Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Monday, November 2, 2009

A book OR no book ... (2)

On November 1, 2009 1:28 AM, our sister in Christ "I" has left a comment on our post “A book OR no book”:Anonymous said...

Dear SMC Rescue Team,

I wrote the post requesting that non of this be published, but so far, apart from your response (which I thank you for), I have only read very few opinions on this matter!!

This hate is spreading so fast in our community its scary.

How can we think clearly when so many of us can rush into thinking that everyone responding to a criticism must be siding with the 'enemy'??!

In response to the anonymous writer of "Why not? We assume you have not told Mr Hanna to remove or with draw all the posings on!!. Nor have you asked Father Antonious to with draw the email he sent, or the hidden messages in his blog part of the church website..." - I admit I have not. The damage had been done already in these cases. I appealed to SMC to avoid causing a similar damage to our church. Forgive me for not doing more.

SMC, I appreciate your response and consideration in what I requested. And PLEASE don't get me wrong, but even though I hold a VERY high respect for what you have accomplished with this blog, I also need to note that SMC consists of men/women who are only human and are capable of making a mistake in this decision.

PLEASE HEAR ME OUT. I know you guys are intelligent and Just, so only take my comment as a loving Sister in Christ.

I don't know how many people keep up with this post or know what's going on with our church. My own mother, who like most of our mothers -keeps her ears open about the happenings in the community :)- did not know of how deep this issue goes and was shocked when I told her!!

The people in our community should have a say in this. Not only the ones who can use the internet or pass on messages through the grapevine.

A proper poll. Thats all I ask. And I hope SMC that you agree, as since it is your belief that publishing this book is for the best interest of our community; let them be involved in this decision.

This book will not only be attacking the people involved, but OUR WHOLE CHURCH. I hope you can see that.

SMC, you are pointing out HUMAN mistakes for your decision behind printing this book, THAT IS NOT RIGHT. That CANNOT be justified for what damage this book MIGHT do.

SMC, using point#6 to justify this book being published is NOT right. Fr Antonios was refering to the HOLY BIBLE. A BOOK written by GOD's wishes and His alone. But if he means a book written by man is just as good for history keeping of our church, then he is wrong in making such a comment. ONLY God should have the RIGHT to record the right and wrong in our history.

"The book shall stand as a history lesson for our kids and yours (the future generations) to learn from the past and how to deal with any future AOEs." - I believe this book will do the OPPOSITE of teaching what you expect. It will teach future generations to QUESTION the church and its priests. It will TEACH THEM DOUBT AND MISTRUST. No child after reading this book will EVER look at their confession father the same way or look at their community with respect. And that will be a sad thing to have to witness.

Can I simply ask that before anything is publish - even taking in consideration your reasons SMC - that you take a poll from as many people in our community as you can honestly get? And NOT ONLY via the internet OR this blog?

If I can assist in anyway to make this happen, or be guided by SMC in accomplishing this myself, please let me know and I will be happy to assist.

Your Sister in Christ
(For future comm) "I"
--------------------------------------------- end of comment.

Dear our Friend Sister in Chris “I”

Thank you for your comment.

We also thank you for your admiration to what the blog has accomplished which others are condemning, as you said “… but even though I hold a VERY high respect for what you have accomplished with this blog, …”.

You said “Forgive me for not doing more”. With humbleness, we are happy to forgive you for the Lord to forgive us all. In this regard and since you offered your assistance, all what we are asking is all members of the coup stand down, be brought to account for the damage they have caused and not to be involved in any future service in the diocese. Is this a fair call?!

Only then we can begin the process of healing and recovery.

You can kindly assist in our call by talking to members of coup, in the same manner you are communicating with us. Your comments reflect an intelligent and reasoned thinker and we are sure you can do it. You can talk with Ostaz Amir Hanna (mob. 0417 742 647) and Fr Antonios Kaldas (mob. 0411 712 896) as starting point and see if you can convince them. We will be praying for your success since we all want peace.

As for your accusation “This book will not only be attacking the people involved, but OUR WHOLE CHURCH”; this is farthest from the truth. God, we would never contemplate or allow ourselves to do that. The book is meant to be a history book documenting a sad and dark era of the Diocese of Sydney as it happened.

Then you are saying “ONLY God should have the RIGHT to record the right and wrong in our history.” Can you please tell us how would God document the history of our church?!

As for point #6 in our post “A book OR no book” (our response to your comment part I); we were referring to the context of his post “Looking forward to the Past”. If you read his post, the second sentence is “How do we deal with our history as a Church and as a community?”. Fr Antonios was referring to the coup on the reposed Pope Yusab II (Pope of Alexandria before Pope Kyrollos VI). He also said “3. Why doesn’t he appear very much in our histories, Sunday School Curricula, Youth Group Programmes etc?”. You can infer his criticism to hiding this part of the history from Sunday School Curricula, Youth Group Programmes etc. Here is the link again for your reference

You believe the book will do the opposite of its purpose. In fact, if you let those few wicked members get away with what they have done, what sort of signal are you sending to the rest of the community (current and future generations)?! Effectively, you are saying if you disagree with your bishop or your priest, gather few of your relatives, friends and supporters and start a coup and force your own hidden agenda on the majority! Is it not?!

Do nothing and you will achieve the same result that you are worried the book might cause.

You said “No child after reading this book will EVER look at their confession father the same way or look at their community with respect.” Without the book and in light of what has happened so far, how do you think they view their bishop or the priests who would like to excise certain establishments from the diocese?!

In response to your request for a public poll on the book, have you ever heard of an author surveyed the public opinion before publishing a book of any sort?!

Unless members of the coup stand down and be brought to account, the book will be published (full stop).

SMC Rescue Team


  1. Hello everyone,

    I usually don't like to post comments here, because it seems that everyone who posts something decent gets shot down, but I read something today that is very relevant for smc and others.

    The quote below comes from Fr. Mauritius Anba Bishoy who regularly posts great spiritual messages on Facebook:

    "in James 3 we learn that from wisdom comes peace. Those who are wise and let go of their bitterness and "raise a harvest of righteousness." Living your life bitter and jealous of others only brings you down.... Be wise, be kind, and be forgiving, because God has been all those things to each of us at one time or another. “

    I think that if smc and others forgive others their trespasses, and rely on God to solve their problems and the problems of the church, then you will become less bitter.

    That’s my two cents, for what it is worth.

  2. Nice comment,

    hope Uncle "A' & Father Ant read it and genuinely seek forgiveness and forgive HGBD for anything he may have done. They are the bitter ones,I agree with you 100%, glad to see someone has acknowledged thet are in need of repentance and forgiveness and have erred in a huge way.
    God Bless you

  3. On November 2, 2009 4:45 PM, Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A book OR no book ...":

    Stay true to your cause – part III;

    “Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:8-10

    Beloved SMC Rescue Team;

    Thank God for our Friend Sister “I”

    This is my last post on this issue and I intend to maintain my purpose to persuade all to stay true to their cause.

    Many responses asked me to reveal my identity believing that I am VR Abouna Antonious Kaldas, a certain “Sam Bas”, one of those you refer to as AOE or a close associate. I have already told you that I do not have any personal association with any of these dignified personalities or associations. It’s so unfortunate that hiding my name caused many to speculate and reveal their ill feelings towards others, may God forgive me and them.

    Many comments asked me and other readers to condemn specific actions of certain members of the community. Please forgive me as I cannot submit to these requests because I do not have the awareness, the competency or the responsibility to pass these condemnations.

    Many argue that, as parents, they should have a say in who runs the school. Again I am not an expert in the subject but I can tell them that there are different vehicles by which parents and community members could provide reviews on the school and its management and campaign to effect change either on the diocese or the Department of Education.

    I will continue to support the school and the SMC Rescue Team in anyway I find beneficial. I will continue to review your blog but will generally refrain from commenting till such time the fruits of peace are seen in its posts.

    May God help us all to see good in each other and may He heal all our wounds.

    Please pray for me

  4. Dear our Anonymous Friend (Stay true to your cause – part III),

    Thank you for your contribution and your continuous support for our cause. You have certainly enriched the blog with your comments.

    We would like just to make you aware that the supposedly effective vehicles that you referred to by which parents could provide reviews on the school and its management (internal ones ie. P&F and the College Board) have been hijacked by associates of the AOE. Also, all the College top management have been appointed via direct intervention from the CEO of the AOE Ostaz Amir Hanna (please refer to our previous posts ie. Mr "N"). As such their alliance is to him (Ostaz Amir Hanna) and the AOE’s hidden agenda instead of working for the best interest of our kids and the college. His way or the highway. Of course, he wouldn't tell them directly to go like any respectable person. He would conspire to get them removed. He is effectively running the college by correspondence and the rest are defacto management!

    There is still much more to be said.

    As for the diocese, we all know of the coup that they have staged on HGBD which led to his self-chosen exile. We do not blame him, no respectable bishop would preside over such filthy and corrupt environment. We have also exposed their plan to excise the school from the diocese which was designed to have sole and unchallenged power over the college.

    Therefore, we have no confidence in a change to come from within. As such, parents have resorted to the most dramatic step of requesting a government appointed administrator.

    We understand that missing big part of the facts or the events of last year that led to our current dilemma can make it extremely difficult to form a just and fair opinion. Your opinion or that is of any other observer would be primarily built on what you can see now which is our fight back. However, this is not the full picture. There is more to the story.

    Same applies to the church hierarchy headed by HH Pope Shenouda III. Their impression is also one sided because of the AOE's connections and high level lobbying.

    We can assure you of our best intention because of the direct impact on our kids. But it is extremely difficult when you are faced with the like of an “Organized Gang”, which we have thought would never exist in the church or any of its establishment. However, this is reality and we are very determent to fight it and wipe it out. No matter how long it will take or cost.

    They will not prevail, we promise you as we owe it to our kids and the future generations. With the Grace of God, evil must be defeated.

    We will pray for you and we also kindly ask you to pray for us, for our kids and their college.

    SMC Rescue Team
