Parents request
a government appointed administrator
to insure government grants (Tax Payers' money) are actually spent according to the covenants of educational grants.
This blog expresses the views of some frustrated parents at SMC and DOES NOT belong to the Diocese of Sydney and Its Affiliated Regions, any of its staff or HG Bishop Daniel and does not represent their views or opinions.
Amir Hanna and ALL your gang members, instead of blaming HG for this blog (as you do for everything else) and cry for a letter of apology, take your hands off the school, REPENT and APOLOGISE publicly to the parents and the children (in Spring Of Love and El-Manara for one month) for the damage that you have caused so far.
You have no interest in the school nor your Guests of Honor.
* GAB stands for "General Advisory Board"
An interview with Sister Samiha Ragheb (a Catholic Nun), Director of St Joseph School in Egypt, on Egyptian TV.
No comments ...
Sister Samiha-part 1
Sister Samiha-part 2
Sorry the video is in Arabic.
... “If we want a better society and a better world, schools have a big role. Schools, parents and teachers; these three circles are very important to be cooperating together.” Sister Samiha Ragheb, Director of St Joseph School, Egypt.
لو عاوزين مجتمع أفضـل وعالـم أفضـل، المدارس لهـا دور كبيـر. المدارس مع أوليـاء الأمور مع المدرسـين، الثلاث حلقات دول مهمين قـوى يكـونوا متعاونين مع بعض. سـيسـتر سـميحة راغب، مديرة مدرسـة القديس يوسـف بمصـر
If above video clips are not working, please post us a comment and you can watch them on Copts United website Thanks to Copts United.

Liverpool Council will be thoroughly inspecting SMC on Wednesday 22/4/2009 for alleged "
Non Compliance with DA Conditions" and in relation to points 4, 7 and 8 mentioned in our post "Call for investigation" posted on Monday 6/4/2009. We will post the outcome as it becomes available.
We commend Liverpool Council for responding swiftly when it comes to children safety.
This is suppose to be a "Private School" with annual budget in excess of $5 million, while some public schools in the area have much better facilities and are much safer!!
This raises the following question:
Where has the money gone for the last 12 years?!!
After exhausting all avenues, it is with great regret, that we call upon all relevant authorities (including The BOS NSW, State and Federal granting agencies, ATO and ICAC) to investigate SMC for alleged inappropriateness and misconduct in regards to the following issues:
- Spending of Commonwealth and State grants, building funds and subsidies including fees and donations.
- The alleged siphoning of Government Funds to the Diocese.
- The absence of an appropriate constitution for the school despite 12 years since its establishment.
- The appropriateness of the school size to the number of students, specially play areas, which is compromising the children safety.
- The staff hiring policy and process (entire families are employed in the school)!
- The fairness and transparency of the process of hiring new HOC 2009, including but not limited to:
a. Inviting a certain candidate to apply after closing date.
b. Accepting applications after closing date.
c. The composition of the selection panel.
d. The role of the AIS in the process.
e. The role of the church hierarchy in the process. - Alleged collaboration between different levels of executives to allegedly cover up issues of safety nature.
- Repeatedly providing false information in “Annual School Reports” in relation to “Policies for Emergencies and Critical Events”.
- The declining of satisfaction level of parents, students and teachers, which has reached its lowest ever.
- The alarming rise in unethical Private Tutoring by the teaching staff to their class students.
- The systematic interference of the church hierarchy in the running of the school.
- Blackmailing parents in order not to speak up.
Witnesses and documents will be produced when requested by the authorities through direct communication with the parents’ body.
Do we enjoy this action?! Not in the slightest.
Do we like to destroy the school?! Certainly not, after all our kids are there.
Have we thought about this long and hard?! You bet we have.
We have been forced to take this action as a last resort because we love our school and we are saddened to see it dieing a slow and painful death.