should be excommunicated?
  15. What do you think will happen when we confirm the author of the document?
  16. Why did nobody attack the author of the forged document?
  17. Do you think the author was clever for his evil filled mind?
  18. The fabricated letter was referenced in 2002, if true, why has surfaced now?
Ostaz Amir Hanna;
  1. When are you going to act as a Christian?
  2. Do you think you are worthy of being a deacon?
To our English readers, the letter makes hideous and filthy allegation about Father Zakaria Botros, the defender of the Coptic faith and exposure of Islamic persecution of Copts in Egypt. The document has a forged signature of HGBD and is typed on OUR DIOCESE's letterhead.
Ostaz Amir, this is one of the lowest immoral despicable acts any so called Christian could ever resort to.
The author will NOT get away with this.
We are moving very fast to the unknown.
Is there anything or anyone capable of stopping this evil from damaging our church further?!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mr Amir Hanna lost it under the pressure!!!

Please click on the page to enlarge
"Health Warning from Uncle "A"
in response to TIG"!!!

It looks like uncle A (so they call him) has swine flu and it is affecting him mentally!!

My God, how many email addresses in the cc??!!
more than one full page of email addresses!!!

Ostaz Amir, we understand the pressure is getting too much on you for your age. Sometimes it is hard for us to take despite our much younger age.

You brought shame on yourself, your family, your friends and on the entire Coptic Ministry. No one takes you seriously anymore, no one believes you.

Your name gets mentioned with disgust.

You will not be able to continue much longer because evil must come to an end one day. We are with you even if it takes 20 years. You will not last 20 more years, think about it.

Ostaz Amir, do not judge us on the basis of your previous experience with the Coptic community. You have seen nothing yet.

Give it up and repent now while you can.
Give it up and ask for forgiveness before it is too late.

Ostaz Amir Hanna,
We will never give up because it is our kids' future.
We will never give up until we lock you in the history garbage bin and throw the key away.
NB. Please note "Ostaz Amir Hanna" is still using his work email with Energy Australia for other purposes than work! Click on the second page and you will find his work email first one in the second line!
Can somebody please forward this to Energy Australia (his Micky Mouse investigation team) and to HE Metropolitan Bishoy. We believe Ibby deserves a letter of apology from HE for his earlier letter to Amir Hanna signed by HE and HGBD.
Don't hold your breath..

Sunday, October 18, 2009

“A coup on a Diocese”

Media release..

SMC Rescue Team has decided to publish a book documenting the conspiracy of the AOE headed by its CEO Deacon Timion (the management guru Mr Amir Hanna) on the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions. The suggested name for the book is

“A coup on a Diocese”

The door is still open for name suggestions.

It will be supported with factual information, documents and photos.

The book will be launched on 31st December 2009 (the first anniversary of ambushing HG Bishop Daniel). All expenses associated with producing, printing and distribution of the book will be born be SMC Rescue Team.

“We are sorry Mr Amir Hanna for aborting your possible plan of alleging that it will be produced or funded by the Diocese or HGBD” said SMC Rescue Team.

The book will be produced in Arabic and English and in two formats a hard copy and a PDF file so that it reaches the widest possible audience.

The idea of the book is to name and shame everyone who participated in the coup on the Diocese (including the conspiracy on SMC by the P&F and the Board) and the role of each one and to insure they are in the history's garbage bin. The book is a documentary of a black page in the history of the biggest Diocese in the Coptic Ministry. It will be a reference for future generations to be vigilant from other AOEs or Amir Hannas of the future.

You can reserve your FREE copy by emailing your details to

SMC Rescue Team is conscious of the enormous task ahead and calls upon anyone with related info or materials (documents, photos, emails etc.) to email them to us ASAP.

وابواب الجحيم لن تقوى عليها مت١٨:١٦
“..and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Mat 16:18

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Director we have never had???

V. Rev. Fr Augustinos Nada rendered his resignation from St Mary and St Mina’s Coptic College after exactly two weeks in the job (from Monday 18th September 2006 till Monday 2nd October 2006)! In his reasoned resignation Fr Augustinos uncovered many flaws that would be questionable by the Australian Government and ASIC. “Any financial or structural misconduct can be punishable by jail terms” ASIC.

Examples of findings by Fr Augustinos in a mere two weeks:


  • Coptic and Arabic teachers earning in excess of $70,000!! They are paid over main subject teachers, hence teachers community see it as nepotism.
  • Possible illegal issues regarding a self paid pay raise of the accountant (22% salary increase in one month, earning in excess of $67,000 a year), which needs to be investigated.
  • Assistant to accountant was a volunteer earning in excess of $40,000.
  • The Board compensates the outgoing principal with $80,000, of which $30,000 he has declined in writing.
  • $200,000 a year are wasted or not used in the right capacity!


  • Some admin staff overpaid 25% above applicable award.
  • Some admin staff with very weak English and can not write a letter, yet answers the telephone ($7,000 overpaid above applicable award).
  • Two many staff earning big salaries, some are excessively overpaid and are not required in their roles.
  • Too many teachers AID earning between $40,000 and $45,000 a year.
  • A science teacher with “very weak English, no Australian Experience”.
  • Qualified teachers are not attracted.


  • A math part time teacher, brother of a prominent person in the Diocese, described as “problematic”.
  • An Arabic teacher, sister of a prominent person in the Diocese, described as “highly paid for her duties”.
  • A recent graduate D&T teacher, son of a prominent family in the Diocese, described as “highly paid" (in excess of $65,000 a year).

Health and Safety;

  • Serious Health and Safety issues; ie. electrical wires hanging everywhere, no hot water systems, glass windows that can fall on children easily etc.

And much more…

Fr Augustinos very frankly named the practices CORRUPTION.

The above is very similar to what we can see at SMC, isn't it? Given the size of SMC compare to SMMC, our problem could be five folds.

In fact, we have beaten SMMC in Nepotism as we have some entire families working in the school!!

Two years later and after much deliberation, Fr Augustinos has accepted HG Bishop Daniel’s appointment as a director to our beloved SMC. After few meetings with the board of SMC, Fr Augustinos renders his resignation again this time to the Patriarchate office.

HH Pope Shenouda III issues Decree no. 7/38 on 12th January 2009 accepting the resignation of Fr Augustinos Nada and appointing Fr Antonios Kaldas a director to SMC.

In light of the above impeccable findings of the V. Rev. Fr Augustinos Nada in St Mary and St Mina Coptic College in just two weeks, one might ask very logical question;

Who is the beneficiary who was very quick lobbying in Egypt insuring that he (Fr Augustinos) never gets in SMC?

We have decided to delegate this intelligent exercise to our management guru the very reverend “Mr Amir Hanna”.

Do you think you will be up to the task?!

Mr Amir Hanna;

Has Fr Augustinos resigned volunteerily?!
What were you and the Board afraid of him finding out?!

We hope you do not play the letters game again and run to him to write a letter to clear you out. We are sure you will come up with a different old trick!! We will watch out..

Why don't you be honest for once and front up with the truth? Yes on this blog, we will be kind enough to give you the space.

We have no doubt that our readers are very smart and they would have already figured out the answer!

NB. Mr Amir Hanna, if you think or you are making people that you consult think that one day we will get tired and give up, YOU BETTER THINK AGAIN.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Please stop ENOUGH is ENOUGH...

Reader's selected comment: posted on October 13, 2009 11:50 AM in response to Fayez Hanania; the first of the AOE to go.. posted on Monday, October 12, 2009 11:01 AM

Friend in Jesus Christ said...

Part A to Uncle “A” and Dr Medhat

Uncle "A", In light of the departure of Mr Fayez Hanania, We call upon you to end the one man war you are waging against the diocese. Uncle "A" you are in your twilight years, you will not live as long as you have already lived.

Please cease the warfare and
leave the diocese alone.

Go open your own church if that is your desire and show some dignity towards the house of the Lord. You are rejected by the main stream and have destroyed your own reputation and no one else. We wish you no evil and ask you to act as a reasonable and mature individual.

Uncle "A", we understand you are not a rational person with a sound mind, and ask you to stop your evil ways and do not attempt any further devious acts to salvage your non existent reputation, We have been warned that you intend to maintain the fight and resort to absolute filth to destroy the diocese and HGBD.

We have been told you hold the view
it is ME or HGBD.

Uncle "A" you are not a Bishop, you are just a deacon, and you do not hold the keys to the diocese and we do not want you to have any say in the diocese affair. We ask you in the name of Jesus Christ to follow in the steps of Mr Fayez Hanania and disassociate from any official role in the diocese. For the sake of the church the congregation the colleges and especially the distraught youth
please leave the Coptic Orthodox Church alone.

Attend and pray like every one else. DO NOT IMPOSE your will, ideas and thoughts upon us against our wills. You are just a man not judge, jury, executioner and God on earth.
Uncle "A",
please stop
enough is enough.

Allow us to commence the new term in peace love and harmony and end the year on a positive note. Uncle "A" you have turned the church into a war zone with a handful of unwanted trouble makers in the church.

Dr Medhat, we call upon you to also distance yourself from this mob mentality, do not undo the years of wonderful service you provided in the past. There is always a time for change and a new season, the time for change has come, it is now.

We all know you hate and despise HGBD, that’s fine, your opinion is yours, but this is not the way for an educated man and ex-pillar to conduct himself. Please show some mercy and end this fiasco that has fragmented the church.
October 13, 2009 11:50 AM

Part B to Father Antonios

Father Antonios, we are disappointed in your actions and lack of ethic, moral and decency. You hate been exposed for your actions, and still resort to every thing possible to attack HGBD and prevent his return.

Father Antonios we are aware you have heart felt grievances against HGBD that stem back for years. We are also aware you suffered emotionally and mentally as a result of some of his prior decisions. We make no excuses for him, we ask you to pray for him and forgive him his sins as our Lord Taught us. Resorting to emails, conspiracies and placing picture of Lady between that of our Lord and HH is not the way to resolve your pain and annoyance.

You are an anointed Priest, and as Copts we expect you to lead by the example of Jesus and not the spite of a mob mentality driven by UNCLE "A".

Father we are begging you to bring an end to this
and allow the new term to commence in
love peace forgiveness and prayer for one another.

Father now is the time to make a difference
and lead by the example of Jesus.

Peter denied Jesus, Jesus willingly forgave him no conditions, ifs or buts. We all have our weaknesses and faults, no exception. Father we are asking you as a community to make a fresh start, the past has lapsed, time heals all wounds Let us all stop the bickering and unite as true Copts and children of Jesus Christ.

It is you Father
that can make a difference.

It is within your power to end the division immediately and unite all the priests and congregation and youth.

We are begging you
to act in righteousness.

Let us all leave it to God Almighty and continually pray. God will do what is best for all of us if we ask him and not take matters into our own hands. Father for what ever HGBD has done to upset you
I ask you as a worthless son
please forgive him;
I will kiss your head, hands and feet.

Father you are not the only one to feel the pain of a bad decision, but we do not resort to the methods you have applied. Father Please stop allowing UNCLE "A" to influence you in the manner he has done.

I ask the above in the Name of the one and only beloved son of GOD, Jesus Christ our saviour, hope and comfort.

A Friend in Jesus Christ.

Heaven rejoices, GOD BLESS YOU Mr Fayez Hanania,

Reader's selected comment: posted on October 13, 2009 8:51 AM in response to Fayez Hanania; the first of the AOE to go.. posted on Monday, October 12, 2009 11:01 AM

Anonymous said...

Dear SMC Team,

The Lord bless you and encourage you in your bid to maintain unity between the college and the diocese.

Mr Fayez Hanania should be applauded for his display of dignity and righteousness in breaking ties with the AXIS of EVIL.

His departure and dis association with this sect is a reflection of his decency and spirituality. His decision to part company from the evil mob will be rewarded. Please do not judge him for his past errors, but rather
a celebration of his return to the flock of Jesus Christ.

We look upon Mr Fayez Hanania as the prodigal son or the lost sheep.

Mr Fayez Hanania heaven rejoices tremendously to the return of a lost soul, welcome back and God bless you for your decision.

We all pray that WAHID AZMY would never be allowed to have any association with the diocese in light of his track record for been dis functional, abrupt, and rude. HGBD certainly would not want any association with this individual. Unless the other member of AXIS OF EVIL want to return to the flock, It would be a good idea for them "axis of evil" to all move to the Harris Park multi denominational church started by WAHID AZMY and his rejected associates. They may then commence a new college and have full control of it to cater for their future grand children.

NO existing COPTIC COLLEGE will ever be separated from the diocese.

What God has united no man shall divide.

We pray for their lost souls, driven by ambition and ego very far from the word of God. We beseech them to pack up and leave ALL the colleges alone and allow the community to praise God in fear rather than focus their energy on defending this great institution "THE DIOCESE" from evil that is within.

Our Lord Jesus will not allow the axis of evil to thrive, he will DESTROY it brick by brick (man by man).

Mr Fayez Hanania we wish you all the very best for your future, and will always recall all the time and effort you have put into the diocese in particular the planning and catering for the visitations of His Holiness. We call upon you as the rising star, to reason with the other members of the AXIS OF EVIL, and encourage them to return to the flock, rather than be the wolves savaging the flock from with in.

GOD BLESS YOU Mr Fayez Hanania. Jesus will reward you.

On Behalf of St Marks Congregation.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fayez Hanania; the first of the AOE to go..

مبارك الرب لانه سمع صوت تضرعي

Blessed [be] the LORD, Because He has heard the voice of my supplications!

Exclusive to SMC Rescue;

We have received a report that Mr Fayez Hanania (3rd on the AOE's list) has formally tendered his resignation from any duties with the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions.

We wish Mr Hanania the best for the future.

Despite he was the weakest link, we are looking forward to see the back of the rest of the AOE as well. Amen.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Amir Hanna; If this does not make you cry, you are a true EVIL!!!

Reader's selected comment: posted on October 8, 2009 10:45 PM
On When will you release the Audit Report????? posted on October 4, 2009 7:40 PM

A Concerned Youth said...

to anyone that visits this site...
so anyone who sends these shameful emails...
to anyone who apparently has issues with God's will...
to anyone who continues to dig this amazing wedge in our community...

you should all be ashamed of yourselves... how dare you divide this community the way it is now. what example are you setting by these contiued slanderings to the youth... who obviously have no say in this entire situation.

i am a youth in this diocese and am ashamed to be part it.

this is what you all have to show for yourselves... its disgusting. i pray that one day you will all wake up and realise that what you are doing is wrong. Ib, amir hanna, magdy, and all of the people who started this thing you are all ridiculus... trying to impose your opinions on this community which YOU HAVE DIVIDED is revolting.

i am sick of getting your emails...
i am sick of hearing about this
and i hope to God that you stop this
and let this community heal itself together again...

if you have political ambitions, i am sure canberra would love to have you... but do not bring the church into it... leave the church alone...

if you have issues with the administration of this church...








  • when will this end?
  • when will you ALL grow up and just accept that

it is God's will that we have HGBD?

  • when are you going to be the right examples to your children?
  • when will this church go back to the days that we were ONE church?
  • when will you stop?...(i pray that it isnt when this community has completely disintegrated...)


i want to be proud of my church again... i want to be proud to say i am coptic again... i want to be able to bring up a family in a UNITED church... a church that doesnt backstab and plot against each other... you make the crusades look like fun...i pray God gives you the wisdom to stop soon...

a concerned youth...

"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to DESOLATION, and every city or house divided against itself WILL NOT STAND" Matt 12:25

"TRUST IN THE LORD with all your heart, and lean not on YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and HE WILL DIRECT your path" Prov 3:5

Sunday, October 4, 2009

When will you release the Audit Report?????

Reader's selected comment (extract): posted on October 4, 2009 10:53 AM
On He is our Bishop posted on October 3, 2009 6:50 PM

Anonymous said...

Dr Medhat Gurgis, Thank you for finally completing and signing off on the financial status for the dioceses and HGBD, it has taken you months to finalise and was a ploy to delay his return!!!

Dr Medhat Gurgis, when are you as "SECRETARY" of the diocese going to reveal that the financial status was found to be 100% correct?

Dr Medhat Gurgis, are you going to state that the allegations of Uncle "A" 's, Nazmy Antonios, Haney Gayed and their anonymous friends using "DUMMY" email accounts were all wrong, fabricated and designed to mislead the community?
Dr Medhat Gurgis, when are you and your wife going to apologise for the allegations you made relating to Volume Plus and HGBD, and all the other matters YOU raised?
Dr Medhat Gurgis,

When are the audit reports with the findings into the THREE colleges going to be disclosed?
(They were completed half a year ago)

Uncle "A", when are you and your loud mouth disciple Haney Gayed going to apologise for the accusations levelled against HGBD and Father Yousef as revealed in the telephone conversation that was previously posted? On that note, UNCLE”A”, we hope you followed it up with the police as you threatened to do with respect of the alleged illegal telephone recording that you were so concerned about. As you are fully aware you can make a complaint to CRIME STOPPERS.
UNCLE”A” are you going to keep your word and stay away from the diocese when HGBD returns?
UNCLE”A”, are you going to stand down from the role of Sunday school superintendent? UNCLE”A”, we consider the vast majority of the community reject you having any association with the diocese in light of your recent exposure? Do you agree???

Haney Gayed, "the umbrella bearer", & "Loud Mouth" are you going to continue to use the school for political exposure and gains? I do not think you will get any support from the Coptic Community.
Haney Gayed are you going to apologise for the outrages allegations you put in writing and sent to Egypt about HGBD behind the scenes?

Fayeze Hanania do you still think it is appropriate you have any involvement in the diocese when HGBD returns, considering your association with the AOE?

Father Antonios, are you going to continue in the college?
Father Antonios we remind you that Father Yousef was a Gentleman, and stepped aside when the AOE set him up, this is despite the fact he had done nothing wrong at all.

"Uncle A", are you going to apologise for scare mongering Father Augustine away, after he was decreed by HGBD to be the director of the college, so as to pave the way for Father Antonios, with the aid of Bishop Bishoy.


To, Mr Khairy Grace, of the PVA, have you and your MEMBERS Especially JOE finally accepted the findings of Bishop Bishoy relating to Father Pavlos? Are you going to continue to vindicate this persecuted man? Looks like all your meetings, threats and words are meaningless and you have bitterly failed, YOU FAILED!!! Are you now supporting BISHOP BISHOY, after you openly stated he was corrupt and persecuted Father Pavlos? Why the change of HEART? There is clearly a lot of Hypocrisy, wheeling and dealing, and back office negotiating taking place? It is no surprise all those opposed to HGBD have banded together to destroy this simple and persecuted man.

Finally, we as a community hope that you all consider your future association with the diocese; this includes all the side kick named as members of the Axis of Evil.