Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Stay true to your cause – part III

On November 2, 2009 4:45 PM, Anonymous has left a new comment on our post "A book OR no book ...":

Stay true to your cause – part III;

“Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:8-10

Beloved SMC Rescue Team;

Thank God for our Friend Sister “I”

This is my last post on this issue and I intend to maintain my purpose to persuade all to stay true to their cause.

Many responses asked me to reveal my identity believing that I am VR Abouna Antonious Kaldas, a certain “Sam Bas”, one of those you refer to as AOE or a close associate. I have already told you that I do not have any personal association with any of these dignified personalities or associations. It’s so unfortunate that hiding my name caused many to speculate and reveal their ill feelings towards others, may God forgive me and them.

Many comments asked me and other readers to condemn specific actions of certain members of the community. Please forgive me as I cannot submit to these requests because I do not have the awareness, the competency or the responsibility to pass these condemnations.

Many argue that, as parents, they should have a say in who runs the school. Again I am not an expert in the subject but I can tell them that there are different vehicles by which parents and community members could provide reviews on the school and its management and campaign to effect change either on the diocese or the Department of Education.

I will continue to support the school and the SMC Rescue Team in anyway I find beneficial. I will continue to review your blog but will generally refrain from commenting till such time the fruits of peace are seen in its posts.

May God help us all to see good in each other and may He heal all our wounds.

Please pray for me
--------------------------------------------- end of comment.

Smc Rescue Team said...

Dear our Anonymous Friend (Stay true to your cause – part III),

Thank you for your contribution and your continuous support for our cause. You have certainly enriched the blog with your comments.

We would like just to make you aware that the supposedly effective vehicles that you referred to by which parents could provide reviews on the school and its management (internal ones ie. P&F and the College Board) have been hijacked by associates of the AOE. Also, all the College top management have been appointed via direct intervention from the CEO of the AOE Ostaz Amir Hanna (please refer to our previous posts ie. Mr "N"). As such their alliance is to him (Ostaz Amir Hanna) and the AOE’s hidden agenda instead of working for the best interest of our kids and the college. His way or the highway. Of course, he wouldn't tell them directly to go like any respectable person. He would conspire to get them removed. He is effectively running the college by correspondence and the rest are defacto management!

There is still much more to be said.

As for the diocese, we all know of the coup that they have staged on HGBD which led to his self-chosen exile. We do not blame him, no respectable bishop would preside over such filthy and corrupt environment. We have also exposed their plan to excise the school from the diocese which was designed to have sole and unchallenged power over the college.

Therefore, we have no confidence in a change to come from within. As such, parents have resorted to the most dramatic step of requesting a government appointed administrator.

We understand that missing big part of the facts or the events of last year that led to our current dilemma can make it extremely difficult to form a just and fair opinion. Your opinion or that is of any other observer would be primarily built on what you can see now which is our fight back. However, this is not the full picture. There is more to the story.

Same applies to the church hierarchy headed by HH Pope Shenouda III. Their impression is also one sided because of the AOE's connections and high level lobbying.

We can assure you of our best intention because of the direct impact on our kids. But it is extremely difficult when you are faced with the like of an “Organized Gang”, which we have thought would never exist in the church or any of its establishment. However, this is reality and we are very determent to fight it and wipe it out. No matter how long it will take or cost.

They will not prevail, we promise you as we owe it to our kids and the future generations. With the Grace of God, evil must be defeated.

We will pray for you and we also kindly ask you to pray for us, for our kids and their college.

SMC Rescue Team


  1. "Stay True to your Cause", and "Sister",

    Your concillatory comments on the blog are welcomed. We see your desire to bring this to an end. Whilst you have made contact and communicated with the SMC team, we ask have you made any attempts to reason with the Director Father Ant, Amir Hanna, or AOE? We anticipate any individual assuming a mediators role would communicate with all parties and not pressure one side to withdraw and leave the instigators unabated. Do you agree?

    If you are sincere in your desires, we urge you to speak with the "REBELS" in our desires and remain even handed.


  2. stay true and sister are the same person!!

  3. Stay true said
    "I do not have any personal association with any of these dignified personalities or associations."

    That says it all.


  4. I think the P&F and the Board are very worried of the book.

  5. my grandmother is very worried about this book...

  6. SMC,

    The issue of the book has been deliberated and discussed. To date no response has been received from AOE, Uncle "A", or the director Fr. Ant.
    They have refused to accept repeated offers to sit in an appropriate forum to canvass all concerns. There actions are indefensible and are not in a position to answer reasonable questions to be put to them. They also will not retreat from their stance and determination to isolate the colleges from the diocese. Their pride, egos and ambitions are their driving forces bridled with bitterness and animosity towards HGBD. SMC please move on from the issue, print the book and ensure there is a history record of their defiance for all future generations. They are totally unchristian in their actions and unwillingness to resolve ALL the issues in a mature manner before the Clerical Council. Fr. Ant is destroying the college and must accept responsibility. The comments against the book have been posted at the behest of the anarchists.


  7. Lord Jesus,
    Take me by the hand
    guide us through this troubled land,
    When by storms we are tossed about
    Calm the waves, erase our doubt
    Dearest Saviour, Light our way
    lest we in darkness we might stray
    though a detour may cause concern
    let it be a chance to learn

    In Jesus' name

  8. Prayer for Father Antonios
    O Jesus in heaven above,
    Our great High Priest,
    Hear my humble prayers on behalf of your priest, Father Antonios.

    Give him true & deep faith in your word
    A bright sincere, firm, hope with a burning love
    for you and not man.

    May it ever increase in the course of his Priestly life.

    Forgive him all his transgressions.

    In his loneliness, comfort him
    In his sorrows, strengthen him
    In his frustrations, point out to him
    that it is through suffering that the soul is purified,

    Lord Jesus show him that he is needed
    by the Congregation, youth, children and your Apostolic Coptic Church

    Show him O Lord that he is needed by all the souls he serves,
    That he is needed for the work of redemption.

    O loving Mother Mary,
    Mother of Priests,
    Take to your heart your son Father Antonios,
    Pull him close to you because of his priestly ordination,
    Remind him of the power which he has received
    to carry on the work of Christ, not self or man.

    Blessed Holy Mother of Christ Intercede for his sake,
    be his comfort, be his joy, be his strength,

    Heavenly Father Jesus
    help Father Antonios to live up to,
    and defend the ALL the ideals of Consecrated Priesthood in our Coptic Church.

    Restore him to his former devotion,
    Touch his heart, mind and spirit.

    Keep all evil, temptation, disharmony and anxieties far from him.

    In the Name of our Saviour Jesus Christ
