Spring of Love, Issue 1018, Date Sun 21 December 2008 - 12 Kiahk 1725, Page 14 and 15.
(Weekly magazine published by the Coptic Orthodox Church - Sydney, under the guidance of HG Bishop Daniel).
(Weekly magazine published by the Coptic Orthodox Church - Sydney, under the guidance of HG Bishop Daniel).
All the respect for the priesthood of Rev. Fr Yousef Fanous.
However, his reign as the Director of the College was controversial, to say the least.
- His appointment one month after his arrival to Australia from Sudan, without any previous local experience, did not do him or the College any good.
- The College has seen three HOCs under his directorship!
- He has also presided over three Board of Directors (unheard of in the corporate world)!
Despite the above, HG Bishop Daniel was reluctant to accept and announce the resignation. In fact, some emotional do gooders were motivated to petition for his stay!!!! Therefore, if it is of any comfort to them, HG's Letter of Appreciation expressed their emotions the best it could given the circumstances.
At last and after long wait, common sense has prevailed and it was finally announced in the Spring of Love on Sunday 21 December 2008.
The entire saga left politicians look failed undergraduates!!!
On the other hand, on the opposite page in the same issue, there was Decree No. 32-07-08 of the appointment of V. Rev. Fr. Augustinos Nada as Director of the College. We pray to the Lord to bless Fr. Augustinos with abundance of wisdom to pick up the pieces for the sake of the kids.
We call upon everyone to unite in giving him the support and the helping hand he needs in restoring confidence. A new chapter in the College life during which we hope to see more transparency and communication.
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