Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Transfiguration of St Mary ظهور السيدة العذراء مريم

هوذا مند الان جميع الاجيال تطوبنى لو1 :48

For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; For behold,
henceforth all generations will call me blessed
Luke 1:48
The transfiguration of the ever virgin St Mary the mother of all in her church in Warrak-Cairo on Fri 11/12/2009 and continuing every night to date.

The church angels are:

Fr Dawood Ibrahim

Fr Yostos Kamel

Fr Bishay Lotfy

We acknowledge and thank Copts United; Rimon Yousef for the video and Michael Fares for his report (all in Arabic).

God bless them.


  1. Photographed by: Raymond Joseph
    Priest of the Church of the Virgin Mary: the emergence of the Virgin is a reality does not matter who opposes.
    . Pastor / Dawood Ibrahim Abdel-Malak, "priest of the Church of the Virgin and the Archangel Michael Balorac"
    * We heard on the subject of appearance of the Virgin on Thursday night and that there is a light in the sky and that people saw in many areas due to its high altitude.
    * I saw the view from the window of beauty Betty was as follows: a very large pigeon does not fly, but swim in the sky and then turned to the wings by the Virgin Mary.
    * There were very large amounts of people located in front of the church.
    * Did not disclose to appear during the mass Friday to see the opinion of the people.
    * People started talking about the apparitions and make us watch filming of the Transfiguration on the mobile.
    * See our Muslim brothers also talking about the Transfiguration.
    * We were surprised on Friday evening that at least 10-15 thousand people gathered around the church.
    * Security Council action and I thank the security personnel on Agafthm showed us where all the strength and masculinity.
    * The use of the central security and traffic policemen due to the large number.
    * Bishop of Giza came to the church and saw his own bathroom and light.
    * All the people was very happy and cheer on behalf of the Virgin.
    * The media do not always agree on a particular matter, there is support and there are those who deny and we do not force anyone to say a particular view .. Every man is free.
    * When there is a reality not care who oppose it.
    * Church used the experiences and crises, but the Virgin Mary and is a leader of peace came to her children of Egypt, who blessed the Lord and said, "Mubarak is Egypt My people."
    * Our Lady came out a "reconciled with God."

    Copts United

  2. Dear Brethren,

    The "BOOK" detailing the coup will be released and distributed on new years eve.

    It details the chronolgy of events leading up to the status QUO.

    Actions of the Members of the AXIS of EVIL and their roles have accurately and carefully been outlined.

    Chapters have been dedicated to each of the colleges, HG Bishop Daniel, the Harris Park church, the Diocese, the allegations and publications in the islamic press, Bishop Bishoy, The Email of 25/12/08, the demonstration, The placement of Father Antonios, and the events leading up to the Father Pavlos allegations and subsequent Confession recently published.
    A special chapter has been dedicated to The ambitous Haney Gayed the umbrella bearer and candidate for the Christian Democratic Party.

    There of course will be a number of chapters relating to the Self Proclaimed Prophet.

    We extend our gratitude to all those that have worked tirelessly in composing, editing and preparing the book for print. An electronic version will be posted on the net and on CD.

    A Special thanks to Dr Soliman of the US Copts Association LA chapter for his contribution and financial support.

    It will remain as an ever lasting reminder of the actions of ALL involved.

    Copts United Australia

  3. you meant to write

