Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Noah and the ark

Some people like to use this argument that the trio (Dr Medhat Girgis, Fayez Hanania and Amir Hanna) and others have contributed great deal to the Diocese before it had a Bishop. As such they have extra rights to dictate and control.

Please refer to the document published by Amir Hanna named;
"Amir and brief history of the Diocese of Sydney"

This is very much like the story of Noah.

"You are like the carpenters, the blacksmiths and the workers who helped Noah build the ark. Noah, his family and all the animals entered, but the carpenters and workers did not enter. They made the ark for those who would enjoy it, but deprived themselves of salvation."

(extract from the story “The Carpenter’s Daughters” - Spring Of Love - dated 27th September 2009 - issue 1044 - page 8 - Nice Contemplation).

“that we may also be glorified together. ” Rom 8:17 لكى نتمجـد أيضـاً معـه رو١٧:٨

(extracts from an article by Fr Tadros Samaan, Vicar General of Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions in Spring Of Love - dated 27th September 2009 - issue 1044 - page 22 - “that we may also be glorified together” Rom 8:17 لكى نتمجـد أيضـاً معـه رو١٧:٨

ايها الاحباء لا تستغربوا البلوى المحرقة التي بينكم حادثة لاجل امتحانكم كانه اصابكم امر غريب
بل كما اشتركتم في آلام المسيح افرحوا لكي تفرحوا في استعلان مجده ايضا مبتهجين

Be an example كونوا مثالا



Apology for the inability to translate the entire article for time constraints.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Open letter to V. Rev. Fr Antonios Kaldas

Dear Fr Antonios,

After bowing and kissing your blessed hand;

We hope you don’t mind analyzing current status in light of the past.

Please forgive us if we dare to borrow some quotes from your widely circulated email to Ibrahim ( dated Thu 25 Dec 2008 at 07:44:24, whoever Ibrahim might be.

“I will honestly share with you a deep concern that is troubling me. Our Diocese is being divided – the Body of Christ is being divided. That is serious and very sad.”

There are many people who are seriously disturbed by some of the trends that have happened since your return to St Mark’s Coptic College via a Papal Decree No. 7/38 dated 12 January 2009. Need not to say that the majority of parents (including our team) were calling for your return and were happy when their wish was granted.

Please allow us to give you a sample of the things that are troubling:
  • Amir Hanna sits on the interview panel for selecting a new HOC. Then stage a theatrical performance that is not funny with the intention of selecting a HOC who can be easily manipulated and follow orders rather than one who is for the best interest of the college. We hope this won’t be taken as an insult to the current HOC, as it was never the intention. To be fair, the process started before your return and was concluded a while after your reinstatement. You could have intervened though.

  • The former P&F committee stack up an AGM and delay distribution of the meeting notice to insure minimal parents’ attendance to pave the way for their reinstatement despite their last year’s disgraceful representation to say the least. It is alleged that the Board played big part in this conspiracy. A game that is not convincing to a primary school student.

  • A P&F draft constitution that allows the Board to dissolve the P&F anytime if they ever dare questioning their achievements for the college. Something unheard of in any other school.

  • The Board promotes their friends from within their parish to senior positions in the school not based on merits (all the Board members, P&F committee and the promoted senior staff are from St Mark Church).

  • A Board that is gone into sleeping mode after contributing greatly to our current dilemma and then issuing or passing a school report full of lies and deceit. The School Annual Report unbelievably states that in 2008 student, parents & teachers were highly satisfied and the level of enrolment at more than 100% (year 7 to 12 were 105%!)!! These are just two examples that even the school students know that are lies because some lost big number of their friends after leaving the school in protest to last year’s turmoil.

  • Hany Gayed uses the school site as a political playing field to advance his political career.

  • The attempt to excise the college from the Diocese by removing the photo of HG Bishop Daniel from the invitations for the mentioned political function. Something that nobody dares to do in the Diocese of Damiette, for example, in which you cannot predict the consequences!

    Need I go on..

Aren’t these people doing the very same things that you accused HG with in your email? Things like; playing politics, manipulate people, unethical manner, etc.

I dare to also quote you as saying “There is no place for this kind of politics in a Christian Church, or else we are no different to any other secular organisation. We become a hypocritical ‘business’ peddling the word of God although we are not following it ourselves.”

We take note that in the same email while you were referring to the issue of Fr Mikhail, we quote you saying to Ibrahim (again we don’t know who Ibrahim is) “Notice that others like Amir Hanna had to point out the falsity of the accusations.”

More interestingly; in your CCs; apart from the Vicar for NSW, your parish priests, Fr Tadros El Bakhoumy (blood brother of Dr Medhat Girgis), you included the trio Dr Medhat Girgis, Mr Fayez Hanania and Mr Amir Hanna.

Forgive us but people can’t help it thinking that things are related a bit and hard to come by coincidentally. Things like;

1) Faxing the Papal Decrees 6/38 and 7/38 issued on 12th January 2009 to Amir Hanna rather than to the Diocese office or to the Vicar General.

2) Refraining from releasing the outcome of the account auditing ordered by the Papal Decree 6/38 issued on 12th January 2009. It could be understood as follow:

  • If allegations were not true; the release will inculpate Amir Hanna specifically and others as he made the allegations of funds being siphoned from the college to the Diocese. People involved (including Fr Mikhail) deserve to clear their reputation too.

  • If allegations were true; legally this is more serious as it can be taken as a cover up if people responsible are still in their positions and the issue were not referred to authorities for further criminal investigation.

3) Singling out this trio only was not because of their positions in the Diocese or they would be supporting HG.

4) Again referencing Amir Hanna as the one who had to point out the falsity of the accusations, regardless of its factual status. Other people had also condemned the accusations but you only chose Amir Hanna!

5) The many posts on this site and the rumors circulating revealing some behind the scene work between the trio and others. Such evil works is continuing to this very moment and is extending to the school. Is it reasonable to think it is similar to a coup?

6) All invitees (guests of honor) in the political party on Monday 7th September 2009 had something in common which is their vocal opposition to HG Bishop Daniel.

7) Also, all of the above could be interpreted certain way in light of;

your post on 7th April 2008 Looking Forward to the Past


as well as some other similar posts on your blog.

Is it reasonable to assume that the addressees including the trio had pre-knowledge of your email if not at least the idea or the contents were discussed and approved by them prior? Surely, you did not surprise them with it. The entire show seems to have been in the making for quite some time to sideline HG and gain control of the Diocese. Naturally, they supported you unreservedly in the 30th December 2008 meeting (which was documented in the "highly confidential" minutes that was also widely circulated)!

All of the above stacks up in only certain way, doesn’t it?

Abouna, can we dare to ask you; Did you insist on Christian Values and ethics from the trio and the others mentioned above (including the Board, P&F committee etc.) as you requested from HG? Were you not dragged into politics by associating yourself with those people?

Forgive us to quote you again as saying;

“If speaking privately cannot improve this lethal situation, then public honesty is the only thing left to do.”

This is precisely the motive behind this site.

This is not in defense of HG Bishop Daniel but statement of the obvious. People went as far as saying, if possible, we may as well enthrone Amir Hanna a bishop if he is currently running the Diocese and the others to be Chori-Episcopus.

The apparent silence of Egypt about our problem has been extremely damaging. Many people take this silence as signifying support for the trio’s and the others’ actions, and thus the whole Coptic Church is tarnished.

Please do not remain silent as it is affecting the current and future generations. It is sad to see SMC dies a slow and painful death!

We hope our letter not to be taken as criticism. Who are we to criticise anyone, especially Abouna? Otherwise, please be assured it was not the intention.

Please forgive us and grant us the absolution.

In Christ,
SMC Rescue Team

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Help is needed..

Re: Previous post;
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Amir Hanna; your speech betrays you كلامك يظهرك

Our beloved in Christ..

One of the comments we received was a request for a translation of the (9) pages document the subject of the mentioned post. We would love to do so and we are working on it. However, the document was authentic and the timely release of this conspiracy was very important.

That is preciously the reason
Amir Hanna and his gang communicate in Arabic lots of times.
Not that they don't know English!
Some of them are managers and doctors!!
It is their gang mentality
of hiding things
from non Arabic speaking people
and more importantly the Australian authorities.

This is Australia fellows.

If you don't like to speak the language, you know where to go!
By the way, Amir Hanna has been in Australia for over 40 years!
One can tell how much did he learn from being here that long.
Absolutely NOTHING.

Some brains may need longer, you see!!

The size of the work ahead is enormous and we need help.

If any one can help in translating this document and email it to us will be greatly appreciated. Otherwise it will take sometime before we can post the translation.

God bless you all.
SMC Rescue Team

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Amir Hanna; your speech betrays you كلامك يظهرك

SMC Rescue Team are willing to put their lives on the line
if Amir Hanna is not the author of this document and his gang.

How did we know?

ان لغتك تظهرك
مت 73:26

"your speech betrays you"
Mat 26:73

We give you some examples of things (which appeared in the attached document) that used to be reiterated by Amir Hanna or he is one of very few who knows it collectively in Sydney;

درة التاج البابوى
زبانيتـه ومعاونيـه
كما حدث مع المقدونيون الاورثوذوكـس
الكنيسـة اليونانيـة الاورثوذوكسـية فـى أسـتراليـا منقسـمة إلـى شـق يتبـع رئيـس الأسـاقفة المحلـى إسـتليانوس والباقـى يسـمون أنفسـهم كوميونيتـى تشـيرش
موبوئـة بأجهـزة التصـنت وأجهـزة التسـجيلات التليفونيـة
ينشـئ للأيبارشـيـة مجلـس أوصـياء قوى يـديـر الماليـات والإداريـات
تتكون شـركة قابضـة
فتـوة المطـرانيـة
يعـود جميـع رهبان ديـر الأنبا أنطونيوس إلـى ديـره العامـر
تباع حيـن يتحسـن حال السـوق
وهذا مشـروع باهظ التكاليف ولافائدة منـه
تباع العقارات غيـر المجديـة
تفصـل المدارس
يلغـى مجمع كهنة الإبارشـية
السـيمونيـة الحاليـة
إصـدار خطابات إعفـاء
سـيسـتوردهـم مـن السـودان ومـاليـزيـا لإدارة الإكليـريكيـة
كليـة غنـوسـية
القضـاء علـى الأمانـة العامـة للتـربيـة الكنسـية
يسـتأجـر النسـوة البطالات
يشـتكى من عارضـه بكل الطرق غيـر الشـريفـة وغيـر الأمينـة فـى أى جهـة ينتمون إليهـا ويكدر سـلام الناس ويعبث بمسـتقبلهم وأرزاقهم

Amir Hanna is just about the only one in Sydney who can put all the mentioned points together. We have copies of other documents that he issued previously and emailed to all over the globe which contain same points.

This nine pages document, which is unsigned, we can almost see Amir's handwriting in it. It is no more than BLACK MAIL that is designed to scaremonger the church hierarchy of wicked consequences which is of their making.

Of course, if you know Amir well enough, he may think alone but does not act alone. He is the planner and conspirator and is the main member of the Axis of evil which includes the wicked trio (Medhat Girgis and Fayez Hanania) and their disciples ie. Hany Gayed and others.

The trio have the money and the power (which is represented in their top contacts in Egypt and in Sydney) while the others are executors of pre-determined tasks.

Even if some of their stated consequences are likely, our church is a church of martyrs.

" أجعلوا الشجرة جيدة وثمرها جيداً أو اجعلوا الشجرة رديه وثمرها رديا لأنه من الثمر تعرف الشجرة "
You know the tree from its fruits
الاصطلاح العالمي يقول الناس الطيور على أشكالها تقع
Birds fall on their like
كذلك كلامك يظهرك .. الكلام نفسه يبين طبيعة الإنسان
Your speech betrays you.. the speech exposes one's nature

Amir Hanna and the Axis of evil, unlike you, we trust that His Holiness (may the Lord confirm him on his seat for many peaceful years) is guided by the Holy Spirit and will not get scared by your threats.

The rulers take counsel together تآمر الرؤساء معا

1 لماذا ارتجّت الامم وتفكّر الشعوب في الباطل.

3 لنقطع قيودهما ولنطرح عنا ربطهما

من الطريق لانه عن قليل يتقد غضبه
طوبى لجميع المتكلين عليه

Psa 2:1 Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing?
Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the LORD and against His Anointed, [saying],
Psa 2:3 "Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us."
Psa 2:4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The LORD shall hold them in derision.
Psa 2:5 Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
Psa 2:6 "Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion."
Psa 2:7 "I will declare the decree: The LORD has said to Me,
'You [are] My Son, Today I have begotten You.
Psa 2:8 Ask of Me, and I will give [You] The nations [for] Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth [for] Your possession.
Psa 2:9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel.' "
Psa 2:10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth.
Psa 2:11 Serve the LORD with fear, And rejoice with trembling.
Psa 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish [in] the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little.
Blessed [are] all those
who put their trust in Him.

The power of prayers..

If history is any indication!!
angel of Abo Sifen and St Demiana Church in Shoubra-Cairo, is documenting one of the biggest lessons in the Coptic Church's recent history.
Fr Ibrahim Abdou was among 24 priests including our very own V. Rev. Fr Tadros Samaan, angel of St Antonios & St Paul Guildford-Sydney and V. Rev. Fr Bishoy Yassa, angel of Abo Sifen church Rhodes-Sydney and 8 bishops imprisoned, without trial and without any wrong doing, by the late President Anwar Elsadat's highly unpopular orders of 3 September 1981.

HH Pope Shenouda III was also put under house arrest at St Bishoy's Monastery as part of the same orders to roundup more than 1500 of the country's top intellectuals and activists of all ideological stripes.

Continuous heart-felt daily prayers of 400 matanyas with "God Have Mercey" for 32 days have reached God's ears. On 6 October 1981, Sadat was assassinated by Islamic Extremists on his big day during the annual victory parade.

علشـان يبقى عبـرة لأى حد يحـط إيـده على الكنيسـة
ماحدش يحـط إيـده علـى الكنيسـة ويكسـب أبـداً.. أبـداً
To remain a lesson for anyone who lay a hand on the church
No one lay a hand on the church and win, Never..Never

It is no exaggeration to draw similarity between the war on the church in Egypt back then and the current war on the Diocese of Sydney. The difference this time is it is from within, by the very known trio (Amir Hanna, Medhat Girgis and Fayez Hanania) and their gang ie. Hany Gayed and others.

Please download Abouna Ibrahim Abdou's Arabic sermon on the "Power of prayer" by clicking on the following link;

Please keep praying with David;

وَقِيلَ لِدَاوُدَ إِنَّ أَخِيتُوفَلَ بَيْنَ الْمُتَمَرِّدِينَ الَّذِينَ انْضَمُّوا إِلَى أَبْشَالُومَ. فَصَلَّى دَاوُدُ
حَمِّقْ يَارَبُّ مَشُورَةَ أَخِيتُوفَلَ
ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ٣١:١٥

Then [someone] told David, saying, "Ahithophel [is] among the conspirators with Absalom." And David said, "O LORD, I pray,
turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness!"
2Sa 15:31

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is
that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke
What are you going to do??!!

Is this where we wanna be???

Church legal battle divides Macedonian congregants

This was the title of an article by Harriet Alexander published by Sydney Morning Herald on 21 February 2009. On face value, we can relate to this article via the following points:

  1. The Macedonian church is an Orthodox church too.

  2. Their bitter battle seemingly about money and power between the association that owns the church and the Macedonian Bishop.

  3. It is a battle over whether the bishop or the association has control over the church.

  4. The secretary of the association, said Macedonian immigrants had built the church from scratch with voluntary labour and financial contributions and it was therefore entitled to manage its own affairs.

  5. "The public should understand this is a conflict between a group of people who call themselves an association and the Orthodox Church," Father Mitrev said.

  6. "It's the same group of people who are controlling the finances in two other churches."

  7. David Sachs, the solicitor for Bishop Karaveski, said the religious leader had been spat at, sworn at and threatened with violence, but he only wanted St Petka to come back within the Orthodox diocese of Australia and New Zealand.

We are currently distancing ourselves towards the same fate, here is how:

  1. The dispute is between the Splinter Group (HG's former Steering Committee) and HG Bishop Daniel over money and power.

  2. Members of the Splinter Group have contributed greatly, through different means, for which they believe they are entitled to manage and control the Diocese decisions.

  3. Their early contributions for over 30 years unchallenged have opened the doors widely for them to the ears of the church hierarchy.

  4. The church hierarchy trust them blindly despite the change in their agenda.

  5. The Splinter Group's former positions in the Diocese gave them access to great deal of information which they are holding against HG Bishop Daniel (breach of trust).

  6. The Splinter Group could not and will never accept the authority of any other person as they feel they built this Diocese and they are the original owners.

  7. They started fabricating stories and faking financial figures to spread fear among the Coptic community and create public support for their wicked plans.
  8. Everybody who had a private dispute with HG (cases of Clerical Council ie. permission to remarry or separation issues) has jumped on the bandwagon.
  9. Legitimately, the bishop has the power to run and manage the Diocese financially and spiritually.

  10. The only person who doesn't do any mistakes is the person who does not work at all. Therefore, HG may have done few mistakes here or there. But the ONLY authority that judges the bishop is the Holy Synod which is headed by HH Pope Shenouda III.
The above grim picture could well be the destination of the Sydney Diocese if the church hierarchy does not discipline the Splinter Group and pull them back in line.

If everyone sit on their hands and do nothing, NOTHING will be left for your children. Axis of evil (headed by the trio Amir Hanna, Dr Medhat Girgis and Fayez Hanania) are fighting to control the priesthood of the church.

Backup the priesthood authority in the Diocese represented by

HG Bishop Daniel

and make your voice heard.

Email address

Due to numerous requests, related info or documents can be sent to us via this email address;

Terms & Conditions:
  1. Please do not expect a response.
  2. Actions will be taken against offensive emails, which include (but not limited to) immediate blocking of further communication from the offenders and reporting to relative authorities.
  3. Info received may be published on this site (subject to absolute discretion of SMC Rescue Team), unless you request clearly otherwise.
  4. Info received will be verified from other sources to insure its integrity and that is of the site.
  5. Confidentiality or anonymity (if requested) will be respected and absolutely guaranteed.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Mr know it all!!

Does this so called journalist
remind you with
someone aspire to be a politician?

Sorry video clip is in Arabic. But you will get the idea.

Can somebody do us a favour and ask Mr Hany Gayed (aspirant politician);
to sing the Australian Anthem?
Is this too hard?!

Ok, this should be easy;

Name the last three former NSW Premiers?
Still too hard, is it?!

Mate, you wanna be a Parliamentarian!!

Ok, you wanna represent us in NSW Parliament, right?
Can you describe the NSW Flag?

Oh no, this is unreal.
Alright, I will try to help you.

How about spelling the word "Politician"?!

Goodness gracious!! Rev. Fred Nile, please reconsider.

Mate, be honest with yourself, how will you help us or the school if you can't help yourself!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dancing in the rain...

Gee whiz; are you that desperate man???!!!


Where else would Rev. Fred Nile finds somebody that desperate?!
Forget about politics, you look very handsome umbrella bearer!

Despite you were not doing a good job,
Hey kids, the Yae for the day to..
Uncle Hany Gayed for his desperate kindness;

Oh no, not another Uncle pleaaaaaaase

You’ll be glad you did...

Lions can sometimes love
better than humans!!
Love knows no limits and
true friendships last a lifetime.
Get back in touch with someone today..
You’ll be glad you did...

You’ll be glad you did...

They have destroyed the Coptic name and reputation.

Reader's selected comment: September 19, 2009 9:23 AM
On The reverend fathers are listed as attendees not Axis Of Evil. posted on Saturday, September 19, 2009
Anonymous said...

It is no suprise Uncle AH, has called upon Wahid Azmy and Samir Kirollis to join him in overthrowing the school.

These men were in the St Mary & St Mina college and also on COBE.
Cobe was suspended by HGBD because of the actions of these men,
and the abuse of the highly esteemed Ashreaf Bishay by wahid azmy,
and Uncle AH is fully aware of this.
Do not let these people destroy our college as well.

Also For your information there is an investigation division attached to both the state and federal Governments, please contact them immediately. It will not hurt to get a petition and send it to both Ministers as a matter of urgency.

I agree totally these people are acting with the blessing of Bishop Bishoy, he is fully aware of what they are doing, he guards and protects them from any complaints and discards the complaints in the rubbish bin. Bishop Armia screens all emails letters and faxes so as to prevent them reaching HH, it is common knowledge.

I agree 100%, the Vicars all of them and a delegation must fly to egypt and see HH, and stop the axis of evil. HH is not aware of what Uncle AH has done and his desperate bid to clutch onto power.

I am bitterly disappointed in Medhat, and Fayez for their actions and the support they lend them.

It is very clear they despise and hate HGBD, and will do anything to break up the diocese before his return. Please email every bishop immediately especially Bishop Moussa (bishop for youth) and let him know what is occuring.

Prepare a letter and give it to Bishop Athanasios before he departs sydney and he will give it to HH, he is an honourable man,
and suffered at the hands of Uncle AH, and Medhat when he was a priest in Arncliffe, Father Moussa.

I am praying that god breaks these people and exposes them for what and who they are, shameless power hungry individuals full of spite and hatred.

Finally, this is about power and control. The college gets Millions in Govt Granting annually, and these people want to control that money with no accountability, this is extremely dangerous and will lead to a disaster,

they have destroyed the Coptic Name and reputation.

Do NOT give up the struggle, God is with you and any one that fights for the children is fighting for Jesus himself. God bless you.

The reverend fathers are listed as attendees not Axis Of Evil.

Reader's selected comment: September 19, 2009 1:47 AM
On Guests of honor!! posted on Friday, September 18, 2009
Anonymous said...

To the second comment, the author was clear. The reverend fathers are listed as attendees not Axis Of Evil. All our fathers are blessed and we do not deserve the dust under their feet.

However, if you are invited to a function and it turns to be evil, shouldn't you protest by at least leaving the place? If one is in a position of responsibility (ie a priest), I'd expect something more than just leaving the function.

We are the church of martyrs because of the courage of our early fathers. Don't we look at them as role models?!

I may agree with you that Fr Shenouda oppose those people but I disagree that he is powerless.

Priests and Bishops used to lead the way to martyrdom.
Martyrs used to draw strength from them.

Fr Shenouda is in the same parish with the Vicar General. I know Fr Tadros is highly spiritual person but he is also very strong. He wrote couple of articles in the Spring Of Love, that was it. We'd like to see Fr Tadros and Fr Shenouda leading by doing something more proactive to rescue this diocese not only the school. Everyone is afraid from HE Bishoy who is in Egypt and quite frankly seems don't care less. When everything is slowly drowning there is no room for political correctness.

May be a group of priests (at least 10) including Fr Tadros of course need to request a meeting with HH Pope Shenouda and put an end to this misery. May be we need a change to the structure that stops those big heads from controlling our future and our kids' and that allows the bishop to become a bishop.

Why don't we hear about such things happening in the diocese of HE Bishoy for example?
Because everyone knows their limit and their actual size.

I also agree with you about banning those people from entering the college. However, I got some news for you. There are other Axis Of Evils or at least affiliates are employed by the college. Some of them are entire families working at the college. Some of them report to their masters daily by phone on their way home. Those are after their own interest. After all their masters helped them in getting their jobs in the first place and then employed their relatives etc.

What would someone do without cleaning all this mess first.

It needs a revolution, doesn't it?
I'm sorry, it is very depressing.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Guests of honor!!

Monday 7th September 2009 will go down in history as another black page in the history of the Coptic Community in Sydney. Shamefully, these are the "Guests of Honor" of the coup that happened at SMC on that day;

Our ever shining star
Secretary of SMC Board

Our reverend fathers who attended the coup.
We have never heard a word of objection from any of the attendees. Parents are entitled to ask questions.

To top it all, with all our respect to our dear guest and friend of the Copts,
Rev. Fred Nile leading the prayer!!

In the case of this coup succeeding, we suggest removing the word Coptic from the school name. Catholic and Anglican schools belong to their dioceses. If you do not like to belong to the Diocese, don't call it a Coptic school.

Let us not be hypocrites.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Counsel of Ahithophel مَشُورَةَ أَخِيتُوفَل

A letter sent by a Coalition of Evil to HH

وَقِيلَ لِدَاوُدَ إِنَّ أَخِيتُوفَلَ بَيْنَ الْمُتَمَرِّدِينَ الَّذِينَ انْضَمُّوا إِلَى أَبْشَالُومَ. فَصَلَّى دَاوُدُ
حَمِّقْ يَارَبُّ مَشُورَةَ أَخِيتُوفَلَ
Then [someone] told David, saying, "Ahithophel [is] among the conspirators with Absalom." And David said, "O LORD, I pray,
turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness!"

وَأَمَّا أَخِيتُوفَلُ فَلَمَّا رَأَى أَنَّ مَشُورَتَهُ لَمْ يُعْمَلْ بِهَا، شَدَّ عَلَى الْحِمَارِ وَقَامَ وَانْطَلَقَ إِلَى بَيْتِهِ إِلَى مَدِينَتِهِ، وَأَوْصَى لِبَيْتِهِ، وَخَنَقَ نَفْسَهُ وَمَاتَ وَدُفِنَ فِي قَبْرِ أَبِيهِ

"Now when Ahithophel saw that his advice was not followed, he saddled a donkey, and arose and went home to his house, to his city. Then he put his household in order, and hanged himself, and died; and he was buried in his father's tomb". 2Sa 17:23

Council of Ahithophel, or in today’s language Axis of Evil (same order as named on the attached document) are:

  • Dr Medhat Girgis (finally! smile and welcome to the picture)
  • Dr Sarah Girgis (welcome on board)
  • Mr Fayez Hanania (finally! smile and welcome to the picture)
  • Mr Hany Gayed (wouldn’t you know it)
  • Mr Wahid Azmy (welcome on board)
  • Mr Samir Kirolos (welcome on board)
  • Amir Hanna (the very humbled, last but not least)

Now, it is all clear and no need for any guess work, thanks to the Axis of Evil signing the letter. They declared their intention of the circus that was staged in the school on Monday 7/9/2009. The last paragraph in the letter stating that two of the three schools have already declared independence and they now asking for a Papal Decree instead of a coup for the third one. So it is either a Papal Decree or they will go for it unilaterally!! So we did not make it up, it was true.

We have some legitimate questions to the Axis of Evil:

  1. Who appointed you guardians on the Coptic community in Sydney? You are self-appointed aren't you? This Diocese still have a Bishop, wouldn't you know it, (may the Lord confirm him on his seat for many peaceful years).
  2. Do you pray for your bishop during the mass and in your prayers? Or do you live hypocrisy life?
  3. Does any body contribute a bit to the church, financially or otherwise, has the right to own the church and overtake its decisions?
  4. What is the point of spreading a letter that you are sending to HH? It is no brainer really, you would like to cause as much build up and pressure to achieve your wicked goals, is it not?!
  5. Your desire to deny the authority of the priesthood is very obvious. Since the priesthood is the main difference between Orthodox and western churches (ie. Protestant etc.), why don't you collectively leave us in peace and declare your affiliation to another western church. We suggest you may be much happier there as there will be no authority over your big egos.

Our beloved Amir Hanna, we love your plans and tactics. Please keep them coming as they further expose you and especially the other two members of the Steering Committee who are just working behind the scene. We will respond to the other details of your letter to HH in another post soon.

Until then, please do us a favour and DO NOT LIE by spreading that everyone who exposes you and your gang is somehow remotely controlled by HG Bishop Daniel as you have when you fabricated the story of your work complaint. We'd like to spare Metropolitan Bishoy from you crying on his shoulder asking for another apology letter! The irony, which we can not understand, that HE comes to your rescue and quickly responds to your demands! Oh well, spare yourself a sin this time as you know it is not true and nobody now believes you.

As for our second beloved son Hany Gayed (Mr Desperate); mate, we understand your situation cause we can't offer you a sleazy position like that and you need it, don't you? We knew it from day one that this was the price you were offered to distance yourself from the parents' body. The school management guru, Uncle A??? (so they call him) was hoping that by doing so the parents' movement would diminish (this tells you something about his intellectual level). Far from it, the parents' movement is actually stronger without double agents and will remain so until we liberate the college from all Axis of Evils.

God bless SMC.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Daniel among the Lions!!

"My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths, so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before Him; and also, O king, I have done no wrong before you." Dan 6:22

The Lions conspire...

Bla bla bla.. Really??!! >>Observe your master.. >>Well done, quick learner!!
This CUB is from that LION

NB. Next course shall be the etiquette of talking with hierarchy ladies, especially in public. As for your master, next time please remember to wear a buttoned jacket when talking with officials. Wouldn't you have to be up to the task if you aspire to be a Bishop and a Chori-Episcopus (Auxiliary Bishop)?!

Monday, September 7, 2009

SMC declares independence from the Diocese!!

Some busy bees were working behind the scene in preparation for today’s political show on the school site. “Mr Ha. Ga.”, the loud mouth disciple of Uncle A??? (so they call him), was in the school almost on a daily basis during the last few weeks. Spotters were suspicious and questioned among themselves seeing him roaming around the school like a rooster.

“Mr Ha. Ga.”, the loud mouth disciple of Uncle A??? (so they call him), has orchestrated a get together for some politicians from the NSW government that is currently on the lookout for any lifeline. The idea was:
  1. To send a strong signal to the church hierarchy in Egypt as well as to the Coptic community in Sydney that HG Bishop Daniel has no future place in Sydney Diocese. Forget it, somebody else is already in charge here!! You guessed it; his master Uncle A??? (so they call him).

  2. To advance his political career. A golden opportunity to get a political mileage out of a school that is falling apart. A bit of self interest will do no harm and MAY go long way, especially in politics!! YOU WISH..

School literature handed over to guests had no trace of HG Bishop Daniel or His photo.

The intention was to excise the school from the Diocese. A move which was started by St Mary and St Mina's College few years ago and likely to be mimicked by St Bishoy College in the future.

Some allege that Fr Antonios Kaldas (the current school director reappointed by His Holiness’ decree earlier this year and the author of the controversial email sent to HG late last year) gave the nod of approval (or at least did not object) to this heresy before printing. If true, we are just wondering: when Abouna prays “Litany for the safety of the church fathers” during the Holy Mass, will he pray for the safety of HG Bishop Daniel who is the brother in the Apostolic Ministry to our Patriarch and Pontiff Pope Shenouda III??!!

This action did not raise an eyebrow of any of the following guests of honor, one wonders why?!:

  1. Mr Amir Hanna; General Superintendent and Vice Chairman of Sunday School of the Diocese, Lecturer at Pope Shenouda III Theological College, and member of the Steering Committee.
  2. Mr Magdi Kilada; Superintendent of Sunday School of St Mark Cathedral in Arncliffe and father of Mr Samuel Kilada member of the school board.
  3. Dr William Boctor; former member of the school board.
  4. Mr Khairy Graice; Chairman of The People’s Voice Association PVA.
  5. Dr Joseph Israfil; PVA Executive.
  6. Dr Magdi Shehata; member of the Board of Deacons of St Mary and St Mina’s Cathedral in Bexley and regular column writer for the church magazines (Spring Of Love and El-Manara).
  7. Mr George Abd Elsaid; former Financial Manager of the school and father of Mrs C. Spirou vice president of the school P & F Association for 2008 and 2009 and former president for two years before.
  8. Mr Wahid Azmy; Business man and prominent Copt.
  9. Mr Ramez Ramzy; Business man and prominent Copt.
  10. Mr Michael Gindy; Secretary of the school board.

Others who were on the guest of honor list but did not attend were:

  1. Dr Medhat Girgis; Secretary of the General Advisory Board GAB.
  2. Mr Fayez Hanania; prominent member of the Steering Committee.

Our reverend fathers of the Diocese have got to be commended for collectively refraining from attending after learning of the conspiracy. Fr Yousef Fanous was the only attending father apart from the fathers of the school Fr Antonios Kaldas, Fr Shenouda Mansour and Fr George Nakhil.

The fact of the matter is; HG Bishop Daniel is the bishop of The Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions unless said otherwise by HH Pope Shenouda III (may the Lord confirm him on his seat for many peaceful years) and the Holy Synod.

We call upon the Vicar General Fr Tadros Samaan to investigate and if see fit request a Clerical Council for the responsible/s. We will not hold our breath though..

Otherwise, sources predict that we will soon, may as well, enthrone Uncle A??? (so they call him) as the bishop for Sydney Diocese and His loud mouth disciple “ Mr Ha. Ga.” as His Chori-Episcopus (Auxiliary Bishop) for the Coptic Education in NSW.

If you believe this conspiracy is in breach of our Orthodox doctrine and warrants a Clerical Council to the responsible/s, make your voice heard by participating in the related poll above.

NB. We will endeavor to remind the Coptic Community of the action of "Mr Ha. Ga." come next election 26 March 2011.

Lest we forget...