Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Amir Hanna; your speech betrays you كلامك يظهرك

SMC Rescue Team are willing to put their lives on the line
if Amir Hanna is not the author of this document and his gang.

How did we know?

ان لغتك تظهرك
مت 73:26

"your speech betrays you"
Mat 26:73

We give you some examples of things (which appeared in the attached document) that used to be reiterated by Amir Hanna or he is one of very few who knows it collectively in Sydney;

درة التاج البابوى
زبانيتـه ومعاونيـه
كما حدث مع المقدونيون الاورثوذوكـس
الكنيسـة اليونانيـة الاورثوذوكسـية فـى أسـتراليـا منقسـمة إلـى شـق يتبـع رئيـس الأسـاقفة المحلـى إسـتليانوس والباقـى يسـمون أنفسـهم كوميونيتـى تشـيرش
موبوئـة بأجهـزة التصـنت وأجهـزة التسـجيلات التليفونيـة
ينشـئ للأيبارشـيـة مجلـس أوصـياء قوى يـديـر الماليـات والإداريـات
تتكون شـركة قابضـة
فتـوة المطـرانيـة
يعـود جميـع رهبان ديـر الأنبا أنطونيوس إلـى ديـره العامـر
تباع حيـن يتحسـن حال السـوق
وهذا مشـروع باهظ التكاليف ولافائدة منـه
تباع العقارات غيـر المجديـة
تفصـل المدارس
يلغـى مجمع كهنة الإبارشـية
السـيمونيـة الحاليـة
إصـدار خطابات إعفـاء
سـيسـتوردهـم مـن السـودان ومـاليـزيـا لإدارة الإكليـريكيـة
كليـة غنـوسـية
القضـاء علـى الأمانـة العامـة للتـربيـة الكنسـية
يسـتأجـر النسـوة البطالات
يشـتكى من عارضـه بكل الطرق غيـر الشـريفـة وغيـر الأمينـة فـى أى جهـة ينتمون إليهـا ويكدر سـلام الناس ويعبث بمسـتقبلهم وأرزاقهم

Amir Hanna is just about the only one in Sydney who can put all the mentioned points together. We have copies of other documents that he issued previously and emailed to all over the globe which contain same points.

This nine pages document, which is unsigned, we can almost see Amir's handwriting in it. It is no more than BLACK MAIL that is designed to scaremonger the church hierarchy of wicked consequences which is of their making.

Of course, if you know Amir well enough, he may think alone but does not act alone. He is the planner and conspirator and is the main member of the Axis of evil which includes the wicked trio (Medhat Girgis and Fayez Hanania) and their disciples ie. Hany Gayed and others.

The trio have the money and the power (which is represented in their top contacts in Egypt and in Sydney) while the others are executors of pre-determined tasks.

Even if some of their stated consequences are likely, our church is a church of martyrs.

" أجعلوا الشجرة جيدة وثمرها جيداً أو اجعلوا الشجرة رديه وثمرها رديا لأنه من الثمر تعرف الشجرة "
You know the tree from its fruits
الاصطلاح العالمي يقول الناس الطيور على أشكالها تقع
Birds fall on their like
كذلك كلامك يظهرك .. الكلام نفسه يبين طبيعة الإنسان
Your speech betrays you.. the speech exposes one's nature

Amir Hanna and the Axis of evil, unlike you, we trust that His Holiness (may the Lord confirm him on his seat for many peaceful years) is guided by the Holy Spirit and will not get scared by your threats.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Gents,
    these arabic documents,
    Is there any way of having them translated
    into english?
    There are a large number of people that do not read arabic, including my self

    Again i commend you for your efforts.
    Has Amir Made another threat?

    God willing Amir will be totally exposed very soon
    Pray for me
    Friend in Jesus
