Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A message to Deacon Timon!!

To the Coptic Einstein..

To the management guru of the 21st century..

To the great theologian..

Please humble a bit and hear the message from this little child.

فانت اذا الذي تعلّم غيرك ألست تعلّم نفسك

....الذي تكرز ان لا يسرق أتسرق

الذي تفتخر بالناموس أبتعدي الناموس تهين الله

لان اسم الله يجدّف عليه بسببكم بين الامم كما هو مكتوب

رو٢ :٢١-٢٣-٢٤

You, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach yourself?

You who preach that a man should not steal, do you steal?

You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonor God through breaking the law?

For "the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you," as it is written.

Rom 2:21-23-24


  1. Deacon Timon, Uncle "A", Amir hanna, Defacto Bishop and relation of Bishop Bishoy does exist. They are tarred with the same Brush. They only hear and acknowledge what suits them and their agenda. Don't hold your breath, he will not hear or see you and will not respond. He is the "self proclaimed prophet" of the sydney Diocese. Next he will ordain priests and deacons. Don't waste your time and effort trying to speak to the prideful stray angel. He is holding his breath waiting for the enthronment of his Beloved Bishop Bishoy to the holy see and next Patriach of the orthodox church. The first Pope to be expelled from USA and taken to court.

    Pray Pray Pray.


  2. وكشف عن أن الانجيليين انتقدوا لغة الحوار الأرثوذكسية الجديدة لدي مجلس كنائس الشرق الاوسط الذي يضم 4 عائلات هم الأرثوذكس والأرثوذكس الشرقيون والكاثوليك والانجيليون " وذلك دون جدوي لأن ذلك لم ينتج عن تطبيق فكرة احترام الآخر . He revealed that the evangelicals have criticized the new language of dialogue with the Council of Orthodox Churches of the Middle East, which includes 4 families are Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical "and without useless because it did not result from the application of the idea of respect for the other.
    ومن جانبه، قال د . For his part, Dr. اكرام لمعي الاستاذ بكلية اللاهوت الانجيلية " من الغريب ان يسعي الانبا بيشوي لحوارات مع الانجيليين والكاثوليك خارج مصر ويرفض ذلك بالداخل بعكس البابا شنودة الذي قام بحوارات سابقة في هذا الاطار ". Akram, for me, professor of biblical theology "strange Bishoy is to dialogue with evangelicals and Catholics abroad and at home that refuses to Pope Shenouda III, who unlike the previous dialogues in this regard."
    واعتبر الحرب الاعلامية من جانب الانجيليين مجرد نتائج طبيعية لعدم تطبيق ما انتهت له الحوارات المسكونية بين المذاهب المختلفة مطالبا بضرورة تعليمه للأجيال الجديدة . He said the media war by evangelicals merely the natural consequences of the failure to apply what ended his ecumenical dialogues between different faiths demanding the need for education of new generations.
    في المقابل شدد القمص صليب متي ساويرس عضو المجلس الملي علي نبذ أي نوازع للخلاف بين المذاهب قائلا " لا يجب أن تكون التصريحات المنسوبة للقيادات الكنسية من الطائفتين الانجيلية والأرثوذكسية سبباً في الحكم علي العلاقات بين الطوائف مضيفا : العلاقة بين البابا شنودة والقس صفوت البياضي جيدة ولا يجب أن يشوهها الحرس الجديد داخل الطائفة الانجيلية الذي يستهدف افساد العلاقة بينهما بدعمه لماكس ميشيل أو رفضه للتوافق حول قانون الاحوال الشخصية . On the other hand stressed Fr Salib Matta Sawiris member of Milli Majlis to renounce any desires of the dispute between the doctrines of "No comments should be attributed to the Church of the Anglican and Orthodox communities a reason to judge the relations between the communities, adding: The relationship between the pope and the Rev. Safwat Bayaadi good and should not be that marred the new guard within the evangelical community, which aims to disrupt the relationship between support for the Max Michel, or rejection of the consensus on the personal status law.

  3. Bishop Bishoy’s strategy so far has been, to fabricate evidence against his victim, and then, second, to launch an increasingly speculative set of arguments from silence as positive evidence for his case.

    This allows the story to spiral wildly out of control to the detriment of the intend victim. This tact was last used against His Eminence Bishop Youaniss. Bishop Jeremiah broke into the office of Bishop Youaniss, stole private documents, set the office on fire and handed the documents to Bishop Bishoy. The documents were released to the Islamic press and Bishop Bishoy sat back and watched the matter escalate and spiral out of control. His actions are typical of French propagandists who spitefully spread a rumor that the Russian Empress Catherine the Great died from being crushed by a stallion she was having sex with! In fact she had died of a stroke in bed quite peacefully, but the rumor combined two of her favorite passions: riding horses and sexual conquests of the men around her; and obviously the denigration served immediate political purposes at the time. The rumor still survives persistently today.

    Bishop Bishoy also used a total falsehood that was fabricated by his evil supporters, purely for sake of political gain (Papal Chair), motivated by spite, power and greed. Cleverly he ensured enough truth that it would stir the curiosity of all. There are many other victims of Bishop Bishoy. Bishop Bishoy has learned in his role as secretary of the Holy Synod and the power of the office, innuendo and supposition can go a long way toward making any allegation seem like fact enabling him to indiscriminately abuse that authority. Ironically, this process of creating innuendo and supposition can itself often be used against the deviser of such evil. Bishop Bishoy has ironically elected to forget that the four canonical Gospel texts often serve better as cautionary examples against facile use of legendary accretion theorizing.

  4. To Bishop Bishoy, Deacon Timeon, the Perjuror

    by Jonathan S

    By the just vengeance of incensed skies,
    Poor Bishop Judas late repenting dies.
    The Jews engaged him with a paltry bribe,
    Amounting hardly to a crown a-tribe;
    Which though his conscience forced him to restore,
    And parsons tell us, no man can do more,
    Yet, through despair, of God and man accurst,
    He lost his bishopric, and hang'd or burst.
    Those former ages differ'd much from this;
    Judas betray'd his master with a kiss:
    But some have kiss'd the gospel fifty times,
    Whose perjury's the least of all their crimes;
    Some who can perjure through a two inch-board,
    Yet keep their bishoprics, and 'scape the cord:
    Like hemp, which, by a skilful spinster drawn
    To slender threads, may sometimes pass for lawn.

    As ancient Judas by transgression fell,
    And burst asunder ere he went to hell;
    So could we see a set of new Iscariots
    Come headlong tumbling from their mitred chariots;
    Each modern Judas perish like the first,
    Drop from the tree with all his bowels burst;
    Who could forbear, that view'd each guilty face,

    To cry,

    "Lo! Judas gone to his own place,
    His habitation let all men forsake,
    And let his bishopric another take!"

  5. From American Copts LA Chapter

    One may think serial sexual liaisons may be bad enough, but betraying fellow brothers in the clergy is beyond the pale.
    The full integrity of the Coptic Orthodox Church descend into oblivion when Bishop Bishoy spoke on Egyptian television before the World.

    His interview before the cameras is likened to the betrayal of Judas, to gratify government ministers, where he resorted to public castigation of Bishop Youaniss and Father Zakaria Boutros.

    Listening to his words and watching him was not unlike when "Christ was betrayed by someone in his group for 30 pieces of silver”.
    We felt similarly betrayed at that moment in time, as he betrayed the entire Coptic Church.

    As an Apostolic Administrator of the Coptic Church, we felt "betrayed" that Bishop Bishoy had accepted the "pot of gold", (support in his quest for the Papacy.
    It was agreed by all those that attended our meeting it was "not appropriate" for a cleric in his position to sell his apostolic brothers in such a shameful public display.
    In the interview he publicly undermined the reputation of all Copts.
    Many former priests, who suffered at the hands of this unscrupulous man, spoke of the grief and "very guilty conscience" over his treatment of them and others. On behalf of US Copts, "We apologize to Bishop Youaniss, Father Zakaria and every other priest, and Bishop who have been very deeply hurt by Bishop Bishoy’s tactless attack on our church on Islamic Television. Further to every other Christian denomination we beg your forgiveness, his words are his own and not those of the majority Coptic community, especially in the UK."
    His public statements in newspapers and internet sites for their "kiss and tell" exclusives, attacking Father Zakaria Boutros have angered those who trusted him. His justification for offering to decloak Father Zakaria Boutros is equivalent to the actions of Judas and is "extraordinary".
    "It seems to be less extraordinary if it is true he will receive money for his public offer”, rumors’ are abundant that he will be paid 5 to 75 million Egyptian pounds to decloak Father Zakaria. At present there is $85m US on the head of Father Zakaria Boutros.
    Explaining the level of anger over the interview is difficult without been offensive. Diocesan members all over America, Europe, UK, and Australia have grown increasingly upset as they learnt of the interview and subsequently viewed it.
    We are urging Bishop Bishoy to withdraw his offer to the Islamic community; he is also warned that we will not leave the matter unaddressed. We will meet with His Holiness Pope Shenouda and amongst many things request Bishop Bishoy lose the right to take Communion and be confined to a cell in a monastery.

    COPTS UNITED Australia

  6. What happened to the poll question you had yesterday?
    who should be excommunicated?

    Copts United

  7. Sorry Jo,

    Technical glitch.
    The poll is back on again.

    SMC Rescue Team
