H.E. Metropolitan Bishoy, of Damiette, Kafr El-Sheikh, Barary and the Monastery of St Demiana and the Secretary of the Holy Synod on his recent appearance on Orbit TV.
Sayedna; please talk to us to end our confusion and all the speculations...
Do you like what is happening in Sydney by Deacon Timon and the AOE?
We desperately need to know your position from all of this.
Is it ok for a priest to publicly humiliate and ridicule his bishop?
Would you accept the same to happen to you from any one (priest, deacon or even a layman) in your Bishopric?!
Is it ok for an ordained deacon to sabotage the reputation of the entire diocese all over the media?
So many questions need answers...
Sayedna, please talk to us in any way shape or form.
We beg you.
We are very confused, what do we tell our kids?
We wish we have never lived to see this misery of our church in Sydney.
Sayedna, please tell us, what is happening now; right or wrong?!
Can somebody talk to us please.
Do you hear us in Egypt?
Your Eminence only heard one side of the story.
Your Eminence only heard from Mr Amir Hanna.
You did not hear us, the silent majority.
We have had enough.
Please tell us when this dilemma will be over?
Is Mr Amir Hanna that powerful and untouchable?
If so, please tell us frankly so we stop wasting our energy.
If so, anybody doesn't like it can find another denomination.
The interviewer is Hany sorials friend!!!
ReplyDeleteBishop Bishoy is a master of playing the game.
I wonder why he agreed to do an interview with an islamic reporter, So soon after the firm sermon by HH Pope Shenouda last wednesday.
Bishop Bishoy is trying to control the growing hatred and dissastisfaction against him in egypt and all over he world.
Bishop Bishoy looks like father Mikhail
ReplyDeletemultiple personality!
ReplyDeleteGreat job of damage control and subtly attacking Anba Yioaniss,
Shameful and amazing.
How many faces can one man have.
ReplyDeleteBishop Bishoy (Interview on Islamic TV),
Conduct of Uncle "A" Deacon TIMON,
All Members of AOE
Director Father Antonios
To all those that have witnessed their actions and viewed the above interview,
Do Not Be Deceived
Is this a command you are observing?
This is a command that directs us toward TRUTH. That truth is Christ Jesus and all that He embodies. Paul told the Thessalonians that some would "not love the truth, so as to be saved" (2Thes.2:10).
If one does not have a love for truth (reality), one should not concern himself with Jesus and his teachings.
Real faith is predicated upon truth.
Without truth, there cannot be real faith, only pseudo faith, a false faith, a faith filled with disappointment and finally despair, and ultimately judgment (See Matt.7:21-24).
"And without faith, it is impossible to please GOD" (Heb.11:6)
All of the men and women in this great chapter in Hebrews 11, pleased God because they acted in faith, which was based on what God had said, in other words, their faith was based on the Word of God. This is what Paul says to the Romans, that "faith comes by hearing, by hearing and LIVING the Word of God", not the desire of their hearts and the world.
The other significant facet about faith, is the requirement to be exclusive. Real faith cannot be divided in its reliance's. One cannot have some faith in God and some faith in something else. One can not speak with a double tonuge and potray an image of trickery and double standard.
If it is real faith it will be totally in God. The person's reliance will be only in God and not in ones strength, abilities, or human efforts, no matter how noble they may want you to beleive they are.
This is clearly taught by numerous Old Testament stories. The birth of Isaac v.s. the birth of Ishmael illustrates this point well as do several other stories.
Paul told the Philippians, that "we are the true circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh"(Phil.3:3).
These are the marks of a true believer in Christ.
Do not fall in love with the world or its offerings, or desire for worldly recognition and fame.
ReplyDeleteI think you may be wrong.
Bishop Bishoy knows full well exactly what is happening on both sides of the story.
He has chosen to support UNCLE"A" and ignore everyone else.
Father Antonios by his own admission and his own words, spoke to the IRON MAN, before the decree and accepted the position on the condition that OUR college be isolated from the DIOCESE.
Who is Bishop Bishoy to go against Cannon law and agree to such a condition?
It is part of his master plan to become POPE.
The concern is what benefit will he reap from isolating a college that obtains millions of dollars annually from the state and Federal governments!!!!
One can only speculate............
Let’s see if he will be true to his word, and hopefully resign from all his positions and go back to a cell and stay in a monastery and stop the wilful manipulation he conducts. If you did not know the man behind the face you would be fooled into thinking he is an angel, the way he spoke.
He is no angel, the total opposite.
He knows exactly what he is doing; he should be awarded the "LOGGY" academy award for his acting.
What a performance for the cameras, who is his stage manager?
Truth about Anba Bishoy
ReplyDeleteIn the framework of the conflict to the succession of Pope Shenouda III, who now deals in the United States since last June, began Anba Bishoy management early in a public battle when the distribution of «controlled» St. trial «outgoing» Bishop Matthias Mahala students, college seminary to distort the image on the pretext that it is inclined Think of the Puritan --
Charge ready to oppose the Church - Since the days of the distribution of «note» to members of the Holy Synod and priests accused the bishop of St. Pfnotios Samalout «drastic ideological» and heresy and violation of the Church «in order to get their support for the trial and then break the wing» Bishops at the front, which is an immediate threat to his ambition in the chair of St. Mark.
. Attack on Pfnotios Bishoy Coptic sources as interpreted by the desire to come to get rid of the last of his way to the Holy See and helped him to the enjoyment of this very closely, from the patriarch until it's all in that behalf in the Fayoum, which was held recently and attended by representatives from all parishes, so that the interview Christian clergy are not interrupted by the religious authorities granted to the Bishop Bishoy of Damietta, Kafr El-Sheikh, head of the priests and the trial, which can run for the succession of the Pope as the head of a monastery, as it is running at the same time secretary of the sacred community of the Coptic Church, which is considered by some as an indication of the possession of the authorities did not empowered to no one but the pope himself.
And before completing the Bishoy thirty-year-old Pope Shenouda III was nominated by a bishop of the cities at once, namely Damietta, Kafr El-Sheikh in 1979 as bishop at the time was full of giants of the senior bishops who wrote themselves in the modern history of the Church.
في إطار الصراع الدائر علي خلافة البابا شنودة الذي يعالج الآن في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية منذ يونيو الماضي، بدأ الأنبا بيشوي بإدارة معركته مبكراً بشكل علني عندما قام بتوزيع «مضبطة» محاكمة الأنبا «المستقيل» متياس أسقف المحلة علي طلاب الكلية الأكليريكية لتشويه صورته بدعوي أنه يميل للفكر البروتستانتي-
التهمة الجاهزة لمعارضة الكنيسة- ومنذ أيام يقوم بتوزيع «مذكرة» علي أعضاء المجمع المقدس والقساوسة يتهم فيها الأنبا بفنوتيوس أسقف سمالوط «بالشطط العقائدي» والهرطقة ومخالفة الكنيسة «ليتسني له الحصول علي تأييدهم لمحاكمته ومن ثم يكسر جناح» جبهة أساقفة الصعيد التي تعد التهديد المباشر لطموحه في الكرسي المرقسي.
هجوم بيشوي علي بفنوتيوس كما تفسره مصادر قبطية يأتي رغبة منه في إزاحة الأخير من طريقه للكرسي البابوي وساعده علي ذلك تمتعه بقرب شديد من البطريرك حتي أنه وكله في أن ينوب عنه في مؤتمر الفيوم الذي عقد مؤخراً، وشارك فيه ممثلون من جميع الأبرشيات، حتي أن حديث رجال الدين المسيحي لا ينقطع عن السلطات الدينية الممنوحة للأنبا بيشوي أسقف دمياط وكفر الشيخ ورئيس لجنة محاكمة الكهنة والذي يمكنه ترشيح نفسه لخلافة البابا باعتباره رئيساً لدير، كما أنه يشغل في الوقت نفسه منصب سكرتير المجتمع المقدس للكنيسة القبطية وهو ما اعتبره البعض مؤشراً علي امتلاكه سلطات لا تخول لأحد سوي البابا نفسه
وقبل أن يكمل بيشوي الثلاثين من العمر رشحه البابا شنودة أسقفا علي مدينتين دفعة واحدة وهما دمياط وكفر الشيخ في 1979 ليكون أسقفاً في وقت كان يحفل بالعمالقة من كبار الأساقفة الذين سطروا أنفسهم في تاريخ الكنيسة الحديث.
شريف الدواخلي Sheriff Aldoakhli
ReplyDeleteDon't waste your breath, he will never respond to you. If you want action, write a letter and sign it AMIR HANNA.