Church legal battle divides Macedonian congregants
This was the title of an article by Harriet Alexander published by Sydney Morning Herald on 21 February 2009. On face value, we can relate to this article via the following points:
- The Macedonian church is an Orthodox church too.
- Their bitter battle seemingly about money and power between the association that owns the church and the Macedonian Bishop.
- It is a battle over whether the bishop or the association has control over the church.
- The secretary of the association, said Macedonian immigrants had built the church from scratch with voluntary labour and financial contributions and it was therefore entitled to manage its own affairs.
- "The public should understand this is a conflict between a group of people who call themselves an association and the Orthodox Church," Father Mitrev said.
- "It's the same group of people who are controlling the finances in two other churches."
- David Sachs, the solicitor for Bishop Karaveski, said the religious leader had been spat at, sworn at and threatened with violence, but he only wanted St Petka to come back within the Orthodox diocese of Australia and New Zealand.
We are currently distancing ourselves towards the same fate, here is how:
- The dispute is between the Splinter Group (HG's former Steering Committee) and HG Bishop Daniel over money and power.
- Members of the Splinter Group have contributed greatly, through different means, for which they believe they are entitled to manage and control the Diocese decisions.
- Their early contributions for over 30 years unchallenged have opened the doors widely for them to the ears of the church hierarchy.
- The church hierarchy trust them blindly despite the change in their agenda.
- The Splinter Group's former positions in the Diocese gave them access to great deal of information which they are holding against HG Bishop Daniel (breach of trust).
- The Splinter Group could not and will never accept the authority of any other person as they feel they built this Diocese and they are the original owners.
- They started fabricating stories and faking financial figures to spread fear among the Coptic community and create public support for their wicked plans.
- Everybody who had a private dispute with HG (cases of Clerical Council ie. permission to remarry or separation issues) has jumped on the bandwagon.
- Legitimately, the bishop has the power to run and manage the Diocese financially and spiritually.
- The only person who doesn't do any mistakes is the person who does not work at all. Therefore, HG may have done few mistakes here or there. But the ONLY authority that judges the bishop is the Holy Synod which is headed by HH Pope Shenouda III.
If everyone sit on their hands and do nothing, NOTHING will be left for your children. Axis of evil (headed by the trio Amir Hanna, Dr Medhat Girgis and Fayez Hanania) are fighting to control the priesthood of the church.
Backup the priesthood authority in the Diocese represented by
HG Bishop Daniel
and make your voice heard.
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