We would like to welcome Mr John Kiriacos on our site. Mr Kiriacos has been a regular columnist in the church magazines El-Manara and the Spring of Love for years. We thank him for his first contribution to our site and wish to regularly receive his thoughts to share with our readers.
We are proud to have him on board.
In this regard, we would like to invite every honest opinion to contribute to our site to further our cause.
The suggested letter is as follow:
In this regard, we would like to invite every honest opinion to contribute to our site to further our cause.
The suggested letter is as follow:
+ بسم الله القوى +

إلى صاحب القداسة والغبطة البابا المعظم الأنبا شنودة الثالث
حفظه الله لنا سنين عديدة وأزمنة سالـمة مديدة
بعد تقبيل يديكم الطاهرة والمقدسة
كم كنت أود ياسيدنا أن أحضر بشخصى لكى أنال بركة قداستكم، وأيضاً لكى ألتمس منكم الرجاء بعودة أبينا المحبوب الأنبا دانييل إلى كرسيه بسيدنى، وذلك ليس فقط لحبنا له كمرشداً وراعياً لنا بل ومدافعاً عن عقيدتنا أمام المحافل والطوائف المسيحية المتعددة، وكذلك لإستكمال المشروعات ورسالته التى بدأها فى الكرازة خارج القارة الأسترالية
سيدنا.. كما نرجو أن نوضح لقداستكم بأنه هناك للأسف الشديد قلة من ضعاف النفوس ممن يحاولون الهدم والتقسيم لا البناء، بل ويزرعون الشك حول أسقفنا كما يسعون فى إصطياد وتجسيم الأخطاء من أجل غرض شخصى أو لكرامة ما .. إلخ ومحاولين بذلك زعزعة ثقة الأقباط فى راعيهم والذى إختاره لنا الرب على يديكم الطاهرة
ولهذا أناشد قداستكم بالتوصل إلى حكم ينصفنا ويصلح فى التقويم وتوجيه أى خطأ ربما حدث من دون قصد أو عمد، وذلك من أجل أن تستمر جاليتنا القبطية فى ترابط ومحبة وسلام الرب يسوع
وأنى على ثقة تامة بأن الروح القدس قادر أن يرشدكم لما هو صالح ونافع لنا وذلك لكى يرى الناس أعمالنا فيمجدوا أبانا الذى فى السموات
ولكم ياسيدنا جزيل الشكر والتقدير، كما نطلب الصلاة من أجلنا
والله يعطيكم كل الصحة ويقويكم فى الرسالة الملقاه على عاتق قداستكم
والله يعطيكم كل الصحة ويقويكم فى الرسالة الملقاه على عاتق قداستكم
:الأسم بالكامل
:رقم التليفون
:الأسم بالكامل
:رقم التليفون
English translation;
In the name of the Mighty God
To His Holiness the Patriarch Pope Shenouda III
May God save him for us for many years and safe extended times.
After kissing your blessed and pure hands..
Much that I’d liked to attend in person to get your holiness’ blessing, and also to kindly plead for the return of our beloved Father H.G. Bishop Daniel to his seat in Sydney. Not only because of our love to him as a pastor and shepherd to us and also a defender of our faith to the forums and the various Christian denominations, but also to complete the projects that he initiated as well as carry on his missionary service outside the Australian continent.
Sayedna.. We also hope to clarify to your Holiness that there is unfortunately a few weak souls who try to demolish, divide and not build, and planting doubts about our Bishop. Also trying to hunt down and amplify the errors for personal agenda or ego, etc. .. and trying to undermine the Copts’ confidence in their pastor and the chosen by the Lord via your pure hands..
I therefore appeal to Your Holiness to kindly reach a decision to our best interest that shall correct and address any error that may have occurred inadvertently or unintentionally, in order for our Coptic community to continue in unity, love and peace of the Lord Jesus.
I am fully confident that the Holy Spirit is able to guide you for what is good and beneficial to us, so that they may see our good works and glorify Our Father in heaven...
We offer our sincere thanks and appreciation to Your Holiness, and ask to pray for us...
May the Lord give you all the health and strengthen you for the mission placed on your holiness.
After kissing your blessed and pure hands..
Much that I’d liked to attend in person to get your holiness’ blessing, and also to kindly plead for the return of our beloved Father H.G. Bishop Daniel to his seat in Sydney. Not only because of our love to him as a pastor and shepherd to us and also a defender of our faith to the forums and the various Christian denominations, but also to complete the projects that he initiated as well as carry on his missionary service outside the Australian continent.
Sayedna.. We also hope to clarify to your Holiness that there is unfortunately a few weak souls who try to demolish, divide and not build, and planting doubts about our Bishop. Also trying to hunt down and amplify the errors for personal agenda or ego, etc. .. and trying to undermine the Copts’ confidence in their pastor and the chosen by the Lord via your pure hands..
I therefore appeal to Your Holiness to kindly reach a decision to our best interest that shall correct and address any error that may have occurred inadvertently or unintentionally, in order for our Coptic community to continue in unity, love and peace of the Lord Jesus.
I am fully confident that the Holy Spirit is able to guide you for what is good and beneficial to us, so that they may see our good works and glorify Our Father in heaven...
We offer our sincere thanks and appreciation to Your Holiness, and ask to pray for us...
May the Lord give you all the health and strengthen you for the mission placed on your holiness.
Name in full:
Name in full:
NB. While we welcome all contributions; if your thoughts are in Arabic, we kindly ask you to please help us by sending a translated English version as well. It will save much needed time that can be better invested in organising and seeking other materials in support of our cause. It will also attract much wider audience.
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