Parents request

a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.


This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.

Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.

You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"

Who would you rather see excommunicated?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Setting the record straight ...

We are a group of honorable parents who care passionately about our SMC. We are not going to state our number so that Uncle A??? (so they call him) does not get a shock. We will give him a clue, to look at the number of participants to our pre-held polls on the left of the blog. However, we are sure he is smart enough to guess our group has grown up enormously since the last poll. Not to mention our supporters and empathizers to our cause, for which we are grateful and overwhelmed, after the huge damage he and his friends have caused to our Coptic school which is directly affecting the future of our kids (the future generation of our Coptic Church).

Uncle A??? (so they call him) is fishing in the muddy water, as always, by turning every opportunity into an attack on the Diocese and HG Bishop Daniel (always blame somebody else). We are not here to defend HG because we have our disagreements not with HG personally, unlike others, but with His Coptic education policies.

Nevertheless, it was brought to our attention that Uncle A??? (so they call him) was screaming his head off alleging that the Diocese and/or HG are recording his calls. Well, your intelligence has failed you this time Uncle A??? (so they call you), maybe it’s time for early retirement! He sent emails to half the globe without explaining how could this happen given his engineering credentials?!

Is this just a smoke screen because you are ashamed that you were exposed? Or, will you now deny the truth of what you said, as always?! Isn’t the context of what you said more important?!

Nice try to divert the attention of everybody to how you got caught, because you are always very careful, rather than discussing the context of what you said!! Very old, childish and stale strategy!!

Had Uncle A??? (so they call him) read Ibby’s email response and his analysis to the recording carefully, he would have known that the recording leaked from his closest possible ally (his disciple and loud voice). It is no brainer really to know that the recording side is the clearer. By the way, we do not know who Ibby is nor we have any relation what-so-ever with him. We thought we close this door in case Uncle A??? (so they call him) would like to use it as another exit strategy.

We would like to remind Uncle A??? (so they call him) of his knowledge and blessing of this person’s previous incident of recording a telephone call with HGBD on 13/12/2008. Do you recall this incident Uncle A??? (so they call you)?! We are happy to refresh your memory about this incident, in case the Dementia is taking its toll, in particular your advice to this person as of what to do with the recording rather than condemning his act?! If you'd like to, Uncle A??? (so they call you), please drop us a line.

We advise you not to deny this incident, in public or in private. Your denial will force us to defend ourselves, which will not be in your favour.

Why are you now surprised that this person (your disciple and loud voice) did it to you as he did it before to others with your full knowledge and blessing?!!

Uncle A??? (so they call you), we welcome any investigation into this matter because the outcome may not please you. In fact it will shock you, as it has the potential to expand.

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